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Etesian last won the day on October 26 2015

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10 Fledgling


About Etesian

  • Birthday 01/22/1996

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  1. http://prnt.sc/efdd9k

    Anyone know of a way to skip this garbage? Can't start using my account cause any page I try going to gives me this.

  2. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7hackmonscup-77708 Always amazing to hax the hell outta Bibs. And by "always" I mean "for once".
  3. Thanks! Much appreciated, all of you. then why'd you even bother making this smh
  4. I'll take a guess and say you mean Reborn with that "we". If so, you posted in the wrong section (this one is for all non-Reborn Pokemon media, youre looking for Reborn City). If you didn't mean Reborn, this is the section for ALL pokemon content, please specify what you're talking about. If you do mean Reborn, using the search feature or checking out announcements both could have shown you that gen 7 content IS already planned.
  5. Because that's how it goes, the egg will always be of the same species as the female you put in the daycare (unless you put in a male and a ditto). There's a pinned breeding guide in this section, it should answer most of your questions.
  6. As you'd expect of a mon with only one base stat above 81, Talonflame is bad in-game. It's main things in comp are being speedy and having priority so it doesn't have to worry about opposing priority and scarfers, which barely exist in Reborn (there's Charlotte's scarf darm, a few sucker punchers and the ice gym's ice shards, thats all i can think of rn). It usually packs SD/Bulk Up/Choice Band to boost its bad attack stat, but we don't have any of that either. A lot of the placements do seem to be based on comp viability over in-game viability. Such as tentacruel. A mon only ever used for defence and hazard control. It's only a decent defensove mon without scald/toxic and hazards are...irrelevant in Reborn. Yet the only way to get it is from the mystery egg, the same thing that can get you a volcarona or bisharp instead.
  7. So the UK is gonna be leaving the EU after...52% voted for it? Maybe this is just Serbian governments being weird and bad and stupid, but don't you need a bigger majority than "slightly over half" voting FOR making a big change?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Plok


      referendums have stupid rules I remember when like 40% of Croatia population managed to get us in EU

    3. pbood2


      it should be like 66.66% needed to be a successful outcome from the vote. 50/50 is too close and doesn't really represent whether they want to leave or not and the issue is we are considering all of the countries in the UK as one entity when there should be one vote per UK country and then what results is whichever country wants to leave the EU, they can and the rest of the UK countries can stay. This unfortunately is not reality so oh well. :(

    4. FairFamily


      if a subpart want to stay in europe, they could just seperate and do that. No need for needles country splitting. Also 66% percentage requirement is unfair in a referendum. You are asking you're people directly on the subject, so if the majority approves you should do it. I understand why it is done in the parliament since they are represent the people but not perfectly.

  8. Most comfy in OU, got a rather rusty but rather good amount of experience with UU and NU, minimal PU experience. Basically no experience in RU and LC and I have no interest in Ubers. Oh, also got quite a bit of monotype experience and I'd like to say that I was good at it, it's just been quite a while, so there's some rust to shake off.
  9. Your Forum Name: Etesian Your Server Name: Etesian The Year You Joined Reborn: 2014 Your Favorite Type (Yes you can have more than one): Electric, Dark Your Least Favorite Type: Ice Did you participate in the first installment of PokeNations?: nope General Availability: Timezone is GMT +2 (Serbia). Mostly 4-10 PM, shifty schedule.
  10. Yeeeeeah, NucleArbok looks freaking sweet. If you wanna actually use it though, I'd recommend waiting till level 63 to get it Coil+Gunk Shot, and visit the Nature Changer on 7th street to give it a +def nature to ease set up (7th is later on, earliest you can get to it is when the plot wants you to). Cause right now, it's worse than the other Poison types you could have by this point.
  11. If you follow the hatching instructions perfectly, it'll hatch all eggs in your party, so you must have had a Riolu egg in your party as well.
  12. In a house in NW Calcenon, I think you can only get in if you don't give the Ruby Ring to Blake.
  13. Never even heard if this, but the first comment on that topic says that this is well-known stuff, so whaddaya know. No clue if this is actually in reborn, but either way, in reborn, everything has a 1.07% chance to be shiny (triple that with the Shiny Charm) and unlike the main games, you can use cheat engine to hatch an egg in like 3 steps (check the Team Showcase section's pinned breeding guide to see how), so I think you're good to go regardless.
  14. Murkrow gets Perish Song by breeding with Altaria. If you don't wanna bother with that, go catch a Magnemite and train it up, Sturdy+Mirror Coat oughta kill the Arceus in one shot. EDIT: Right, forgot Reborn event mons can randomly have egg moves. Yeah, I think you can just keep resetting for Perish Song, but if that doesn't work out, Magnemite exists.
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