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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Yash

  1. It feels weird just existing. Why does having a life require so much energy?

    1. KingRyan


      physics? And your statement feels out of place. How do you know what anything but 'existing' feels like? What is 'existence'.

  2. Congrats Jeri!! You will do an awesome job of banning scrubs... Well done Rose.. You deserve it.. I can't believe they turned her.. No one is safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Fudge your lemons.. I like limes.. Limes4lyf!!

  4. Well.. This caught my attention.. If you need help I can try stuff..
  5. Flygon.. Dragon.. 'Nuff said.. Though seriously, take a look at the rest of your team and then decide.. I always preferred Flygon as a ground type.. Plus with enough breeding and training, it can definitely work out well.. Also if you don't want to breed I can always trade one to you..
  6. Anybody who knows French? I kind of need some help.. Please PM me if you know the language.. Thanks!!

  7. Can someone teach me French?? I need to learn French before January..

    1. Maelstrom


      I forget, was it Neo that knew some French?

  8. I can help you with that.. Have a shiny one with a few good IVs.. Though you may have to wait till the weekend is over.. That goes for other trades too.. I still haven't gotten down to setting up my laptop yet..
  9. Is there any place for an old dog in the new RP world??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yash


      Huks new stuff.. Noice!! I'm going to have to check in there..

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That's if it ever gets done... hoooooooooooooo boy...

    4. Chevaleresse


      The two Fate RPs. You're welcome to come bsck to OSAF too; PM me if you want to.

  10. Finally posting again after forever..
  11. What do you mean it's morning? I just started playing..

  12. Hopefully we can.. As for the rest I will try and get a list out soon of the mons I have for trades but till then feel free to request something.. Ohh that reminds me.. I did have a request shop thing as well.. Need to look into that...
  13. 4 days of binge drinking and partying and clicking tons of photographs.. That was fun... A lot of fun... :)

    1. KingRyan


      rip brain cells :P

  14. Does anyone else ever wish that the Reborn forum was an actual physical place where we could go? I'd probably live there..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Etesian


      Nah, I'd be too lazy to leave my apartment lol

    3. Maelstrom


      We did dream of a reborn house in Canada once.

  15. Hunger pangs at 1 AM.. I hate this... Time to go eat.. Bye peeps..

  16. Hey people.. I'm back.. Though I'm only checking in here.. I actually won't be able to help as of now since I have a new laptop.. I can still provide a bunch of pokes for trade.. Just PM and ask for something.. One of the others can help with the trades.. When I get around to setting up my laptop I can start working on these here trades.. (Though I know it isn't going to be soon.. I've become to damn lazy.. Also I'm assuming that Kuro's trade thing hasn't been implemented yet..)
  17. I'm alive.. I am free.. I'm Reborn! Also I can finally get back to Reborn! :D

  18. Happy Birthday Kaito!! PS I get just how busy Post Grad life can be.. Hang tough mate!!
  19. Happy birthday boys!!!!!!! I've missed you all.. Cya soon.. (hopefully)
  20. So I may be a little late... Buuuuut........... I'm here.. So Happy Birthday Sheep and Lexi!! Hope you had an incredible day.. Here.. Have a song..
  21. Holy crap I've missed you guys.. Unfortunately I'm only here for a day..Had the chance to come home.. Back to college tomorrow.. Dunno when I'll be back.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Yash


      Guys look at dat assery!!!

    3. Yash


      And it's time to sleep else I'll be late tomorrow.. Damn it felt awesome to be here..

    4. Arkhi



      Good to see you again. Hope college is going well for you!

  22. Thanks for all your wishes guys.. It's really gonna suck leaving here.. But I hope to be back soon... Cya'll later!!
  23. Huk I'm really sorry mate, I have to back down from this.. I really wanted to get involved but I guess it wasn't meant to be.. You can use my char for an NPC if you want..
  24. So, as most of the older members will have noticed, I've kinda been gone for a while, occasionally dropping in, thought even that has become really infrequent.. I've been here for more than a year, and have met some wonderful people, made some really great friends and learned so much.. I've been hanging in the RP and Team showcase sections mostly, or along with my Snorlax and his sanity eating ways in the Grand Hall.. Now all of that has to stop unfortunately.. As much as I hate to say this, I will have to leave this place.. I have just started with college and now realise that I have no free time with my hectic program and being a part of committees makes it impossible to have free time, and what little I do get ends up in sports, so this has to take a back seat, for probably two years, hopefully less.. In any case, I know that I will miss you guys.. Sensei, Vin Sneasel, Scarfhidon, Etesian, Jerry, Fink, Bibs, ExLink, Nick, Dobby, Dashie, and all you crazies out there who were my friends sorry I missed out, in a big rush and really emotional right now.. I hope when I come back I find all of you here and just as cool as you are now.. I don't use skype much ever, but add me guys.. I really do want to keep in touch with you all, and will try and get onto skype as much as I can.. My skype ID is yashasgupta.. I guess that's pretty much all I had to say.. Bye!!
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