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About GottaLoveShuckle

  • Birthday 07/19/1995

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  • Alias
    The Shuckler
  • Gender
  • Location
    In Shuckle's shell drinking homemade berry juice.
  • Interests
    Saying "Shuck the police" and going Shuckling every Friday night.

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  1. I would like wild Larvestas. While Volcarona is technically in the game via the mystery egg I would personally like to see all mystery egg Pokémon eventually be obtainable outside that damn mystery egg event. The mystery egg event should just be a way to get a random good Pokémon early on, the good Pokémon obtainedable via the mystery egg should still be obtainable later in game and we are getting pretty late in the game now. You should be able to complete your dream team by the end of Reborn and if the mystery egg Pokémon aren't made available by other means then that will be impossible for people such as myself which have a lot of favourite Pokémon that are currently only available via the mystery egg.
  2. Thanks for the quick response! I guess I'll just have to put off adding Baltoy to my team until later... What's the earliest you can get another ill fated doll? Is it possible to get another before accessing the 7th street shop?
  3. Okay so I need some help getting a Baltoy for my latest playthough of Pokémon Reborn. I heard that you can get it by using the ill-fatted doll at the totem poll however I've tried this a ton of times now and all I seem to find are Goletts. Anyone able to help?
  4. I'm aware no one here is actually advocating for stricter anti speech laws, however I disagree that free speech is irrelevant here. We are talking about whether or not people should be making certain jokes and trying to control what's socially acceptable things to even joke about which is a serious speech issue, what most people would refer to as PC culture which many would say is "ruining comedy".
  5. Personally I heavily value freedom of speech and think people should be free to express even horrific ideas as the best way to demolish those ideas is to draw a light to them and show just how ugly those ideas are. But this isn't even about ideas but about joking which itself shows just how little a lot of people value freedom of speech now. If you can't even joke about ideas then there's no way anyone could hope to seriously express said ideas which shows how dead freedom of speech is. I get why you feel so outraged at this kind of speech as I am bisexual myself and have close family members which are gay who I couldn't respect more but wanting to censor speech because it hurts you is something I simply can't agree with personally. Honestly if someone did hold beliefs I simply couldn't get over I just wouldn't hang out with them, when it comes to joking however... well if its just joking then just shrug it off and don't assume the worst intent in what they mean by what they are saying.
  6. Last time I posted on here was sometime in 2014 but anyways... What I don't get is why quite a few people in this comment thread have expressed not just hatred of certain characters but have gone as far as saying they are poorly written while not providing any reasons as to why they are poorly written other than disliking said characters personality or actions taken. What a BORING story Reborn would have if the characters personality and actions were made with the intention to please everyone, the characters would have to be so bland and do so little. Anyways I actually really like Tania because she's not the emotionless killer certain people on here think she is. Tania is very clearly a damaged person with flaws just like everyone else, there's a very clear inner turmoil going on with her that she needs to resolve. I also find it weird Tania is the one everyone has a problem with for killing Team Meteor grunts when WAAAAY before now we have already seen Saphira kill legions of Team Meteor grunts without hesitation while being in a much clearer frame of mind at the time of killing... You have to remember before Tania killed those Team Meteor grunts, she was trapped down that waterfall for god knows how long, not even sure of the fate of her best friend and with this all happening just after having her whole world tipped upside down. So why is Tania getting hate now but Saphira isn't even though she has been shown to be at least as bad as Tania if not worse?
  7. Oh I didn't think Kiki would be that bad tbh considering Bug x2 resists STAB fighting and then the common Bug/Flying type x4 resists STAB fighting. Yanmega which is available before Kiki should destroy her I thought. Venomoth x4 resits STAB fighting too thanks to Bug/Poison and can power up its attack with Tinted Lens.
  8. Oooooooo Bug is my fav type but I have yet to do a Bug type mono run because it seems hard round mid game but this might save it a little. Doesn't help 2 of my fav bug types aren't in the game (Scizor and Volcarona), my fav bug type Shuckle isnt good for playthroughs and some other awesome bug types like Galvantula and Heracross are so late game. I suppose Leavany, Forretress, Venomoth, Scolipede, Yanmega and what ever bug types are available around early and mid game are enough so I might give I a go.
  9. How about making all the wild encounters, starters and event pokemon Sneasles instead!
  10. I think anyone who came across the PULSE there already came to that conclusion.
  11. It happens with ability descriptions as well.
  12. I love Larvestas too but lets be honest it isnt any good.
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