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About nevs

  • Birthday 10/01/1994

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    this is a hard question for me
  • Interests
    anime,games(shooters,rpg,ramdom things)
    cooking/eating,something i can't remember

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    nevs5138 #9717

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. oke you bought yourself another year that i'm willing wait. just remember that we all are willing to wait.
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  7. pokemon reborn hit(what pokemon am i looking for) THE CLOWN

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      timburr line is made of clowns.

    3. Etesian
    4. Guzam


      Carnivine. That's the pokemon the clown wants. He trades you a vulpix in return.

  8. reborn riddles:(pokemon)trough day and night with forest and cave i might trough rocks and live will be obtained the more population you gained

  9. reborn riddle:(pokemon) i need some charge but im not that large it will be a pain but it wont be in vain(the answer was Fennekin in the water treatment center

  10. reborn riddle:(pokemon) i need some charge but im not that large it will be a pain but it wont be in vain

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    2. Sutoratosu
    3. Avatar of Grima
    4. nevs


      so nobody came with fennekin in the water treatment center where you needed the electrode use discharge what was a pain in the ass imo

  11. finally done with all the exotic weapons the hawkmoon dropt for me in vangaurd roc ironicly at dust palace and organized and it wont be for long
  12. oh yeah stupid me not thinking about that its: slow_killers
  13. here are my scores well i dont play much pvp with my titan/warlock but yeah i always have played with auto rifles and when the nerf came i whent with pulse and hand cannons
  14. i like the chest armor and gloves but i like the helmets more just because the raid helm doesnt drop that much favorite helmet for each class; hunter: achlyophage symbiote titan; helm of saint-14 warllock; obsidian mind btw show your crucible stats in curious how every one is doing it
  15. indd it does bcuz you wont get your ammo back at some time so my combo was: black hammer with ghorn and ice breaker as back up when my ammo runs dry as primary: word of crota and vision of confluence then you have every thing coverd but its way harder with hunter than titan or warlock
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