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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Hey Telos. Welcome to the forums I guess.
  2. I can personally vouch for Budew, Hoothoot, and Teddiursa. All three are very powerful for the early game in general.
  3. Sheep

    Zubat location?

    Not anymore. It changed in ep 11. Refer to this: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866
  4. Sheep

    Zubat location?

    Now they can't be found until the Byxbision (Bisbyxion?) Wasteland. If I remember correctly from your other thread you're struggling with Kiki? That means you can't get it yet.
  5. There are loads of good ones with an exeggutor body but this is my favorite. Voltutor.
  6. Yeah, it's happening to me for every page on the sidebar outside of Home, Forums and Sprite store. The store doesn't load for me since the crash but at least I can make it to the page. Edit: Bloomin' heck Mikzal. You're a ninja I swear.
  7. Probably the best pokemon for dealing with Kiki is Gardevoir. 4x resistance to fighting and super effective dual STAB moonblast and psychic? Absolutely wrecks her if you play it right.
  8. And now for a pokemon who is a certified boss. Zangoose. Where's the mega? Huh Gamefreak? Where's the damn mega?
  9. Sheep


    Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing.
  10. Well you can't ride a bike through it. You have to run. That's the only problem I can think of.
  11. I reckon just make them all equally common. Personally though I think winter looks the coolest best.
  12. Man, that plan worked like a charm. A two turn 6-0 against Laura. Can't ask for much more than that.

    1. Notus


      Congrats Sheep!

    2. Sheep


      Heh, cheers. Shame you missed it.

    3. Notus


      Yeah, I'd like to have watched that... Oh well, I hope I have enough time to get Shade tonight.

  13. Dunno about Magby. However I do know that Munchlax is very rare. Edit: Ninja'd *shakes fist at Mikzal*
  14. Sheep


    Just to add a bit more mystery to the topic, on my second play-through of the game I noticed a bit of dialogue in the orphanage that I paid no attention to the first time round but has been bugging me recently. When Anna tells you that Noel and Charlotte are both gym leaders Noel begins to say something like "and Anna's..." but then Anna cuts him off. As if she didn't want her title (whatever that is) public. Not much to go on and I've got no idea what he was going to tell you but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Anna was in the elite four. Just thought I'd get this out there.
  15. Well then you'll need to go to 7th street. (The place that you went to to rescue Luna) Once you're there look for a building filled with guys dressed in white. Go in there and talk to one of them. He should start the side-quest for you.
  16. Ok, from my understanding you're not up to the order of the helix fossil side-quest yet. You need to get past the 8th gym and make it to a place called 7th street before you can start it.
  17. Yeah I believe so. In general though I really like Radomus' character. He's by far my favorite gym leader to date and he should be in the league *shakes fist at Anna.* Still not sure if he's with us or against us but I've trusted him this far off of a gut feeling. Would both love and hate (simultaneously) seeing him as an antagonist but whatever Ame's doing with him I don't really mind in the end, just so long as he stays awesome.
  18. Yeah, HP rock can be pretty handy once you're at +2, still won't do you any favors in the first block though. Dragon pulse is another option. Hits a bit harder when neutral but doesn't have the same synergy with grass. Talonflame is a great partner for it in multi battles as well due to it's 4x resistance to grass. Though if you want real synergy you could look for a pokemon with sap sipper. Azumarill, Zebstrika, Bouffalant, or a physical Goodra are all possibilities. Overall though I think I'll relay the same advice I got given on my one of these. It looks too singles oriented. Speed Boost Sharpedo won't help you any when your opponent is trick rooming. I'd probably run fake out on Hitmontop and replace stone edge with rock slide. Aegislash and Talonflame are both fantastic pokemon and your sets look pretty good. Like Sec said though you can play around with the EVs depending on the opponent. Honestly I'd drop Gliscor. Dedicated walls don't work in doubles or triples and your team is already singles oriented enough. One of the aforementioned sap sippers can probably bring earthquake as coverage to keep that on the team. Dunno about Sharpedo, could be really good in singles but I can't see it as anything but dead weight in anything else.
  19. Just took Aya down in a nailbiter. Always knew poison'd be a problem for my team though. Had a plan to deal with her team. The plan didn't survive contact. Still, a win's a win.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vinny


      That ending was cool. Gunk Shot is going to KO? "Hell No, take the Extrasensory!"

    3. Sheep


      Heh, thanks everyone. Yeah, I really thought gunk shot was a wrap.

  20. Is this really a question that needs to be asked? Clearly it's freakin' Heracross.
  21. Whoa serious? Cheers! I'll do some digging to see if I can find the new version then. Zard Y does seem like a good suggestion. Drought should help get around keldeo as well.
  22. Everstone gives you a 100% chance of passing down the holders nature. Destiny knot selects 5 random IVs from the combined pool of 12 (6 from each parent) and passes them down to the offspring. (Normally it's just 3) To pass down egg moves simply breed the parent that has the desired egg move with a female of the desired species. (If the female has the egg moves just breed it with a male from it's egg group or ditto) The offspring will always inherit the possible egg moves from both parents. (up to a limit of 4)
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