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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Well yeah, that's kind of my point. Both of those pokemon ended up in the D tier. I dunno about you guys but the only reason I'd use a tier list is to find good pokemon for the early game. I already know what works late game. So in my opinion the most useful thing we could do with this is cover the best early game pokemon. 'Cause no-one wants to use bad pokemon right?
  2. Just a heads up, there are actually two starters outside of those colours. Cyndaquil is yellow and chimchar is brown. Looks like fun, I'm not about to start a 3rd game to try it out though.
  3. Welcome to reborn Oozy. (Never thought I'd be saying that) Uh, drop the sanity and keep an eye on Kyra and Alice, they will eat your soul/set you on fire. Probably the best advice I can give you.
  4. Get an escavalier. Thank me later.
  5. I just had an idea that I want to run past you guys. Do you think it'd be a good idea to come up with some sort of list of potentially useful pokemon in reborn and then go through it one at a time with a weekly poll for people to vote on? Two questions, the first being which tier the pokemon sits in and the second being which one (out of 5 or so) they want to see next. I was just thinking that this would produce a steady flow of additions into the tier list. If people have other pokemon they want to see appear they could suggest them in the topic. As for the issue of quantifying the strength of a pokemon's moveset, all I can think of is to list off all of the different "useful" moves from each section in spoiler tags.
  6. Arcanine is your friend. If you've got the patience to train it that is. 'Bout midgame this thing goes full powerhouse.
  7. Oh man those are some powerful 'mons. Not sure what will be the prescribed counter to it but if that pulse tangrowth is legit, it's gonna cause some headaches.
  8. So yeah, I'm interested to know. Vote for your favorite type but also give an explanation if you have one. If you don't have a favorite type yet, have a good think about it. I'll kick us off with Bug. That's partly because heracross is a bug type and partly because a lot of other pokemon I like are bug types. Yanmega, escavalier, galvantula, and volcarona are all among my favorite pokemon of all time. Plus with 6th gen bug got a lot of love in the mega evolution department with 3 megas total. Bug's got some powerful pokemon for competitive (*cough scizor cough*) and some that aren't so good but are still hella cool like shuckle or shedinja.
  9. Yeah, I agree with what you've said here. Some of the entries need revision 'cause they're a bit outdated. With respect to the porygon one I figure it's talking about the Florinia gym. That was the point at which you used to be able to obtain it. Now you can't get it until after Shelly. That normal typing might still come in handy for Shade though I guess.
  10. Well that's the entry block down.

  11. Welcome to reborn mate. Looks like Lost bungled it a bit. What she meant to say was that you should make your way over to the Pokemon Online reborn server. It serves as the chatroom for this place as well as where all of the league goes on. Seems you've already got sanity covered. This welcome message is becoming too info full for a lazy bloke like me so I'll let the others give you rest of the pertinent stuff.
  12. Urgh... Yeah, that just happened.

  13. Just a quick note. Scraggy and pancham are both now available by rock smashing through the railnet to grab the dull key. This window of opportunity will disappear after the gym battle with Shade as Cain will wreck the area you can get through. So if you want a scraggy or a pancham somewhere between just after the Shelly battle and just after the Aya battle this is the only time to pick up the key.
  14. Welcome Tom. If you enjoy competitive battling then no doubt we'll see you on league soon enough.
  15. Escavalier. Definitely go with escavalier. That thing will save you a lot of headaches in the upcoming gyms.
  16. You're right, it isn't that. I found it on my second save file (having already caught it in ep 10 on my first) but in that one I haven't beaten Radomus yet. No doubt you've been told by Ame, or have some sort of exclusive access to stuff, or just looked in the game files but whatever the reason I believe you when you say it's changed. I'm just confused as to how because for all intents and purposes it seems exactly the same to me. I guess it could be that it is temporal and that it first appears somewhere between the gang storyline and Radomus to stop Honchkrow being a thing for Shade. Alternatively it could be that a change was intended to be implemented but due to glitches or something, the change didn't work right. Just brainstorming.
  17. That's weird. My save files are stored in a folder called pokemon reborn, in my games library. Maybe it's 'cause I use a shortcut from that library. Anyway, everything else seems fine to me.
  18. Are you sure? I literally just found it in the aqua gang hideout on a windy night. In episode 11. I had pokesnacks with me I guess so that could be it. There wasn't any text saying anything about them when I encountered it though.
  19. Seems I'm pretty late to this one but welcome. Enjoy your time in reborn, and like everyone else has said, get on PO.
  20. Hey, and welcome. Don't mind Kyra, she hasn't managed to eat me yet. Like they said send all of the questions to Tempest and Vinny. Even if you don't have any. Just spam them.
  21. Try one of the alleyways used by the aqua/magma gangs. Or under the grand stairway, I think the unowns give a fair bit of experience.
  22. Honestly if you don't mind grinding up another pokemon then I'd recommend getting a toxicroak. It learns sucker punch and faint attack through level up and has a very impressive (for this point in the game) 106 base attack. I'd probably replace magneton for him as I don't see magneton doing much.
  23. Oh wow! These are amazing! Do you reckon you could make one of me? http://imgur.com/E45tunz
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