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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Dunno about him but I quite like having animations whenever I do anything, makes it easier to track what happens. The sprites are also nicer. As far as the fighting weakness goes try a fairy type. In particular Azumarill will (probably) destroy Keldeo. Should run a number on Conkeldurr as well. Haven't actually used it in gen 6 yet though so I can't say with certainty born of experience. Edit: If you take an Azumarill instead of Volcarona you've got a fair electric weakness. Maybe try to work some ground into your defensive core. Gliscor instead of Skarmory or something like that? You could probably run defog and a life orb on Latios if you want to keep defog. Still, not like you need more toxic stalling with Heatran already there so I dunno. Just throwing ideas around.
  2. A 2-0 in Aya's favour huh? I can deal with that. Still getting the hang of PO. Next time I'll have her.

    1. Notus


      That's the spirit, good luck on the next try!

  3. Welcome to reborn mate. Umm, sanity isn't required... you'll be here forever... something about this being comparable to hell... Did I get all of the obligatory jokes? Seeing as everyone else is too lazy
  4. umbrellas in drinks. New sentence!
  5. If only... #inb4vinnycomplainingaboutthatbeinghisjob...andhunf Welcome Art (can I call you Art?) Now that you've agreed to join the forums I can tell you that if you're trying to fit in around here sanity's a ball and chain we're all pretty friendly so don't worry. Also nice to see more people from gen 1 about the place.
  6. Can we ask for encore's? If yes bring that noctowl back and get a sandslash. If not then wiscash and sandslash.
  7. For real? Not trying to hate on your creativity or anything but from my point of view mudkip (and by extension swampert) is one of the most talked about starters. If I had to pick a least talked about one it would be either meganium or samurott. They just kind of exist without being terribly popular to me. Uh as for my first team? Typhlosion has always been one of (if not) my favorite starters of all time and I've never really used him right the way up to eruption before but I really want to experience it first hand. I figured reborn would get me there without excessive grinding. Roserade has again been a favorite of mine for a long time and when I found a budew in the grass near the start of the game (not really knowing where anything was yet) I was like "oh hell yes." Ursaring was a bit more spur of the moment. I wasn't aware that I should be catching a full team as quickly as possible so was kind of leaning towards only using 6. So when I found a teddiursa I wasn't sure of whether I really wanted to use it or not. In the end I relented and quickly found that a teddiursa is a beastly early game pokemon and having an ursaring by Corey was very useful. Staraptor is next on the list. By this point I'd found a location guide and was able to hunt down a starly 'cause that thing is pretty "powerful" when fully evolved. I had a staraptor by Corey as well (anticipating another level cap rise after the battle) and between him and a guts ursaring Corey just about fell down. Basically I picked him up 'cause I knew he'd do work. Omastar joined the team mainly 'cause I knew in advance that a shell smash omastar can cause all kinds of carnage. Also he granted some much needed water type presence on my team. So he was mainly a tactical choice like staraptor. The last pokemon on my main team is one I spent a whole day clearing logs and webs to get. Heracross is my favorite pokemon in the entire series so far (and will likely never be dethroned) and there was no way that I was playing through reborn without him. I started to play reborn for fun rather than trying out new pokemon and yeah, I wanted a heracross. Edit: Pun about Corey falling down? Completely unintended. Still funny though.
  8. Welcome Bean. Brief welcome for a brief intro.
  9. Electrike. Unfortunately there isn't anything good to be found.
  10. Hmm... Last time I fought her (10.5) she had a Cacnea, Foongus, Cradily, Breloom, Grotle, and Phantump. I think she lost a Carnivine for the Phantump. Dunno, as I said though it was 10.5 so it could have changed again.
  11. Yeah, I've really got to stress how good Archeops and Escavalier are. They both hit like trucks (especially acrobatics from Archeops) and while Archeops is very fast with u-turn and some great coverage, Escavalier is incredibly bulky with a fantastic defensive typing. Escavalier in particular has been very useful since I picked him up, practically making Serra and Noel a walk in the park with STAB super effective iron head against ice and fairy (that clefable) and with swords dance the clefable literally stands no chance. He should be able to dismantle Radomus and Luna equally effectively but I'm on a bit of a break from my second playthrough and so can't comment on that with experience. Both of them are very deserving of a "B" in my opinion with a possible "A" for Escavalier due to how useful it is for the next 4 gyms. (Seeing as how Serra, Noel and Radomus are generally complained about)
  12. Yeah, I'm the same. I can only find them at night. I also tested the size thing and came up with no variation in 5 or 6 attempts.
  13. Few questions. Is college like university? Pretty sure it is but also which year groups (1st year, 2nd year etc.) correlate to which titles? (Freshman etc)
  14. Nosepass. A pokemon for which I constantly wonder... why? Why is this a thing?
  15. Bug: Heracross Dark: Tyranitar Dragon: Dragalge Electric: Jolteon Fairy: Mawile Fighting: Infernape Fire: Volcarona Flying: Staraptor Ghost: Sableye Grass: Lilligant Ice: Aurorus Normal: Heliolisk Poison: Roserade Psychic: Reuniclus Rock: Archeops Steel: Metagross Water: Milotic
  16. Noctowl and Azumarill. You're welcome. Also if you ever bring that Bellsprout back feel free to evolve it right the way to Victreebel.
  17. My thoughts exactly. First time I saw it I saw something holding a rose.
  18. You seem to have left out a couple of dots on the end there. of Xatu's plan...
  19. fleas wearing bandannas. Next sentence please.
  20. Sheep

    Leader Aya

    I found that Venomoth with sleep powder and psybeam was really useful but if you don't want to grind up another pokemon that's understandable. Light screen with a light clay can be really useful as well due to her tendency to spam sludge wave. Your best bets in that regard are probably Mr. Mime, Meowstic or Malamar.
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