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Autumn Rain

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About Autumn Rain

  • Birthday 12/08/1997

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  1. I have updated the Original Post. A new Step 2 has been added. There were some bugs that needed to be fixed from last time. Changes include being able to go to the Party Screen and having abilities work after a revived pokemon is sent out. Enjoy!
  2. Strange, the white screen flash seems to work fine for me on large screen sizes. What version of Essentials are you using? (I tried on 17.2 and older which seems to work fine) Did you use any of Reborn's scripts, EBS scripts or are you using a script made by someone else? Is the map of the screen flash connected with another map via Map Connections?
  3. Ah yes, my friend and I did something similar to fix it by adding "reveal" before pbRefresh. It was buggy for me at my end but the big issue is that the enemy can still damage or even KO revived pokemon in the same turn revive is used. So we thought of a way on how the enemy can't do damage and that's where we decided to make a script where revive would work at the end of the turn.
  4. Explanation in picture: https://imgur.com/a/quS8e0k Basically, if you use any revive item on the 1st or 2nd party slot in Double Battle, your pokemon will encounter this bug: -If you revive the first battler (left) or second battler (right), it will lose its sprite and HP bar while also taking damage the same turn you used revive. This bug occurs in almost every fan game that uses Essentials, including Reborn. Luckily, with the help from @groniack, we have a patch to fixing this problem. Fix Explanation This patch will make revive work as intended even when all party members have been fainted. It will also bring the player back to the party screen to send out a revived Pokémon. If no Pokemon are in the field and a revive is used, it will automatically be sent out. When revived, abilities such as Intimidate will activate upon entering the battle. This patch is compatible with any version of Essentials, such as v15, v16 and 17.2. Script Editor Fix Step 1: Open the Script Editor. Find the script section Pokebattle_Battle. In there, use Ctrl+F and search for "# Initialize battle". Place this one line of code directly under that. Step 2: In the same script section of Pokebattle_Battle, use Ctrl+F and search for "def pbRecallAndReplace(index,newpoke,batonpass=false)". *** Place this script directly under that. *** Step 3: Continuing from Pokebattle_Battle, use Ctrl+F and search for "# Lucky Chant". Place this script directly under that. *** Step 4: Find the script section PItem_ItemEffects. Ctrl+F and search for the revive item that you want to change (Ex. REVIVE, MAXREVIVE and REVIVALHERB). Take note: Check that item code is attached to "BattleUseOnPokemon.add", not just UseOnPokemon.add. Example for Revival Herb: Change the script. If it is not a Revival Herb, delete happiness line of code. You may have to copy and paste the 1/2 HP code for regular Revive. Example: *** = indicates new/updated script. Ignore if you're patching for the first time. And there you have it. A patch where a revive works as intended. No more invisible pokemon. No more invisible HP bars. No more enemies targeting revived pokemon in same turn. Enjoy!
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  6. I get random anxieties too. But in the end, it doesn't mean anything and whatever you did was actually something positive! What I suggest is that you find a place where you are comfortable being in. It can be your bed, a place on the internet that you can laugh and enjoy being in, a place where you can hang out and have fun, or anything really. You could imagine being in paradise full of awesome people right before you fall asleep at night! I also suggest listening to music. Do you like techno, instrumental, songs, remixes or rock? Maybe even anime or gaming music? It's worth it! I recommend to always focus on positivity. Find your inspiration and embrace whatever good vibes are thrown at you! Enjoy life as there's a lot of things you'll soon discover!
  7. Maybe this will help you? If the sprites are too big, yeah you may have to adjust it. You don't actually need to redo the whole thing. EDIT: So it goes like this...
  8. TBH, I agree that it works well in a "parody" and if it was a pokemon or fakemon that's using it as a custom move. With the right sound effects, battle animations and additional effects, it'll be fun to use over and over again. Of course, I'm not talking about real guns that defy reality to literally kill things. That is indeed a poor choice to use in a Pokemon game. Maybe a tranquilizer gun or something that doesn't represent reality (like a messy, dark death) would totally be alright. Also, if the gun used in a parody game had like low PP, +1 priority, multiple hits and/or paralysis chance, you could make a strategy out of this just for fun.
  9. Sometimes social media gives me random anxiety, especially if I post. Mostly, I'd like to help and support others out. I hate the feeling of anxiety.

