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Soft Taco Bear

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Soft Taco Bear last won the day on October 5 2015

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About Soft Taco Bear

  • Birthday 03/21/1992

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Soft Taco Bear
  • Gender
  • Location
    Bell Forest
  • Interests
    Science, cats, music, and Inuki <3

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  1. Happy birthday 🎉 hope it is a good one 🙂

  2. Joke's on you Ikaru I sent him his birthday present like a week and a half ago << Happy birthday sweetie ♥
  3. [8:47:50 AM] Michael McGlynn: join us Well, now that you ask. casually posts in a thread randomly after being inactive for forever One of my favorite things about myself is that I’m a good scientist because it's something I worked hard to be. My dad has always told me that he believed I could be good at anything I set my mind to, and I believe him because I was able to transition from a fine arts major to a STEM program successfully. There are a handful of STEM fields other than biology that I could have gone into and still have been just as good at them. I never thought that I would find myself in a chemistry field, but one of my favorite things is that I'm good at it, even though it's not what I studied in college. I like that in the past year I’ve worked at Covance, I’ve become someone who can run multiple prep tests and as such I’ve been put into a pretty valuable position. For the 2000-ish samples that come through for ICP testing in a month, I have a 95% turnaround time. (That means 95% of the samples we get are reported back to clients on time). I can set a lot of samples during my shift and most of the results make claim and are reported on time. My boss says my neatness and my attention to detail are what made him ask me to learn ICP-MS, which is a great compliment because ICP-MS is incredibly sensitive to contamination environments (because the sensitivity of the assay for heavy metals is so low, residual heavy metals from the environment can easily skew results so attention to detail and good aseptic technique are incredibly important.) I’m cross-trained on at least 3 different assays in inorganic chemistry. I'm pretty proud of myself for being incredibly flexible and learning these things typically faster than what's expected. My boss trusts my work so he frequently asks me to set things or do certain verification side projects, and he's put me in charge of study work. I can identify problems with a client's requests and errors in claim easily, and I am good at coming up with solutions for setting samples that are particularly difficult to digest. I like that my coworkers come to me to ask my opinion on how to set things even though they have been in the group longer than I have. There are multiple things I like about myself. I just tend to not talk about them often. I was a talented kid even before the brain surgery. I had an photographic memory, and though I’ve had trouble with that ever since the surgery, I have a much better auditory memory. My knack for remembering long, specific sequences of numbers is kind of creepy in a way. I'm actually musically talented as well, which isn't something many people expect from a scientist. My second favorite thing about myself is that I graduated from college in the top 7% of my school. Not summa cum laude, but magna and pretty damn close. 3.87. I was awarded 3 medals, part of 4 honors societies, the chosen biology departmental scholar, and I successfully defended an honors thesis on gene expression of plant defense pathways in the presence of ozone. I had semester honors/dean’s list every semester except one because I was at only 11 credit hours and my semester GPA didn’t count because I wasn’t full time. My absolute favorite thing I like about myself is my better half ♥ it totally counts 'cause Inuki is a big part of me, okay? I like that I'm relatively good at helping my friends calm down when they are feeling upset, and I can easily make Inuki feel better.
  4. Who es best bear? Do you even do the story quests in ANY of your games? How long have you known Ikaru? Do you just keep spinning all day or do you get dizzy sometimes? Why you gotta hate Gigas so much? Whyyy do you drink the drippy droppies dESPITE THEIR INTENDED USE????? What do you want for Christmas? And most importantly. Will Ame feed the birb?
  5. I feel like having kick enables biased auth to kick users they don't like just for the sport of it, even when the user is not doing anything. At that point, you're not being funny because fun at others' expense is not fun, and I genuinely don't believe you should be allowed to be an auth at that point because rather than doing your job, you're just using your status and "it's a fun command" as an excuse to break a rule. How do you expect other community members to follow a rule if you can't uphold them yourself? I've seen talk about trying to improve efforts to get community members to stick around, and allowing this command to stay in place will drive at least some of them away. That's the opposite of what a person of authority should be doing –driving people away from the community because they don't like them on a personal level. It's unprofessional and hypocritical. It enables auth abuse AND allows them to get away with it because realistically nothing will be done about auth that abuse it and that's not fair.
  6. Guess what I'mma be for Halloween
  7. "Stereotypically speaking I most closely resemble a white girl on tumblr #pumpkinspiceislife" ~Inuki 2015

  8. Normally I'd wait until midnight to do this, but I have to compete with Ikaru for the forum post for this, and I work until very late like 2am. So. 11 hours from now, HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY INUKI <3 Reborn, be super sweet to him today because he's part of the dev team that brings you all the wonderful game you love so much, and he doesn't give himself nearly as much credit as he should. I'm so very proud of you and all you do. The past 6 months have been absolutely amazing, and despite how you feel about yourself being a cannonball of affection, I absolutely love it and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I like that I can talk to you seriously about things and I never have to worry about what you think of me, or you being insecure about our relationship. In general you're just very good about listening to people and helping them if you can, even if you don't think you're helping. You don't even have to always actively help, your existence in general is just very nice and a relief in itself ♥ You're funny, sweet, and so much cheese Ikaru can agree don't even get me started Inuki (noun) 1. Friend -99% cheese, 1% other. 2. Boyfriend -99% fluff, 1% bringing bloodthirsty penguins to eat you alive because he's bad at holding attention I still love you though Have a wonderful day, sweetie and just remember that I was first even though it's half a day early << >>
  9. The only non-character song on the list.
  10. As an auth you work very hard in the community and are such a huge contribution to the game, and we love all that you do for us I'd be so lost without you ♥ and so would ame tbh
  11. For real Inuki is the best ever ♥ http://bit.ly/1KtNq4J Happy 6 months c:

  12. tfw too miserable to do anything other than lay in bed and listen to Last Hope on repeat
  13. Matt gave me this song to listen to yesterday and I gave it to my roommate today and she's been screaming it at the top of her lungs ever since. It's hilarious. And then the seriousness with all this Famous Last Words on top of that.
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