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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Being late don't matter. So welcome. Or maybe you should be welcoming me... *Shrugs* jump on the server sometime, it's where people are, that aren't called Vinny. Or me for that matter. But you probably already know about the server.
  2. He shouldn't be able to use Gallade 'cause there aren't any ralts' around here right? Unless I'm missing something. If you can't use the Gallade, then I'll vote Aurorus over Tyrantrum just 'cause it's "cooler".
  3. I'm thinking that without the addition of any watered down less powerful water type event pokemon to the beginning of the game Goldeen may see a rise in popularity. It's the best thing I can think of that isn't a starter. Edit: Actually, Panpour. It's got a pretty good movepool and some nice stats if I remember correctly. Not overpowered by any stretch of the imagination though. That and Bibarel, and Lanturn a bit later.
  4. Well allow me to say hello back.
  5. Hey, welcome to reborn. You're right, it's a pretty sweet place to be. Hope you enjoy.
  6. Haha, I'll second that Vinny, best to get people accustomed to reborn's crazy as early as possible. With that out of the way, welcome. I hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. Welcome to reborn. Dunno about short fuses but word on the street is that once you turn up here you never leave. Have fun with that.
  8. Welcome to reborn. Magus'll probably explain everything anyway so I'll leave it at that.
  9. Beat me to it. Why not get a Floatzel. I've never used one myself.
  10. Well I guess you did ask. Perhaps Devon will show up if I call him.
  11. Sheeping is easy, just count the sleeps that jump over... oh wait. Uh, Mikzal.
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