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Revman last won the day on July 12 2015

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2 Neutral

About Revman

  • Birthday 05/29/1997

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. This must've been a hard decision for the team to make, and harder still to announce considering the attachment so many have to the mode. I've cleared the current release on Intense myself and had a fair share of feedback I was considering giving, but ultimately I think this is probably for the best. One thing I am wondering, will there be an option in future to disable mid battle items both for yourself and the enemy trainers? This was by far my favourite mechanic from Intense and would love to see it be an option or otherwise available in 13.5
  3. Yeah my bad. Was tired when I edited, didn't fact check; it happens to everyone. Still don't think it's A or B even with Earth Power, without a life orb it doesn't pack enough of a punch and doesn't have a justifiable amount of bulk especially with its lack of Scald. Besides, it seems as if we disagree on pretty much every Pokemon that isn't a clear cut candidate for a specific rank anyway let's be real here Thank you for your Butterfree analysis. I've already wrote up an analysis for Vivillon, but thanks anyway!
  4. I wasn't even aware Mega Stones were in Reborn even though we don't have a Mega Bracelet... But with Mega Evolution, Banette's Phys atk hits 165 which is incredible coupled with an average 75 but being able to Burn with Prankster Will O Wisp take your opponent with you with Prankster Destiny Bond is pretty great. Well I won't be counting Mega Evolution for these rankings until we get a Mega Bracelet anyway. As for Dusclops being a better Physical attacker, Dusclops is 70 base attack, Dusknoir is 100 and Banette is 115. Although I agree that some of its best moves are Sucker Punch/Shadow Sneak, I don't believe it deserves D since it has notable niche as a Physical attacker until Golurk is available and as a faster/stronger/less bulky alternative to Dusclops/noir as well as natural access to Knock off. I won't lie, Dusclops/noir is a better choice, but Banette isn't D tier. Imo the only Ghost that should be D or E even is Drifblim because I can't think of literally anything it can do that another Ghost can't do better or just anything it can do fullstop. Probably gonna give it C though, I'll draft up a moveset and a quick analysis for it. I agree with Seismitoad since even Swampert out classes it as a Rock setter and the other Water/Grounds outclass it as an Electric Immunity, will drop now. As for Venu I've gotta think about it, I'll edit my comment when I'm done.
  5. Hi there! I think that the thread in my signature may be of service to your run, and hopefully after you complete it may be able to contribute yourself! As for a personal opinion, I'd use Gardevoir, Clefable, Malamar, Metagross, Delphox and Azumarill. Delphox gets the steel types, Metagross is metagross, Malamar can also help with opposing Steel types with Contrary Superpower, Clefable is a good wall, Gardevoir's great for handling Poison types and Belly Drum Azumarill is dope. Also I just love all those Pokemon haha
  6. All Hidden Power base powers in Gen 6 are 60, regardless of the IVs of each individual Pokemon, not that that makes a difference for Unown, just thought you might wanna know for future. I kinda think that natural access to Sub/Screens could be handy. As well as being able to have Nasty Plot bred on to it, but since I've only used it once, I'll trust you and put it as D until I see an argument suggesting otherwise. Also, ranked Malamar as S because of its great ability to handle Dark types and set up in the same turn, no other Psychic type available aside from Metagross (with a lucky meteor mash boost) can do that.
  7. If Pokemon has taught me anything, it's that even Preschoolers are capable of taming the fiercest of Dragons despite them not being old enough to receive their first Pokemon. Looking at YOU B2/W2 Battle Subway
  8. Hmm. I think it's a bit useless if it's not obtainable for anyone else at any point in the game. But we do have some for Abomasnow/Walrein that were injected as starters since Ice got nothing until 3rd gym, so why not I guess but only for types that have nothing.
  9. Thank you very much, very much appreciated as always! I added some analyses of my own as well and will probably be doing a few more sometime later this week (rip school major work) Normal: Blissey, Snorlax Fire: Infernape Rank changes: (Grass) Ludicolo from A to S: Best Rain Dance setter/user Grass has available and can be used as a win condition against tough Fire users such as Cal and Charlotte.
  10. Ice type AND Stealth Rock user? Gotta agree with Sonikku, breed Stealth Rock onto Mamoswine (and Icicle Crash while you're at it.)
  11. Change Dragalge's Ability if you can to Adaptability, this will give all moves that are either Poison or Dragon type (STAB) a 1.5x boost in power. If you have a Heart Scale, consider getting the move reminder to teach Gardevoir Moonblast, otherwise it'll only naturally learn it at like Level 74 if I remember right. Up to you which Pokemon specifically you replace, but I reckon training up Lotad would be worth it. Maybe replace Seismitoad? If you feel like breeding you could catch a Cubchoo in that mountain near Shade's gym that you need Rock Smash to enter. If you teach that Cubchoo Icicle Crash you can bread Icicle Crash onto Swinub/Mamoswine which would turn it into a monstrosity. Personally I'm not a very big fan of Emboar, I recommend training up Growlithe so it learns Flare Blitz (Level 45) and evolving it into Arcanine and maybe using Intimidate as an ability. I love Drapion as a Pokemon personally, it's one of my favourites but I don't see it working for you since you're against doubling up on types, it would make a great switch pivot for Psychic types used against Emboar and Dragalge.
  12. Welp looks like it's time to do a LC run to one up the entire forum
  13. For evolving Magneton into Magnezone, this thread should help http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=7274 though you've gotta beat another 2 gyms from the point you're at to evolve it. Also it should be getting discharge soon like around Level 50ish, so teach it that. If you wanna keep Exploud I recommend getting the move reminder to teach it Boomburst (140 Base Power Special Normal attack) I highly recommend switching Meowstic since there are better Psychic types like Gardevoir which is available as a Ralts from the Corrupted Pokeball event under the railnet (after beating Aya) Seismitoad has a pretty poor level up move set, but you get Sludge Wave as a TM for beating Aya so that's a plus I guess. If you want a better Water type with better moves via Level up, I recommend Ludicolo with Surf/Bubblebeam, Giga Drain (ONLY LEARNED BY LEVEL 30 LOTAD, NOT LOMBRE OR LUDICOLO or as an Egg move), Rain dance and Mist. If you're looking for a new Pokemon that'll continuously help you out, I highly recommend a Speed Boost Yanma with Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Ancientpower and Detect. (You can use Struggle Bug until it gets Bug Buzz)
  14. Oh another good idea for a run might be Ice/Water in case you're still wondering for a duo-type run idea.
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