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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Yash

  1. As the rest of the group makes their way alongside James, towards the training ground, a few of them ask questions. Upon hearing Kayn, Horace and Arlen, James decides to answer Kayn first, by addressing the group. "You can all now take your pokemon outside their pokeballs if you wish to do so, provided we are not near the armory and your pokemon does not go beyond five feet away from you. Also pokemon should not be brought close to the armory outside their pokeballs under any circumstances, with the exception of the Aegislash line as that is their habitat." James then turns to Horace, "Not only are you able to use this for practice, it is mandated that you do so at least once per month unless you are in another country on a long term assignment. Keeping your skills polished is a very important aspect of being a detective." "For the most part you will only be allowed to use guns over in the shooting range, although we do have a small dojo where you can train with the quartermaster in the proper usage of a large array of unfortunately phallic melee weapons." James, having answered the three questions posed to him decides to check with the others. "Does anybody else have something they would like to ask or should we carry on with the tour?" Emilia and Lars make their way towards the group at the end of the hall near the practice arena. Emilia hears James ask if anybody has other questions. "I have one. How are you still here? I can't believe you are this behind already James." Emilia laughs as she makes fun of poor James. "Oh come on Emilia, you know as well as I do that I've covered most of the main places and I'm on time, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Also, why is he here?" James says, pointing towards Lars. "Is Mr. Elias a client? Or was I right?" teasing Emilia back in his own way. "Oh yes, Elias here is an intern that I have decided to hire. I met him at a cafe a few days back and we got to talking. I learnt that he was interested in joining the agency, but since we aren't accepting any applications now that this new lot is here, I decided to hire him as an intern for the next cycle. We'll be joining your tour, James. Why don't you continue with it now?" She stands behind the group as Lars makes his way next to the rest of the newcomers.
  2. Haven't read everything yet, but I'm interested. I'd like to reserve a spot. I'll make my character profile soon!
  3. I have chimchar.. PM me when you want to trade..
  4. That's fine.. I have a swablu.. Let me know when you want to trade..
  5. Hey guys sorry I've been swamped with work and haven't been able to get this done until now. Well, I realised I don't have a drillbur.. So this will need to wait since i need to find somebody willing to trade it with me.. I'll breed you one after that.. I've gotten one for you. Let me know when you want to trade. Sure, I have both ready. Yes it's done. I've gotten both of them. Do you want both?
  6. I can get that for you, but I'm away for a little bit.. So it will take a while.. Once I'm back I'll let you know.. In the meantime, can you get me a Shellder?
  7. It's cool.. I have the same issue with my keyboard.. Sure, no problem.. Have fun.. I renovated the slum area.. Though it was a while back and I forgot what it does..
  8. We can try, but it doesn't work.. Still try it once.. My ID is Yashas Hey resend the request for the froakie..
  9. Anybody facing problems with the trading function? It's been getting stuck all day..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yash


      Not too sure about that.. Possibly.. Could that be the reason??

    3. Plok


      yep, you'll get stuck if you do it

    4. Yash


      Cool, thanks for that..

  10. Same with me.. It's happening all day.. Try again..
  11. Alright, I'm sending you a request now..
  12. Hey, you will need to hatch them I guess.. Don't think eggs can be traded.. Also try not to double post.. Just edit your previous posts in the future..
  13. Hey, I've sent you the request.. Accept it..
  14. Ya sure, once you have it let me know.. I have your pokemon ready..
  15. Can you get me a ditto? Preferably with 31 IV in Att and SpAtt, if not I'm fine with any..
  16. Say what again?? @StarryDreamerKitten @Candy I can trade now.. Let me know when you'll are available..
  17. So i'd like doduo, seel, krabby, farfetch'd, voltorb, exeggcute and cubone Could you get me lickitung and tyrogue? Could you get me a tangela, ladyba, igglybuff and a Mime Jr.
  18. I know that.. It was just a little weird.. What actually freaked me out was that my WLAN card crashed after that, but turns out it was a little bit my fault...
  19. I will get you pokemon from both egg groups.. Will try my best for 6IV, but since the new mechanics have come in, it does get a little difficult, but will surely do it, even if it takes a little time.. I don't really want anything special, I'm mainly trading to complete my pokedex while helping others get the pokemon they want, so I'll let you know which pokemon I need.. Though I need 24 hours before I can do this as my WLAN card died on my laptop.. I can get you all except ditto since I only have one of those, plus you can get the ditto soon enough in game, just give me time to breed.. I actually have most of these bred pretty well, so will give you those.. I'll let you know what I want in return.. I would suggest playing ahead a little, since these mons will make the game very easy.. Also give me 24 hours for this.. Ok so I can give all of these to you, I'll let you know which pokemon I need in return.. Won't be anything too difficult, mainly stuff I haven't bothered catching myself, so as to complete my dex... I'll need 24 hours to get sorted and should have everything ready by then..
  20. @Aerow I actually got hoothoot in a wondertrade, so do you have Murkrow?
  21. Wondertrading torchics.. Come get and get'em!

  22. @jazziepop yeah, I'll breed a snivy for you..
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