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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Yash

  1. Let's get started.. First up the big ones.. Ame/Poptart/Budewlover/Spiderkisser for this awesome game that has brought a whole bunch of us here.. Also all the developers, auths, mods and staff on the server/game/forum not to forget the Aces, my friends and pretty much everybody here for making this place so cool and amazing.. This place has been a major part of my life since a little over the past year and I know that the few times I have ranted/escaped here have definitely made a big difference to my life.. I've learned a lot about life and myself with you guys and I know I will never forget this place, even if when I do end up leaving.. Now for special mentions.. Arkhidon/Scarfhidon/Gazellelover for all the amazing music and talks and fun we have had.. Sheep for helping me out and being such a cutie anyways.. Can I has Wool??? Cowtao for being sheeps counterpart for starting the Reborn Radio and getting me to listen to awesome music!! Vinny/Vin Sneasel the one and only, one of the first to make me feel welcome.. Not to forget Tempest, also one of my wishers, for being nice and helpful and totally kickass.. Kosher/Alexus, for the battles on showdown and random chats and reminding people the difference between the search and status bars.. Finkywinky i'm not typing your full name, deal with it... for the chats and making me feel welcome.. .. Come to the forums more often damnit!! Jericho/Solace/Uncle Jerry for showing me the ropes around reborn.. Dobby for being so chill and awesome, like seriously mate.. Dashie, for all the fun battles on the server and not kicking my ass too hard.. Bibs/Pineapple for being such a nice guy and getting p0wned by a noob in competitive.. So what if it was only once or twice?? I still did it!! (Time for some RPing) Notus who got me started with RPing.. Hukuna Sensei for making me fall in love with RPing Murdoc for the fun RPs and helping me understand how not to be a noob.. Stratos for making me feel like a noob with your awesome writing inspiring me to be a better writer.. (Enough RPs now) Nickcrash/Deadpool for being extremely entertaining, funloving and awesome.. Don't change.. Ever.. Etesian for teaching me how to breed Pokemon, you damn perverts.. and surviving my constant pestering.. Jan for Rejuv, its an amazing thing you are working on.. Keep up the awesome stuff.. LD for keeping the trading thread alive when I was busy.. I could use some help though.. Overloaded with requests... Typhlosionrulez/Ragnar for being fun to chat with... ExLink mate, we had some good times in the Arcade.. I'm sorry for any that I may have missed.. But I love all of you.. Y'all are some of the coolest and awesomest don't tell me it ain't a word people I know.. So Cheers!! Goes does manly stuff after such an emotional rant... Beer and Whiskey!!
  2. Nope, sorry.. Any other guesses?? It's a rather old Anime/Manga character.. Insanely famous though.. I'd be shocked if people didn't know it.. Though I have made it slightly difficult on purpose..
  3. Oops.. So it was 1/100~ chance for shiny.. Also, I think it does make the shiny chance 2 or 3 times higher..
  4. Ok, so just let me know which all characters you had and I'll figure something out..
  5. Not if you use Ludicolo/Swampert/Heliolisk etc..
  6. Oh gee.. I wonder who?? Amaria!! ??? @Stick Nature: Naive Ability: Cloud Nine -Hyper Beam -Bulk Up -Teleport -Transform
  7. I'm pretty sure that Tropius wants a Pokesnax.. I don't know why it isn't working for you..
  8. Well, I got the shiny charm.. I don't remember what I did though.. Also to be more on point.. I think the shiny charm changes the probability from 1/700 to 1/250 or something.. I'm pretty sure the shiny chance was never 1/100.. I could be mistaken though..
  9. Save file??? Umm.. Go and read the original post again.. Specifically the part in spoilers..
  10. Before ending anything, let people wrap up.. Also those of you who haven't posted regarding continuing with the RP, I will assume that they are not interested and I will be bunnying their characters..
  11. Like really?? Bad Eevee!! I specified to read the OP and you didn't do that.. Go to the OP and read it..
  12. Hey welcome.. You can always ask for the type you want to be given to you by our resident mono type enablers.. Just check the team showcase section.. Don't mind my snorlax.. He's hungry.. He's just going to eat your sanity and leave then.. K? Thanks.. Bye!
