your trump card is magnaton if possible try to get it a magnazon because of its eletric steel typing it alone can decimate ciel as N@G@TO said train beartic up i also agree with him that arcanine or charizard shoouldnt bot be benched altho im not a big fan of benching your starter.
remember when altaria mega evolves it swiches its flying/dragon typing and gains dragon fairly instead so it looses its double weakness to ice its weekness to dragons and rocks also isnt resistant to greass but now it gains a weekness to stelll flash cannon will do a lot to altaria also i would replace gyro ball as its only usefull if there is a big speed difference between the two pokemon also altaria seems to love spamming disarming voice which would do next to nothing to magnaton
after looking up sand force it seems that it will come in handy as you can set up some nice combos between boldore and magnaton.
as for what move to replace gyro ball wiht i suggest miirror shot it my be weeker than flash cannon but never misses
good luck in ur fight
i dont think theres any neccessary requirements other than keep active, every so often ame likes to puge the site of innactive accounts, im not sure on the time frame the mods and admins would know more on that
and how are you liking it? you should go and introduce youself in the grand hall if you haven't done so already.
if you have any problems or question dont be afraid to ask.
any of the lovely people will be happy to help you many of them are more knollageable than me
i kinda predict that too or maybe a 3rd beta week coz of revamp of the city andall but i was lookign at the rejuvination v8 status thread and when the developement hit 100% a bar for alpha appeared i was thinking if that could some how be applied to reborn updates that could get rid of a few of the noncence posts.
i need to find some of those pics.
will we be having a alpha and beta progress bar for this when develements finished "will save alot of the how long will it take" "hows the beta comming" queestions
id so love for the alpha testing to start today even tho im not in it it would be nice to see developement finished tho good things come to those that wait.
seems were getting closer and those mics updates are at it again, cant wait to explore the new rebuild city 4% to go im quite curious as to wither we will get two badges this episode as there are 5 gyms left but only 4 episode not including post game. that could end up with us also going to the desert
who's this sandy person? is it the ground reserve leader?
also if i remember correctly ciel and samson only trapped tera in the computer so he could calm down, he may come back out so fern can get his badge.
yeh good luck to him. why do i get the weird feelign there will be a lot of back tracking for our final 5 abdges?
up the mountain for amaria, back down for fairy boy (havent the foggiest how to spel zis name properly), back up to agate for hardy, back down to the desert for titania, then finaly back up to the top for saphira.
which number is that 15? because he could have battle adryn or hardy its hardly likly that he'd have won angainst saphira, tho it would be kind of strange to have saphira getting axed when the reserve dragon leader is lin aka the team metor leader
forgot his name but wasnt the doctor of the orphanage the other electric leader aleast acording to the reborn league? which we have already bested...ah sigmond was his name
have you decided on which 2 types wont make it and after what happened at the end of e3 whats happening wiht our 3rd badge? will we get double badges or do we get to keep a badge for a gym that wasn' meant to be?
its not its there at the beignning also when you clear out team lightning the first time i found it by exploring every thing sadly i accidently killed it and forgot to save as i didnt think id fight it... it would make no sence for it only to appear latter on as it's only level 20