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The FiRE of AcE

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Everything posted by The FiRE of AcE

  1. So would you ahve to trade a gentleman the Sunkern to get a Ralts now?
  2. That's the point! It's supposed to hurt your head!! MUAHAHAHAHA. I'll give you some pointers though since no one likes to have their head hurt for too long. Make sure you always have sleep powder with you, and check out the area. Areas that contain crustle nests almost always have a pit where you can push a sleeping crustle into (in order to jump on top of to progress). And then there are certain places where you'll have to push a crustle down... There will be a coupl more of those "spots" where you can push Crustles down of. And from my pic, notice there's a crustle on top of the pic? Before I pushed it there, there was a pit, search them, you won't miss it
  3. try resetting your game and talk to Samson again, you're actually supposed to be next to him when he says "move it"
  4. the answer is of course that you should train. After all, the game gets harder as you progress right?
  5. Calvius, did you obtain the powder vial in Agate Circus? If not you can get it from one of the vendors near the entrance to the Agate gym. And then you'll be able to get the powders from the big red/teal trees. And regarding this episode, HELL, IT'S ABOUT TIME!
  6. To add on about Beldum, it's best to use a ghost type such as ghastly/haunter/gengar to catch it. Take down won't do anything to it and you can just keep hypnotizing it to sleep and use level balls on it (since it's only level 1, gotta love the level balls for that case).
  7. earliest place to get Zubats is in the caves in the wasteland.
  8. save first before giving the fossil to him. Once you do, don't talk to him. Exit the building completely and go back in (and pay the 500) and talk to him, you should get your fossil revived.
  9. progress further into the story and you'll reach 7th street
  10. since you just beat Kiki and you want a good sp. attacker, go get a Gengar. Get Gastly in Byxbisafdblah Wasteland, have Rock Smash and Strength ready. Edit: It's your first post? Welcome!
  11. For Budew you will need an item called Rose Incense (carry it inside your bag). You can obtain one for free from battling a girl just above the Pokemon Center in Peridot Ward. Then follow the train tracks in Peridot Ward all the way north, and you shoudl see Budew walking on top of the wall on the right. Go up to it and press A and it'll be yours. You can get Pokesnax from some vendors just standing around. There's one on the west side of Peridot Ward who sells one for 650 pokedollars. I think Obsidia Dept. Store sells Pokesnax. Lapis Ward flower shop sells them, and I think the candy shop in Obsidia also sells them but idk. You can tell that it's a windy day when you see transparent diagonal lines "blowing" across your screen. You can go up to a TV and keep interacting with it until you get a weather forecast and then you can change the day on your computer accordingly. Happy hunting, hope I helped
  12. Get a Magnezone, it resists poison. How you ask? Magnemite in Shade's gym, grind Magneton one level inside Shade's gym and ta-da! Get a Donphan. Let it learn Magnitude from Move Relearner (or use 6 common candies), it destroys poison shit. Get a Phanpy outside of Corey's gym in the grass in day time. Phanpies are rare so be patient. Do you have Gardevoir? She might help. Got the badass motherf'ing Gyarados? He/she may contribute as well.
  13. considering that "budgeting" is actually necessary in Reborn and the whole challenging aspect of this game, I don't think item maniacs will appear haha.
  14. you need more stickers in order to reach it. It's on dept store 4th (?) floor
  15. It was just your bad luck lol. But I'm happy that your problem has been solved. That being said, I have another question to shoot: what are some worthwhile sidequests I can do to pass the time as I, and us all, wait for EP 12? List as many as you can, I don't care if I did them or not.
  16. 6th gen fossils cannot be mined nor can the 5th gen fossils. And as much as I like to think that the percentage of the types of fossils that can be found are equally distributed, it does not seem to be the case now that I think back. I mined more almighty Helix fossils than I wished and fewer of the other fossils.
  17. From my mining experiences of trying to obtain all the fossils I'm sure that the rarest items are definitely the fossils. It seems to my perspective anyway, that the percentage of fossils spawning are really damn low, however I'm not sure if there's a percentage applied to the TYPE of fossil that will spawn (IE Helix, Claw, Root, etc). However, I had never mined a rock that had 2 fossils at once. Plates are just as rare as the fossils or a little less rare. Going up the list is the evolution stones (not counting oval stone cuz that's pretty common), and then Max Revives -> Heart Scales -> $$$ items like rare bones, star pieces, etc. -> Odd keystones (surprisingly common) -> hold items and shards being the most common.
  18. ok I figured it out now, it was just as you said. And there was no clock changing needed. Thanks a bunch
  19. I'll try that and see. I tried it on a tree that doesn't have honey and followed your advice but they're still not appearing Is my file bugged now since I fiddled around with the clock too much??
  20. Hmm ok. I've been fiddling with the clock and days to make them appear, but I think I screwed it up cuz of that. I reverted to the correct day and time it's supposed to be but they're still not appearing
  21. There is no action needed from you, the game automatically awards you when you finish the puzzle. If not, then that means that you got some part of the puzzle wrong (though I I think there is a bug with the puzzle in the Lapis flower shop, idk if it's fixed).
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