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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Marrick168

  1. You can get Larvitar in the grass in Clay City Eevee is encoutered in route 515 ( below Clay City) Can't remember exactly how many badges you need to have to reach Clay City. But after reaching Clay City it will take a while before you can enter route 515
  2. Thank you for the welcome. I'm actuelly on Showdown right now for the first time! Time to meet new people
  3. Haha Yash, I wonder how long it wil takes till I loose my sanity. I wont give it long tho . Thank you ShingSt! I hope we all Will have a great time here! I certainly Will
  4. Bed: blake ( i have this thing for icy type pokemon) or Adrienn sinds xe has my interest Wed: Ciel ( I love how she acts and she's gorgous. Behead: Bennett ( he annoys me with his obsessioneel with Luna)
  5. Oh Well, too bad. On my IPad I Ise Safari. Guess I'll just have to wait till Tomorrow to see Showdown. Nut Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it hahahhahahahha Thank you for welcoming me to the club with SpongeBob and Patrick ( and Octo)
  6. I'm the guy in my profile picture
  7. Thank you, I tried going on Showdowm bit I got this messge. 'You have third party cookies dissblad' I'm on my iPad. How can I solve this?
  8. My waifu would be: Ciel or Serra My husbando would be: Samson or Hardy
  9. Hello, My name is Marrick. 24 yo and live in The Netherlands. I really enjoy Pokemon Reborn with all the challengers, Eventho I'm here for a while now, I never introduced myself. If you want to know more About then ask . I.m hoping that I Will meet a lot of new Friends
  10. Marrick168


    I beat him today while it was raining. Pokemon with Swift Swim and strong water attacks really helped me.
  11. Try going back to the Spinal Museum and talk to someone
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