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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Yash

  1. Yash

    Breeding Shop

    First of all, it was for when episode 15 comes out... Also if you check in the Reborn City forums there is a Community release for episode 15..
  2. You can keep him if you want.. I was going to get him involved in the story.. If not then tell me.. EDIT: I have like zero motivation to post on this right now.. I'll get too tomorrow..
  3. Takeshi had flicked her sword Thorn towards Krys, but she couldn't catch it properly. She barely had enough time to get her hand on the grip properly when the dog like beast leapt right at her. "Oh, shit! Here it comes!" She tried to step back, only to end up tripping and falling on her ass. She managed to get up her sword and aim it at the beast.
  4. Well it seems there is a good amount of interest, so we can keep it going.. Hopefully it should work out.. I just hope I have enough time to handle it.. I will help shut this chapter and then decide if I will help with the modding.. I may just need to step back if I don't have the time.. @Darvan, you can always just move your chars out and let Wander be.. They don't have to be linked..
  5. Seeing that the activity in this RP has really crashed as compared to the first chapter, and that people are dropping out I think it would be nice to know how many are still interested in continuing. We can then rework some things in this chapter. I'll be making a post in the IC in sometime..
  6. Sorry, I've been travelling.. Finally got my laptop in hand.. Will have something up today..
  7. Sorry.. I've been travelling.. Finally have access to my laptop.. Will get something up today.. fuck I have so much stuff to put up in so many places...
  8. You realise that the Land kingdom already has the Dratini Meadows right?? Most others haven't even started their expansions..
  9. Hey Raider.. You need to change your post.. The Sombre plateau refused to side with the Land Kingdom, but did agree to help them rebuild..
  10. Hey welcome!! Feed your sanity to my Snorlax.. You should come check out the creative writing and Roleplaying forums.. It's an awesome place for writers.. Cya..
  11. Yes Nagalfar.. I am the Snorlax fan.. Check him out in my siggy..
  12. Hey.. Don't forget to drop your sanity in the big box outside.. Fatman is going to eat it soon.. That's my Snorlax.. Cya
  13. Hey.. The community is so nice because of our great mods.. .. Also don't forget to drop your sanity in the big box outside.. Fatman is going to eat it soon.. That's my Snorlax.. Bye!
  14. Bonjour! That's all I know.. Shut it.. Welcome to our asylum community.. Ciao! Yes, I know it's Italian.. F'off..
  15. Considering how bad the team looks without TMs, I think I will just add them to my existing team.. Most of them can be useful somewhere or the other... Actually Signal Beam gets me damage against Psychic and Dark types giving Glaceon the ability to attack 11 types.. Gotta love the Ground and Ice combo.. I guess Shadowball would be better in place of Morning Sun.. I don't like Dig, so that's why keeping SD.. What would you suggest putting in place of Calm Mind on Sylveon?? True, the moves are difficult due to the lack of TMs. Breeding IVs takes a while.. You need to get a pokemon with the perfect IV in your wanted stat and work on it..
  16. So, it seems I didn't mention it, but I can breed the Eevee's for the required Egg Moves and HP spreads as well.. I will update the OP with stuff that I am taking from what you guys have suggested..
  17. Hey!! I like Rick Riordan books too.. So if you ever want to talk about it shoot me a PM.. I can also help you out a little.. So, you should know that my snorlax eats sanity.. He's the one standing behind you.. Cya!!
  18. My Rep went up by 3 in 2 hours.. Seems Vinny is on the loose..

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Mine went up by 41 since I went to sleep last night o_0

    2. Arkhi


      I can relate. (Seriously, from 800 to 1000)

    3. Vinny


      Only 3? I don't think i'm the right person to be blaming~

  19. Hey, welcome to Reborn! Since you like Snorlax, you won't mind sharing your sanity with mine? He eats the sanity of all who join. Check him out in my siggy! Cya around mate!! Netflix is awesome.. House of Cards yo!
  20. So I was planning on making an Eeveelutions team, and now finally have perfect IV Eevees. I already have some movesets made for the team, but would like suggestions. So can you guys help me out. I'd also prefer if they have movesets that are benefited by the Rainbow Field, if possible. I also have Wish and Baton Pass which I can breed onto the Eevees. I'll be updating the movesets below. Flareon (Guts) [252 HP, 252 Att, 4 Def] {Adamant} -Flare Blitz -Facade -Quick Attack -Dig Vaporeon (Water Absorb) [252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 4 Def] {Modest} -Surf -Icy Wind -Acid Armor -Stored Power Jolteon (Volt Absorb) [252 Sp.Att, 252 Speed, 4 HP] {Modest} -Discharge -HP Ice -Shadow Ball -Signal Beam Espeon (Magic Bounce) [252 Sp.Att, 252 Speed, 4HP] {Modest} -Psychic -Morning Sun -HP Fire -Grass Knot Umbreon (Inner Focus) [252 HP, 252 Att, 4 Def] {Adamant} -Curse -Feint Attack -Dig -Secret Power Glaceon (Ice Body) [252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 4 Sp.Def] {Modest} -Icy Wind/Ice Beam/Frost Breath -HP Ground -Signal Beam -Wish Leafeon (Chlorophyll) [252, Att, 252 Speed, 4 Def] {Jolly} -Leaf Blade -Iron Tail -Swords Dance -Baton Pass Sylveon (Pixilate) [252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 4 Sp.Def] {Modest} -Moonblast -Shadow Ball -HP Ground -Light Screen Thanks for any and all suggestions guys..
  21. I would have to agree with Etesian on this one.. Scrafty and Mienshao need them some loving in terms of breeding and all.. I would also give somebody Rain Dance.. Charlotte can destroy people because of her feel..
  22. Cowtao!!! Have a great time doing what you do.. As the scarf guy says listen to more music!! It was great to have you here.. You're a really cool farm animal.. Real funny and an awesome person.. I hope you get all that you want from life.. Cya around Mooo...
  23. But... but... but.. I mean... I can't even... They are soo awesome..
  24. Congrats, Vinny and Kyoyo.. You betrayed us.. How could you?? You're now a slave to the man.. (In this case the Woman aka Amethyst) Cheers!!
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