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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. My sympathies for the rough patch you've been going through lately mate. Don't feel pressured by the guide, it's all voluntary so get it done (or don't) whenever you feel like it. It is a really good resource though, so from that perspective I'd be glad to see more.
  2. Happy birthday Bibarel. You truly are a HM slave like no other.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Thank you :D *throws a cake at Sheep*

      wait HM slave

  3. Nope, that gives you a Mime Jr. apparently.
  4. If you're looking for a Water/Rock type then I'd go Omanyte. Omastar has pretty nice special attack, and access to shell smash. Surf and ancient power should work pretty well.
  5. Yes. I just tested it and you now receive Azurill from the trade with the police officer for the Growlithe. I also ran across a Gulpin on Opal bridge in clear weather but it wasn't there in sun. So Mime Jr. replacement? Edit: Just tested Cowtao's query and turns out you get a Cacnea.
  6. Just tested it and Magikarp has been replaced with Ducklett.
  7. Ah well, everything can't be fixed in one go I guess. Why would we download the next episode if there were no bugs left to fix? Story progression? Pfffft.
  8. Is that like a swing the hammer event at the circus?
  9. There's a grammatical error in the big top field effect description on the field effects page. It looks like this: Fighting Type attacks and these moves become High Striker attacks, which have deal a random increment of damage between x0.8 and x2.5. Also, a quick question. Can you overwrite an existing field effect (say big top) by using the pledge combos?
  10. Shocker. Thanks for this Ame. Now I've gotta make sure it doesn't affect my exam performance.
  11. Sadly not. Oxygen is a component of combustion but ultimately matter cannot be destroyed. The upshot of this is that whatever you produce through burning the air will in turn be able to carry a sound wave. Anyway, welcome to the forums. Alice already covered PO so I guess I'll chip in with ask Tempest and Vinny (who will be along later to greet you, and I'll keep saying that until I'm proven wrong) loads of seemingly unimportant questions. They love that sort of thing. Oh, and best not to hang on to your sanity around these parts. See you round.
  12. To get to the Beryl wall you need to have 8 badges. The entrance is in 7th street. Once you make it to the Beryl wall you need to mine the rock inside, then blow it up with blast powder and mine it again. That gives you access to the rock behind it, which has a hidden item that you need to trade with someone in 7th street for a piplup. In short unless you're very close to the end of the current release you can't get it yet.
  13. Didn't want to do this but you've forced my hand. Qwilfish's shadow ball. Xatu VS Qwilfish. I'm not sure this game can handle the awesome.
  14. lol who needs this game. I've got mah prize. Tempest.
  15. Well you could just have a little sequence where the pokemon is returned to it's ball right? If I remember correctly the same thing happens in HG/SS when you jump on the bike. Even if it doesn't I doubt it'll be that hard to implement. But yeah, there's still the sprites thing.
  16. Wait, you mean I'm not meant to be the winner? But I got a letter and everything. Sky. You haven't been here in a while.
  17. I'm pretty sure Noel gives it to you.
  18. Certainly for what it's worth (like nothing) I'd be behind this. I think it'd make a fantastic addition. However, as far as I'm aware, appropriate sprites only exist up to gen 4 pokemon, seeing as HG/SS were the last games to use the mechanic. This obviously means we'd run into problems with pokemon from gen 5 and gen 6. Maybe sprites that I don't know about exist, or maybe the people that are pretty handy with spriting could work their magic at Ame's behest but I reckon the job of recolouring all of the shiny sprites has got them busy enough at the moment. Hopefully something can be done for this, but I won't hold my breath.
  19. Aww, I wanted to do an Ameowl joke but Noctowl's gone. Ledyba. 'cause it's got 6 hands?
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