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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Nah, I don't think that'll work. It has to be before the gym battle with Shade. I think you can get around the top using rock smash but after the Shade battle Cain wrecks the place and you can't get back there without strength.
  2. Sheep

    Water Stone

    You're missing some mechanic from X/Y. Pokemon can now inherit egg moves from either parent. That means a female panpour can be hatched with hydro pump, then you can use that panpour to breed another panpour (this time with a sylveon carrying disarming voice as the father) and hey presto. You have both. This isn't applicable here yet though as gen 6 egg moves haven't been implemented into the game yet right? Meaning disarming voice would be impossible. If Simipour was a defensive pokemon I'd agree with you on scald vs hydro pump, but as far as I know it isn't. Therefore I'd recommend hydro pump.
  3. *Shrugs* Welcome I guess.
  4. Who doesn't love knock off though? Before this becomes a knock off appreciation thread I suppose I can throw in my two cents though. On my first playthrough I was a bit overleveled and therefore had a level 25 Roselia with giga drain. I swear even though it can't really touch anything else on her team that thing destroyed the Cradily through sandstorm and everything. I started growth boosting and before she could stop me I was healing more than she could deal with smack down if she wanted to keep sandstorm up and heal herself as well. It took a while but eventually Roselia brought it down solo.
  5. My vote is for Cyndaquil. The little guy doesn't get all that much attention, being overshadowed by the powerful fire/fighting types of the following two generations and the infamous Charizard before him. Even so a fire type starter is probably the most useful for the early game based purely on type and Typhlosion is certainly not a bad pokemon at all.
  6. Nah, that won't work. The link's been decommissioned to stop people downloading it. The animated sprites are no longer available on the site and I don't have a copy of the files. Unless you're lucky and someone willing to share them comes along I don't think you'll get them here. Sorry about that.
  7. Samson's gonna have a lot of options when it comes to megas. Blaziken, lucario, heracross, or medicham. Should make him a lot more difficult.
  8. Name: Mega Lilligant Type: Grass/Psychic Ability: Psycate (Turns all normal moves to Psychic type instead + 1.3x boost) Old stats: 70/60/75/110/75/90 New stats: 70/60/90/150/90/120 With access to tri-attack through nature power (and a resistance to mach punch) this should work pretty well as a quiver dance sweeper. Also Bazaro you haven't put mega heracross in the megas list. Hopefully this means we're able to redo it. So disappointed...
  9. I'm pretty sure you can find a fire stone hidden on a rock on Azurine Island. It's located near the top after going along a big path of water lillies. 'Cause crafty Ame is crafty she also hid it directly behind a fake (foongus) item. Hope that's enough of a description.
  10. What the hell are you doing mate? Trying to kill us all?
  11. Hey Sky, I believe (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) that you can actually get through to the area that holds the dull key after getting rock smash. That means you can get scraggy after the 3rd gym rather than the 5th, It's just really hard to get due to the high leveled pangoro in your way. Possible though.
  12. Nope. (Bet you didn't see that coming) I'mma go with Zephyr.
  13. There's nothing saying that either gyarados or gardevoir are being removed from the early game. Ame just said that they're being considered at the moment. It's possible that they will be but if I remember correctly it isn't likely or unlikely at this point. As for arcanine vs pyroar? I don't know much about pyroar but I do know that arcanine is a beast for in-game. The only problem is the late evolution if you're going for flare blitz. Still, I did and I found that growlithe actually pulled his weight on the team until he got it. There's no reason you can't use pidgeot now and then replace it with noivern (or archeops, just saying) later. This is a loooong game and I'd advise you to not stick to a simple team of six.
  14. Welcome. Yeah we've had a few technical issues of late (if I ever find that gator...) but thankfully we're all good for now. Feel free to take any questions you may have for me to Vinny or Tempest instead. (They'll be along later) But yeah, enjoy your stay.
  15. Thanks Foamy. Then I'd say this one's solved so long as the OP can find it. Sorry if I stole this one from you Lost.
  16. Was this in episode 11? 'Cause if so then it's been moved to the train station. It never used to be there. Looks like no matter where it is it has to be raining though. (Maybe even a thunderstorm?)
  17. Peridot station huh? When I found it it was near the desert gate. Maybe it's moved rather than been removed.
  18. The sticker event changed. Now you get a smoochum egg. As for the Numel, I remember it being in episode 10 (during a thunderstorm) but I haven't seen it since. Maybe it got removed?
  19. Dayum. Notus' sister huh? Welcome to reborn, looks like everything's already been covered outside of the obligatory joke where I mention that you're never leaving. So yeah, there's that. See you round.
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Char... Ch... Charmeleon. More like I thought we'd make it but everything changed when Ame walked by.
  21. Cindaquil 'cause Typhlosion's a boss. Also eruption. It's coming. Honestly though it isn't the best choice. Movepool is seriously lacking (at the moment I'm just spamming flamethrower) unless you want to breed for extrasensory but his stats are alright. The pure fire defensive typing isn't the greatest either though.
  22. Team magma. It's the only way to get Chinchou at the moment. All other pokemon obtainable though this quest line can be found later. Specifically for carvanha I believe you can get one by fishing in the team aqua base.
  23. Barboach. In the running for the most boring pokemon ever. There's literally nothing to be found.
  24. Lost to Titania. I feel like I played better than the 3-0 suggests but sometimes you're just unlucky. She seems tough though, this one may take a while.

    1. Notus


      Well, no leader is ever a easy battle. Next time you'll get her.

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