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Everything posted by The FiRE of AcE
Thanks a lot. Are there any critcisms for my second team? I know there are lots to be said; I want you guys' input on things that I may not have thought of.
I'm assuming that Leftovers can be obtained via Pickups?
Was gonna ask the same thing about move deleter too, but since I'm not done with EP 13 on another file I can't go back to Reborn City. Is there a Move Deleter in the Agate Circus area or beyond? EDIT: About the event that replaced Magikarp: I got to the point where I gave 2 blue shards to the vendor in 7th street, however where can I find that piece-o-shit Carin-Rouge (name sounds familiar) if at all in EP 13?
I thought Munchlaxes can't be headbutted in the Wasteland anymore?
Galvantula is kinda weak though imo. As for Shuckle, if I were to use it I will mainly use it for a Trick Room team.
What items would you guys suggest for my teams?
Thanks for your suggestions so far. I'm kind of on the fence about Hitmonlee, what fighting type would be better if I do decide to replace him? As for Charizard, what other move would be good for him in place of Slash? Haha, yes that's what I meant. Prior to posting, I thought that I could relearn Thunder punch from move relearner. That's my fault lol
like what nevs said. Consider having other Pokemon that you would use as rotation until your ideal team that you posted. Since some of them can't be gotten until much later in the game, you are maybe better off planning a different variation of your team in different parts of the game.
So, powering through the brutality that is Reborn on 2 files has forced me to come up with a better team than I do in the official games. However, my team is rather bad and I need all you competitve/pro Pokemon players to help me out. Pretty pleaaaaaase???? I'll give you cookies! Without further ado, my first file. Episode 13 post-Charlotte (<3 Aya) Charizard LV66 (M)- Lizardon @ Charcoal Modest nature Ability - Solar Power Moves - Inferno, Slash (change?) , Air Slash, Flamethrower Gardevoir LV62 (M) - Zelda @ Miracle Seed (will be changed to Mind Plate or some shit) Modest nature Abilty - Telepathy (will be changed to Trace) Moves - Shadow Ball, Psychic, Magical Leaf (will be replaced with Moonblast), Calm Mind Gyarados LV69 (F) - B.A.M.F. @ Quick Claw (will be changed) Naughty nature (will be changed to Adamant) Abilty - Moxie Moves - Surf (didn't have another Water pokemon at the time...), Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang Hitmonlee LV70 (M) - Bruce Lee @ Black Belt Adamant nature Ability - Limber Moves - Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Reversal, High Jump Kick (honestly this guy's movepool is bad despite all dat power...) Metagross LV59 (in training) - Metal Gear Timid nature (will be changed to Jolly) Ability - Light metal (ability capsules so damn expensive wtf) Moves - Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm My 6th member is currently empty, but I'm deciding to with either Swampert, Glaceon, or Diggersby. Not sure though, it's where you guys come in! And now my 2nd file! Episode 13 pre-Charlotte Infernape LV 68 (M) - Son Goku @ Charcoal Naughty nature (will be changed to Adamant or Jolly) Ability - Blaze (maybe Iron fist is better?) Moves - Close Combat, Mach Punch, Flare Blitz, Torment (may be changed to Thunder punch) Diggersby LV69 (F) - #Diggersby Adamant nature Ability - Huge Power Moves - Swords Dance, Earthquake, Bulldoze (change?), Bounce Azumarill LV69 (M) - DragonSlayer @ Mystic Water Hardy nature (will be changed to Adamant or Jolly) Ability - Huge Power Moves - Surf (originally Rain Dance, see Gyarados above), Aqua Tail, Play Rough, Bounce Roserade LV62 (M) - FAAAAABULOUS! @ Rose Incense Mild nature (will change to Modest) Ability - Poison Point Moves - Giga Drain, Petal Dance, Rain Dance (change?), Toxic Spikes Ninetales LV65 (M) - Kurama Brave nature (will be changed to Modest) Ability - Drought Moves - Extrasensory (change?), Fire Blast, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp (change?) I honestly don't know what to put for the 6th member once again... Ready. Set. Critique!
The EV training guide in this same section lists the encounter percentages of each pokemon: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866 hope I helped. "Happy hunting! And may the RNG be ever in your favor!"
Don't deny it guys, we all saw it coming.
I'm sure some topics floating around here will tell where to get Ralts post Ep 12. I'm not sure if Ralts will be that much useful now cept versing Samson.
I can't find Beldum, and I used the guide
The FiRE of AcE replied to OLKv2's question in On the Hunt
Oh and get flash too, you gonna need it (assuming you're playing E12) -
Just watched a new anime yesterday
The FiRE of AcE replied to Greed_Demon's topic in General Discussion
My recent emergence as a real anime fan started after graduating high school. It's what happens when one has so much time on their hands haha. Watched quite a list of anime so I probably won't list em all. Be prepared for them FEELS in Angel Beats. And so you like vampires huh? Might I suggest to you: Hellsing Ultimate (the 10-episode OVA's), full of all your violent, gorey and the not-so-romantic side of vampires. -
Hmm, something about Yureyu Key from the underground railnet... and then um... go in Shade's gym, unlock a door to the back and yeah... poof! Magneton evolves to Magnezone in that back room there after 1 level! You can also get a Rotom there too
Rhyhorn can be encountered in the wild (in EP 12, you got a long ways to go). Aerodactyl cannot be obtained, however other fossils from gen 1-4 can be mined from the shiny rocks.
but Eelektross can relearn Coil from Move Relearner right?
c'm0n dun B3 lazey. xers1s3 ur brainzz.
You're an assiduous person Ame.