Yeah, HP rock can be pretty handy once you're at +2, still won't do you any favors in the first block though. Dragon pulse is another option. Hits a bit harder when neutral but doesn't have the same synergy with grass. Talonflame is a great partner for it in multi battles as well due to it's 4x resistance to grass. Though if you want real synergy you could look for a pokemon with sap sipper. Azumarill, Zebstrika, Bouffalant, or a physical Goodra are all possibilities.
Overall though I think I'll relay the same advice I got given on my one of these. It looks too singles oriented.
Speed Boost Sharpedo won't help you any when your opponent is trick rooming. I'd probably run fake out on Hitmontop and replace stone edge with rock slide. Aegislash and Talonflame are both fantastic pokemon and your sets look pretty good. Like Sec said though you can play around with the EVs depending on the opponent. Honestly I'd drop Gliscor. Dedicated walls don't work in doubles or triples and your team is already singles oriented enough. One of the aforementioned sap sippers can probably bring earthquake as coverage to keep that on the team.
Dunno about Sharpedo, could be really good in singles but I can't see it as anything but dead weight in anything else.