if you talk to the cult ofthehelix with a helix fossil in your inventory what do they do, dothey give you something specail, id do it myself but im stilltrying to find a good area to grind up a level 17 aron to get aggron to help deal with thatpain in the butt noel
anyone know where to get arron, is he an eventpokemon, ive run around the underground railnet a dozen timesif not more, i want an aggron to beat noels clefable and maybe his ccincino
my starter was fennekin and delphox level 46 isnt that good, i kninda regret picking fennekin so until i can find a use for it im not using it until i can figure out a way to make it usefull
i need a good team recommendation for noel, this kid's Cinccino is kickin my buns up and down the battle field even my level 55 noivern isnt doing dooki to that Cinccino.
does anyone else experience lag in certain areas of the game,like forested areas, grassy terrain, in areas with a lot of water or bushes? or is it just me?
sweet and there are mining rocks between me and spiritomb, can anyone say mine farm supreme, time to get two new fossils so far i have the Helix fossil the dome fossil and the claw fossil.
i hit all the pillars like in Coreys gym, got into that locked building went through the cave and it lead me to this raised hill with another slide that takes me down to an area i have'nt been too before, all i want is Spiritomb can someone please tell me what i'm supposed to do next? spiritom and my munna are the two pokemon that might help me beat this huge pain in the fluffcking buttocks aya, any information is greatly appreciated
ok where is this cavern under the wastes, i wants me a spiritomb badly, do you unlock it by switching all the pillars to red? I've been trying to find a comprehensive walk-through of the byxbysian wastelands but i cant find a good one, nicakaboos (youtuber) is'nt that good
one of my buddies recomended mushama and musharna because of psychic blast so now i just gotta find mushama
EDIT: where do i find mushama, it seems to be the only wayto easily beat her
its not that dont like it, i like it alot, its everything i wanted out of a pokemon game, but this gym leaderi in particular with the constantsludge wave spamming hyper potion spamming, the fact that i cant get hyper potions to heal upmy pokemon more efficiently is getting under my skin and second were all adults here im not being mean to anyone im just expressing dismay and agitation at a ridiculously hard part of the game
thats the bigges tpile a bull ca ca i have ever fraking heard, if this game werent so good id never play it again because of that garbage
wonderfull now im having a hell of a time beating this poison chick aya because i cantget my pokemon any higher otherwise i have\ to use a common candy andsincethats not really
ok im ticked why at the heck I didnt get the bade for beating kiki which means that now all of mypokemon at level 45 are going to be disobeying me becuase the will be level 46, i cant get noivern any time soon, this is bull.
im currently stuck on the gym leader shade,no matter what i try to counter his chandelour it kills me outright, so right now im training up my slurpuff to hopefully be a hard counter to his chandelour, anytips or recomendations for a goodpokemon to take him down?
thank you much, which would you recomend, cleffa or igglybuff. right now im using slurpuff as my fairytype, of course thisis assuming that both igglybuffand cleffaare both fairy types
EDIT: sorry typing on laptop not used to the small keyboard so my grammar looks horrific >.<
the two team meteor members that you see in the one abandoned buiding in the peridot ward, by the one staircase to the underground with the two trainers in opposite corner, they are talking about two of the last of their kind, and when they say they have been discovered by you where do they go? I've searched the peridot ward four times now and not seen them again.