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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Hey tag (Gutten_tag), if you want to clear your attachment space follow these instructions: 1. Go to your profile page. 2. Hit the Edit my Profile button in the top right hand corner. 3. Go to the Manage Attachments tab. 4. Delete the attachments you don't need to keep on the site.
  2. Yooooooooooooooooooooooo. Ninja'd. Dobby! Don't die on us! Come back! You didn't have to take that knife...
  3. Just noticed something. Typhlosion's dex entry is longer than Togepi's but Typhlosion's fits in where Togepi's doesn't. My current reason for this is that Typhlosion's makes better use of the individual line spaces whereas Togepi's is always ending on a big word it can't fit in so there's a gap at the end of each line. Keep this in mind when shortening them, sometimes ones that are shorter than your limit will actually not fit. Basically make sure you cut each entry off an acceptable margin below your limit.
  4. I'm up for a bit of work. I'll take 2nd gen for now.
  5. I am but one Sheep, not many. Still, perhaps that's good enough. Skitty.
  6. I called my Chesnaught Broski. 'Cause he's a bro.
  7. Oh you have got that right. I just beat this battle and it was the hardest thing I've faced in reborn to this date. I had a really good team for that point, Herdier, Vespiquen, stuff like that but the only way I could win is by spamming minimize on my Grimer and taking advantage of the fact that Tangrowth doesn't go PULSE until the start of the first turn it's out to poison it before it became grass/poison. I also had to make sure that I wasted Taka's two super potions on his Lileep. Just before I won I was seriously considering grinding my pokemon to level 30-32 in order to get loads of evolutions happening. They were around 25, so that's definitely considerable overleveling. I do refuse to use healing items though so that's something, and I did win so it isn't impossible.
  8. I hope not. I ain't anyone's top tier waifu. PWB?
  9. Oh yeah, Hawaii'll freeze over before PWB replaces the one and only Xatu with a mere Sigilyph.
  10. Freedom from exams. Now for a 4 hour drive home, about a week of holidays, and then a field trip before second semester starts.

    1. Simon


      Have a safe drive home man, and enjoy the break.

    2. Sheep


      Thanks mate.

    3. Vinny


      What Simon said.


  11. I usually play with no free switches and no healing items but this double battle with Zel and Taka including the new PULSE Tangrowth may well break me.

    1. DashingStorm


      And it will. :c

    2. Vinny


      Gotta keep playing my second file so i can slap that Tangrowth's face

  12. And loads of bulk. Good luck.
  13. Sheep

    Focus Sash

    Ah, don't sweat it. PULSE Abra and Arceus weren't that hard. I beat them both easily enough, particularly PULSE Abra. Sure it one shots stuff but hyper beam? Really? It throws the fight all on it's own. Arceus just needed to be slowed down a little and then multiple close combats got the job done easy. I'll be interested to see how much harder the new PULSE Abra is, but if it's still spamming hyper beam, I don't anticipate much.
  14. Are you referring to Terra when you say him? 'Cause Terra's female. Still, if you really are talking about Terra I highly doubt Solaris' Garchomp will kill her. I'd actually like to see it try. I'm sure it would quickly begin to question what exactly a physics is, as Terra beats it to a pulp with her giant hammer.
  15. ...wut. What is it going to school or something? Only appears on weekends... that's something I never would have thought about... Tacos is right. I'm officially broken for a bit.
  16. You guys are good at picking me. Vinny.
  17. My goodness... Vespiquen is officially the spiritual successor to Gyarados. Took down the PULSE Tangrowth and the Chatot while living on a clutch 3hp.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cepheus



      attracting wild pokemon? so you don't have to wander around the grass?^^

    3. Vinny


      ...Yeah, you right.

      I think i collected too much honey in the past, and it wasn't necessary.

      Welp, gotta evolve Combee!

    4. Lynxiechan


      I used a sash vespiquen to get rid of the pulse abra.

      I still dont know how I beat the arceus without a sash. Im still trying to figure out. x.x

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