  10. Death mechanic you say? I'm loving this topic already! I have a TON of death mechanics ready in my game and other ideas to kill the player character! I have mines, mines that move randomly, mines that move straight, mines that follow you, doors that traps the player with walls that do the squish, beds that look like resting spots are actually spike traps, statue traps set to stab the player, hidden holes that drops the player into spikes, unstable ice surface in ice puzzles that drops the player to their death, surprise explosions hidden in fake pokemon treasure boxes, surprise explosions when the player trips on a line, surprise explosions when the player tries to help out a pokemon, pokemon that can cut the player many times to death, pokemon that can zap the player to death, pokemon that can burn the player to death, pokemon that can teleport the player on hot lava, pokemon that can teleport the player off a cliff, pokemon that explodes right in the player's face, pokemon that uses sing and slowly kill the player, pokemon that immediately kills the player when weakened, pokemon that hold a gun and shoot the player, pokemon that can scare the player to death, pokemon that kills the player after losing in battle, pokemon that will ambush the player when their shadow is stepped on, death timer until the player drowns underwater (and icy water), death timer until the player bleed to death, death timer until toxic gas is released, death timer until the floor of lava is raised, death timer until an avalanche crushes the player, death timer until the whole place explodes, death timer until the player freezes to death, death timer until the player is poisoned to death, death timer until a plague fully takes control of the player and death timer until ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND ALLIES ARE MIND CONTROLLED TO KILL THE PLAYER! MWHAHAHAHAHA! Also, a mix of these, like pokemon chasing or pushing the player into a hole while there's a death timer.
  11. Wow, learning from Commander's constructive criticism in other fan games gives me benefits for my fan game. I recently added attack animations to my game and it adds more fun in battle!

    1. Wolfox


      I would say take it with a grain of salt tho. While he has good points, they are still the opinion of one person

    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      True. He sometimes reminds me of Simon Cowell from Britain's Got Talent and the contestants are the fan games. xD

  12. The way game devs use graphics are one of the important elements in game development, especially for the main character. If someone used a 4th gen MC sprite (the one where the MC sticks his/her arms out) and that person used 3rd gen tilesets with 3rd gen NPCs, it's already out of place. If someone used the default Essentials sprites without getting custom sprites from DeviantART or from fan games, it bores the players because of how overused it is and it's less original to create attention. If someone used very detailed graphics with animations but the performance of the game lags like hell, that would drive the players crazy. I highly recommend using customized graphics but also consider how it affects the players and their gameplay experience.
  13. These new games look awesome! I seriously don't care for the haters or for those disappointed. Fans who still play and enjoy Pokémon Go will benefit greatly for these new games. The graphics are adorable and the implementation of the new game mechanics are new and fun. This game isn't meant to be dark, sad nor difficult like the many games we have already. Anyways, let others enjoy what they enjoy instead of saying, "You still play that trash game?" Btw, I love how the box art has Windows XP background with Pokémon in front of it. XD
  14. I find it odd if someone compares Phoenix Rising with Reborn as a way of critiquing their game.


    For example, Phoenix Rising presumably friendly, shows normal & non-murderous looking people, and gives a fresh start with new gameplay experience to enjoy. Meanwhile, Reborn is mostly dark, shows sadness & deaths, and gives a rough start as first impression.


    I understand if this form of critiquing is used in poorly developed fan games, but in Phoenix Rising (which looks well developed in it's own style), it seems odd. That's just my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      Hm, yeah. It's quite possible Phoenix Rising could be innocent on the outside and be very dark on the inside.

    3. Zarc


      One detail is : our choices will have consequences.


      So , if the game isn't dark... maybe we can turn it dark with our choices 🙂 Who knows. Just a few hours to wait and we will discover it. 

    4. Sayia


      Tbh I hope Phoenix Rising be dark and interesting game to play, but I don't expect to be that level at Reborn, or Rejuv. 

      I might be wrong tho. We'll see. 

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