  13. Hey... Welcome.. My snorlax is here to eat your sanity.. Thanks for that.. You are free to roam around now.. Bye!!
  14. While I would like to do that, it does make things complicated.. Azurine isn't all that far, so I don't see any reason to do so.. Maybe for stuff after Samson I may consider it, but definitely not anything before that..
  15. I gave you Normal and Fairy... It's obvious that Fairy is happening.. Normal will help you.. I did want to know, do you plan on breeding??
  16. Goodra is not available as of yet.. Also Heliolisk has a better advantage in rain as compared to Pikachu/Raichu..
  17. Thanks Vinny.. Also guys I will update the OP with the new requirements for trading.. Yes, the badge count has increased.. Check it out once more.. Happy trading everybody...
  18. It's Anna not Kiki.. Mine was Anna, since she keeps talking about the PCs aura and has the Amethyst pendant.. I think your's is Anna too..
  19. Guys, I will be shifting this to my own Trading thread, since LD isn't around that much.. I will be making some changes to the requirements and all.. It will help make things easier for everybody..
  20. Oh you already have a Politoed.. Then I would suggest skip out on the Blastoise.. It doesn't do too much for attacks.. My main reason to take it was that it sets up RD, but with drizzletoad you don't need it.. You should probably get a Swampert/Feraligatr.. Get yourself a Ludicolo, Heliolisk and Noivern and set up a rotation..
  21. Ya I was editing my post about the starters..
  22. EDIT: Ninja'd Guessing Titania.. She repelled Amaria, was reckless enough to jump down the waterfall and the rest is kinda obvious.. Luna?! ??? @Psychic Gem Ability: Telepathy Nature: Jolly - Foresight - Detect - Rest - Psychic
  23. So, I'd suggest you get your self a Squirtle as your starter.. It is actually the only water type to benefit from rain(until we get the mega stone for swampert.).. I'll try and suggest a team as well, though I am nowhere near as good as Etesian.. Blastoise @Damp Rock Rain Dish -Hydro Pump -Flash Cannon -Rain Dance -Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere Blastoise is sturdy enough to almost always allow the use of Rain Dance.. Along with that it gets decent moves as well.. You can choose ay of the three between Flash Cannon/Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse depending on what you need to attack.. Ludicolo Swift Swim -Scald -Ice Beam -Giga Drain -Hyper Voice In the rain it becomes fast, and with a decent Sp.Att, it can really pound it's enemies.. Scald and Ice Beam can be obtained by breeding through episode 12.. Check out the guide pinned in this subforum.. I'm not sure about Hyper Voice and Giga Drain, but I think you can get those as well.. Heliolisk @Leftovers Dry Skin -Thunder -Protect -HP (coverage) -Dark Pulse Gives you that THUNDER!!! Plus a little more coverage.. HP can be anything that your team ends up missing.. Noivern Infiltrator -Boomburst -Hurricane -Dragon Pulse -Roost As Noir said, Hurricane Spam.. Seismitoad @Leftovers Swift Swim -Drain Punch -Aqua Ring -Earthquake -Hydro Pump STAB EQ, nuff said.. Though seriously, I kind like toady and I think he is worth a shot.. He is bulky enough and with Aqua Ring and Leftovers he will regain a bunch of HP... Apart from these, you can try pokemon like Beartic, who gets a good speed boost to it's bulk with Swift Swim.. Dragalge can learn Thunder and Hydropump, to make good use of rain, and give you coverage.. Armaldo is another option, giving you some variety, but getting hit by water moves would surely be painful for it..
  24. Hey Ty.. Don't Metagame.. That Aerodactyl should not have been at the fields, much less gone and given the news to Krusher.. Rader already is present there.. Even Atlas and Pavise are making their way to the fields..
  25. Hey Angel.. Welcome to Reborn.. I'm quite into astrology, so tell me moar about it.. Maybe shoot me a PM or something.. Also Arky my arcanine, not you scarf guy.. is awesome... PS. get ready to be assaulted by a Snorlax.. Fatman is about to come and steal/eat your sanity..
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