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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Yash

  1. @Aerow well I could do with a magnemite, though I'm not sure if you can get it yet.. I don't remember where it is first available.. If not, a hoothoot or ledyba, sunkern, yanma..
  2. Here I am, sending torchics, bulbasaurs, squirtles and many 4-6IV pokemon, what do I get in return? Patrat, lillipup, numel, noibat, mareep etc. Just as I'm about to quit, the last one gives me a Pokerus infected Foongus.. Faith restored! Following this I got like 6 more! I love some people here! PS. I'll be sending Torchic, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander and piplup breeders as and when I can get the time. I'd like suggestions for Pokemon to send out as well.
  3. Hey so this is a list of Pokemon I have for giveaways.. Multiple Breedjects Charmanders Torchics Bulbasaurs Piplups Beldums Snorunts Eevees Stunfisks Gastlys Froakies Misdreavius' Spiritombs Squirtles Claunchers Magikarps Petilils Carvanhas Shinx (4-6 IVs) Snubbulls (4-6 IVs) Buneary (4-6 IVs) Meditite (2-5 IVs) Castform (2-5 IVs) Koffing (2-4 IVs) Abra Vulpix Singles or few Gastly 5IVs attack IV 1, Modest Abra shiny, 23/29/31/31/31/31, inner focus, timid Turtwig 6IV female Snivy (4-5 IVs) one shiny Reserved for now (may be available for trades later) Chimchar shiny, mild, 16/31/17/3/0/31, blaze Chimchar female, hardy, 16/31/25/31/10/31, iron fist Larvesta Male, 31/23/31/31/31/31, impish Froakie 19/31/6/31/31/31, protean, careful Froakie Shiny, 19/31/25/3/0/31, serious, torrent Froakie Shiny, 9/31/31/31/0/31, Protean, quirky Torchic female, 5IVs SpAtt 11, adamant, speedboost Torchic female shiny, 7/31/31/11/25/31, adamant, speedboost Snivy male, shiny, 0/31/31/31/31/31, careful, overgrow
  4. @Aerow I can get you a Larvesta.. Do you want a male or female? Both have 5IVs with male attack at 23 and female attack at 5.. Male has impish nature, female has hardy.. Male has swarm, female has flame body..
  5. @Millianne157 Sure, Anything level 20 and above..
  6. @Elliot Dratini isn't available yet in game.. So I can't get you one.. @Millianne157 I can get you a charmander, squirtle and piplup all male with solar power, rain dish and defiant abilities though charmander is a 5IV one, with attack at 24.. I'll want high level nidorans male and female and any pikachu..
  7. @Noir yes, I will.. But in a little while.. I'm already breeding some other stuff.. I can give you a female 6IV mon if you want.. I'll take a higher level spearow for it..
  8. @Elliot yes I do.. I'll give you a 6IV Snubbull.. It will be female though.. Unfortunately, I don't have any extra males right now... And since I'm breeding starters, I will take a while to get to males.. I'd like a high level pidgey 30+.. @Mr. Suplado not that I'm aware off.. As for my second mon, a high level ratatta..
  9. Yes I do.. I need to breed them, but I have those two... So give me a little while, and I will breed them for you... @Mr. Suplado in return, I'd like a weedle!
  10. Hey everybody, I'll be doing giveaways through wondertrade and regular trade requests as per my old trading post.. I'll be using this post to take requests as well as suggestions for pokemon giveaways.. I'll breed the pokemon to the best possible IVs as well as try and get them some good moves/Natures if I have the time.. So feel free to ask/suggest anything.. Cheers! Just some things to keep in mind when requesting mons.. 1. Do not ask for pokemon which were not available in the previous few versions such as Dratini, Larvitar, Legendaries etc. 2. I will be willing to trade Gastlys, Magikarps and other pokemon which have been available previously, but are not available now, provided I have caught that particular pokemon. If I haven't, then sad luck as I will not be downloading the older versions anytime soon. 3. I will try my best to breed the Pokemon you want if you ask for a specific Pokemon, however I won't be doing moves, abilities or natures, only IVs. If you are lucky and I can breed a particular move or nature then I will try. 4. Please be patient, as I will not be able to handle too many requests at once. I will be creating a waiting list if required. 5. You can request for shinies, but I give absolutely no guarantees, and these will not be priority requests. 6. Once I recognise your trade and post pokemon I want in return, please send me a PM to continue talking about it so as to keep the thread clean. PS. I'll be asking for Pokemons to complete my Pokedex.. Current waitlist: Mr. Suplado - Torchi, Froakie (weedle, ratatta) Millianne157 - Charmander, Squirtle, Piplup, Snivy
  11. Online ID - Yashas Trainer name - Yashas/Yash/I forgot the other one...
  12. Oo oo oo oo... Pick me.. Pick me.. Pick me!! I think this could probably be handled as an RP..
  13. I don't know if it's just me, but I think my resolutions are sad.. Still I guess it's something I need to do anyway.. Be more happy Work out more Abuse less when talking to people Try and be more friendly and sensitive (I don't know when I stopped being friendly ) Didn't realise but this is my 1400th post.. Yay me!! Part 1... Check!!
  14. Happy New Year Reborn!! :)

  15. I've completely forgotten what to do in Episode 16.. Somebody please PM me where episode 15 ended and what I'm to do next....

    1. Plok



      go to circus data office to start ep16, then fly to grand hall


    2. Yash
  16. Got a shiny Magearna, it has a shitty nature and bad IVs.. Just my luck.. Keep or reset? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LeonVermillion


      well if you're a shiny hunter keep it, if you're planning to use Magearna on competitive, then reset

    3. Maelstrom


      Keep it and use a gold bottle cap if you really wanna use it.

    4. LeonVermillion


      ^I almost forgot, Sun and Moon have that feature

  17. I need help evolving a Kadabra in Sun.. How do I do that? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Plok


      let me know when you're online, I'll help you out

    3. Yash


      Njab, hey let me know when you're online. I'll trade with you then.

    4. Plok


      I'm online now, my IGN is Plok

  18. Xerneas with following stats, +Sp.Def - Att, IVs 2/3/30/31/31/31.... Good, bad, meh? Any opinions?

    1. Swampellow


      Other than the HP stat, quite good.

    2. Ironbound


      HP is ass, yeah. Otherwise, decent. Spdef nature is iffy; RestTalk sets usually run Def nature iirc.

  19. I have a question about trading in Pokemon X, what if I trade a pokemon with a friend and don't save the game. Will we both have that pokemon? Also wondering about wonder trades with the same aspect

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Yash


      Wanted to check a theory I had about wonder trades.. If I give a better pokemon up for trade, will I also get a good pokemon in return or is it truly a random trade.. In my experience so far I've felt that it holds true.. So now to give it the ultimate test I wanted to send out a xerneas and see..

    3. Plok


      they are completely random

    4. Yash


      Thanks y'all!! :)

  20. I need friends! (on my 3ds).. Add me people! My code is 1908-2735-4131

    1. Yash


      Anywhere I can find codes for other rebornians?

    2. Plok



  21. Hey peeps!! I'm back (if only for a little while)

  22. It reminded me of the reborn game for some reason..
  23. @chvtky yes I am willing to help out. I don't really check out the threads very regularly but you can always contact me irl and let me know if something needs to be done.. I'll be far more active once the next episode is out..
  24. When you meet your perfect counterpart and just know that she can't be with you..

    1. Hect


      Terrible feeling. Can drive you nuts. :P Stay strong.

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