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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sk8erBoizzz

  1. pikachu is a filler of course, just for fun ^^ just had so much time that i've trained up some stuff that are quite strong the latest ones are chlorophyll solarbeam venusaur, eruption typhlosion, moxie dd gyarados i dunno, the psychic and dark gyms were quite easy for me though i kinda beasted through luna with 2 pokemon (crobat+scrafty not ev trained of course), the 4 other pokemon on the team were tm users or very under-levelled
  2. i am only is want know ep12 come out when ? any idea when it will be out guys ??? i was so bored that i fully ev trained some of my pokemon that +sp atk nature, 31 sp atk IV, 252 sp atk, lightball PIKACHU !!! now even the persian i use for pay day has 252 attack and 252 speed im feeling if you ev train all the pokemon, it will be too easy please come out soon ep12, so i can stop ev training !!!!!!!
  3. spending almost 20 hrs with 4 pick-ups while training lv 61, 57, 24, 15 0 rare candies got a bunch of repels, escape ropes, potions, ice creams, ethers and a handful of nuggets (~5) i might've read something about rare candies being available only lv81+ ???
  4. omg finally found it, cuz i rmb finding the guy a while ago all i needed was to go back and talk to the guy in the pkmn centre after saving him time to check out the new floor ^^ ty for the help
  5. what items does pickup yield in Ep 11 ? i grinded my diggersby to level 51 and it is still picking up repels and ether, which does not match with any list of items u can pick up from previous gens can someone kindly post a list of items we can pick up ?
  6. where can i find his girfriend ? it makes sense that you gotta trigger the event and then be able to find the guy in the railnet
  7. yep i did that and found the room, but it is dark, i searched every inch and no one was there i have been to Yureyu building, since i only got luna's dark gym to go i can only access floors 1-4 i am pretty sure i got the other stickers 1 - The first one you receive in the dept. store = Floors 1 and 2 2 - Save the girl from the Jasper Ward = Floor 3 - REMOVED IN EPISODE 10.5/11 3 - Save the boy from the Drifloon (lol) near Shade's gym, and again in the Jasper Ward = Floor 4/Floor 3 in episode 11 4 - Save the guy from the Railnet = Floor 5/Floor 4 in episode 11 5 - Help the girl with the broken leg in Chrysolia Forest = Floor 6/Floor 5 in episode 11 i started this save in episode 11, so the elevator girl event gift turned to an egg so the guy in railnet should be the last one, maybe there are some weather/time of day restrictions ??? when i found the room with lot's of aarons above on the bars above, it is almost completely dark after i went down the stairs there is a door on the top left corner, and a few rocks and cracks, but no guy there
  8. when can i save the guy from the Railnet ??? i walked down the gateway on the left after stteing up the train tracks, but there is no one down there
  9. yep i got it open now this event is quite hard, since i only got 3 badges and only at ~lv35 btw, that scrafty hero mode !!!
  10. so i opened the gate with dull key, saved 2 of my cute little scraggys from those bully pangoros but the gate in the middle cannot be opened anyone knows how the door can be opened ??? there are no boulders that i need to push is it an item i need to get after i use strength elsewhere ?
  11. if it's in the railnet then i would have to get it after i finish the bug gym and break the kids out of the orphange ??? that's gonna be 3 more badges afterwards
  12. o thank you, i think i have seen the phrase "dull key" before, just have no idea where to get it now i certainly love the new side stories like thugs stealing my magikarp etc but i want my scraggy so bad, i cant live without him !!! just so cute !!!
  13. im in ep11, when can i catch scraggy ? it is my favourite 5th gen pokemon and i want it asap
  14. beat cain got cut beat tangrowth the gate is still shut and i cannot jump past the boxes to get to the room with scraggy (or used to be where scraggy was) how do i get scraggy ? in episode 11 though
  15. my favourtite character is the grunt that got knocked off the edge by Cain's Nidoking and could not get back up we should leave him there for the rest of the game to remind us that we should follow orders, remain loyal, and have the courage to stand up to our enemies
  16. i do know how to get them, but do not need to get them for now do i have to go into the forest with the fallen trees and spider webs ? cuz i dunno how to interact with them i will go and try looking for the entrace again, thx WOW i finally found where the entrance is to anyone struggling "north east tree", "secret passage" well i'll add "back" if someone cannot figure it out i actually got through the gym battle without preparing for it at all basicly i only got 2 of my main team members with me, the rest are underlevelled + a level 3 spinda i use for rock smash and stength scrafty and crobat just beasted through the gym so hard when i was down 5-10 levels gotta train up slightly before proceeding to the next episode ^^
  17. i got 3 linkstones, dont remember where i got the 2nd one hint for 3rd one (underground, a place with a trap that is exactly like the one nuzleaf used to capture u)
  18. hmmm i still cannot find my way through can u guys help me check if i missed anything ? 7th street: - saved luna after following ice gym leader's son into their secret hideout - got exp share after buying all stolen pokemon - beat the enemy gang leader again so he becomes a down-to-earth worker - Order of Helix can be accessed now Items - got the crystal plug - got floral charm am i missing any item or event ?
  19. where is the entrance to iolia valley ? im at Vanhanen Labyrinth, but i cant seem to fin an entrance
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