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  1. Just beat the normal gym. It's really manageable. Not even close to what annoyance ice type gym is. Not saying the whole game is hard, just that part. It's too heavy range focused. It's not fun gameplay knowing that I lost due to complete range and not something I can do better next time, just get lucky. Meh, I usually end up not changing the team in a certain point and I got to the fairy type gym and in many other runs that way. But that's my experience. I don't want to depend on a 7th pokemon. Never had this problem in all of my other runs. You can get many final teams before gym 8th, as an example. I never had this issue. It doesn't matter what team you build, because all her pokes have an or 2 automatic double teams. I don't want to train a certain pokemon just to abuse every terrain. Too grindy for me. Again, this is the only case and yes, I changed 2 members of my team due to this, after I beat her with my og team, but planning on beating 17th gym with this new team, like I always have. Hmm. I always thought second half of the game is easier for me due to all the available pokemon by then. edit I forgot I can reply to al quotes in one reply. My bad. To the rest of the replies. I got the point. I only saw a strategy available but Donphan never got to use earthquake lol. I guess I read the field effects from now on, but I'M not saying the game is super hard or impossible like some of you are saying. Just that a strategy based on double team is not a fun strategy. It's more annoying than anything.
  2. well the key to winning shouldn't be locked to one specific move. I already beat her. Arcanine did the carry. but the automatic double team is moronic. Nobody should battle her until he or she gets suuuper lucky. I wasted ALL of my revives.
  3. Listen, there is a limit and I don't know if the devs know any, but yisus. Those telluric, synthetic, magical, whatever seeds should be removed. The field, stronger pokemon and better moveset of the gym leaders is challenging enough. You don't have to add one-use items on top of that. Yisus. Haven't played since e16 so the seeds are new and I did use them on some of them and they helped but you have to make sure that when you use them, you're going to win, plus there aren't enough of them. Now I'm on the 6th/ice gym and guys and gals. You went too far this time. The synthetic seed is an automatic double team for her whole team, maybe 2, or 3 is the pokemon has snow veil. Plus boosts on all of her attacks, plus if I use the seeds, I get punished and get hit twice as hard. WHAT!? All my pokes don't learn the moves that reflect on those mirrors. It is not fair. I want a challenging game but I want to be clean. Delete those seeds.
  4. When this comes out, may someone make a list of obtainable pokemon before every badge. I'm guessing the version will have up to... 15th badges, I think. Don't know what's currently on. It's been 2 years. Just saw that someone had lvl 85 pokes.
  5. Yeah. It doesn't show up. Thinking of replaying reju with v13 with grookey since I want to get a taste of gen 8th in some way. I also would be disgusted getting a pokemon [grimmsnarl and gollisopod] to use it in the last 10-20 percent of the game.
  6. Been craving to play the game again, but beating the game and it being unfinished doesn't do well for me. I honestly don't care about the legendaries as much as the main game being done so why hasn't there been like, half of the last episode up to the league release?
  7. The a button. That is it. I was not using that because it seemed like another puzzle.
  8. How do I even go back? I can't go back. I already beaten Victoria and there is no way to avoid the shock plates without killing 4 of my members. Healing with what now? I believe you can get stuck in this part of the game if you do not have lots of potions, which should be fixed.
  9. Do not tell me I have to use revives so I am able to beat him? What if I didnt have revives... or a ground' electric type?
  10. I do not know about you guys but what is the point of catching pokemon after you beaten most of the game? I have never used an Aerodactyl (which is the flinching god next to togekiss, but still very counterable) but why would I wait soooo long to catch one just to use it for 5 back to back gyms (1 gym currently XD) Gives me no purpose. The pokemon already in game are going to stomp the next gym leaders ez pz. I get people are biased with certain pokes and they catch them just to use them for the league, which is a waste of time imo. The problem with this is replayability. I only like about 40 pokes so for me, it can creates a problem. I get the the pseudo legendaries, though. Still. Here is my opinion Gen 7 pokes: weak gen for me. I only like golisopod and incineroar but I am sure those will be available (wimpod could be in the azurine island). Gengar (yes) - with no levitate, no tbolt, energy ball, dazzling gleam early... he should be available in the first half of the game imo. He was once there, so wynaut? Chandelure does what he does except she kills them with fire instead of toxic. Gyarados (no) - I get the dragon dance with moxie combination is really OP, but can't they just remove dd and make a very late in game dd tutor so we can have one before almost beating the game? Salamence (no) - same as gyarados but a pseudo is a pseudo Dragonite (no) - same as salamence Scizor (yes) - common. It is really hard to get a scizor in the main games. Let me use one! Swords dance bullet punch does not kill everything. Common people. Arcanine is te most used poke in vgc and we get it before gym 3. People are too biased with scizor. Skarmory (yes) - he does what? Stealth rocks and spikes? Meh. I would only use him as a place holder. Sorry. Tyranitar (yes) - at least he is slow. Lol Garchomp (no) - too overused Ferrothorn (yes) I think he is ok at this moment. Hydreigon (no) He is still good even with fairy types in game. I still think a gen 7 poke will not be available instead of this guy. Talonflame (yes) -idk why even with gale wings this thing was broken meta. I just think people cannot use pokes out of the meta comfort zone. Aeigislash (no) Probably an ai problem.
  11. I have some doubts. Is the league going to be 4 elite members and one champion? Are they all lvl 100? After the league, I know there is a club but is that the only thing to look for after beating the league? Maybe a Mt.Battle like the ones on gamecube (XD and Colosseum). Idk. Thoughts?
  12. Then where is it because is not in the lab?
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