I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here but I'm getting the feeling you like Sableye, and don't want Ameowl to be a god.
I guess that's just too bad. 'Cause you know what you get for opening all of those X doors? That's right, a single glorious moment in the presence of Ameowl. Just before you black out from sheer terror.
Yeah, I'm keen for Mienshao as well. That thing's a beast. Still, you do realize that Conkeldurr gets hammer arm right? That's a 90% accuracy 150 base power (after STAB) hit coming off 140 base attack.
That's going to hurt anything that doesn't resist it. A lot.
As in that's an easy choice, or she won't do that?
Either way, I reckon you're right. Who would pick Magikarp over the power of Feebas? But yeah, Ame probably had the Feebas event figured out before Magikarp was removed so I personally doubt this'll happen.
Yeah, there really is no point to this thread, seeing as we already have a tier list thread that works well enough and is much more comprehensive in the number of pokemon it covers.
To the best of my knowledge the Ryhorn, Meditite, Gulpin, Timburr, Dwebble, Tynamo, Mienfoo, Rufflet, and Hawlucha lines have been added. So... Tynamo 4 Magikarp replacement 2014?
Honestly I'd prefer a normal evolution for Sableye. A mega with prankster would be competing pretty hard for a mega slot but if you give it a normal evolution instead then everyone can run eviolite Sableye. I'd probably differentiate it's evolution from it as well, maybe make it offensive? That way it isn't instantly outclassed by it's pre evo.
Still, mega's seem like all the rage these days so I doubt it'll happen.