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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Listen maybe but act according to it's wishes? Depends on whether or not you think it's advice is sound I suppose. With regards to sanity? The advice is unusual certainly but not something I'd follow. Fortunately for you it appears you don't need to decide. But seriously now, welcome. If you are interested in helping out with the game then probably talk to Amethyst? Or maybe just make a topic in the development section. Also minor nitpick, (I hate to be the one to do this but) double posting is generally a frowned upon activity. There's a little edit button down in the bottom right corner of your post if you need to add more info before someone else posts. Figured if I tell you now you won't make a mistake later.
  2. This looks fun! Let's go with bellsprout.
  3. Welcome. Piece of advice for the game, if you're only planning on using 6 pokemon for the whole game then maybe reconsider that. Unless they're all obtainable early game you'll want some extra firepower for some of the earlier gyms. You can always rotate them out later.
  4. Thanks for the effort! I'll give it a try later. Edit: It worked like a treat! Thanks a ton Vinny, now I can spend the next week or so laughing my ass off.
  5. Erm, I had a dream recently that I had a 6 year old daughter... Being 20 (and single) it was kind of disconcerting. All I remember is that I ended up leaving her at daycare so that I could go to a mate's place and play age of empires.
  6. Sheep

    Hey Guys

    Welcome mate. I think everything's already been said so yeah, throw all the questions at Tempest or Vinny. In the absence of questions, probably question them anyway. Keeps them busy.
  7. It's pretty late in the game. You'll need the yuryu (or something like that) key which you can get after beating Noel. Go into the cave that Saphira comes out of and do a series of puzzles. You'll get the key. Then to get rotom you need to go back to Shade's power plant and unlock a door at the back. Dunno about the forms sorry.
  8. Did you talk to the guy who told you that he saw a guy in a white robe? He then goes on to tell you to ask around because someone else may have seen him. Pretty sure he's the first guy to talk to.
  9. Do you know where I can find a copy of that? I really want to play it.
  10. Well, just got smashed by Laura. Was thinking she'd be scared of heat wave so I prepped for singles. Then she ran trick room triples. It's a learning experience at least.

    1. Notus


      Yeah,she got me on the first try as well. Good luck with the next one and keep trying!

    2. Sheep


      Thanks, I'm not giving up yet.

    3. Vinny


      That's the spirit mate. If my stupid team got me 4 badges, you can do this ^_^

  11. You know it. How about chimchar? Sorry I couldn't stop myself.
  12. Fezz's suggestions all seem pretty solid to me. In particular serperior or hitmontop seem like they could help. I've just got one thing to add and that is run play rough on your absol. It's literally the best coverage move it can get. Pretty sure (just in terms of monotypes) it's perfect two move coverage. Maybe sucker punch, play rough, psycho cut, and iron head?
  13. Sheep

    Hey Guys!

    You'll also need to register your team here. There are few rules but one of them is species clause. (No more than one of any given pokemon species on your team.) You also can't have any megas or legendaries. To register your team you just need to create a trainer card for yourself.
  14. This is freakin awesome. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one. Good luck.
  15. Looks like folks up in this forum be ninjas. Anyway, wurmple. Though there's nothing good to be found.
  16. Sheep

    Hey Guys!

    First you need to download Pokemon Online. Then just click on the reborn server on the front page of PO. Should take you straight in.
  17. Sheep

    Hey Guys!

    Mmm... yeah, right there with you on that one. Hey leafy, welcome to the club. Well not the actual club, 'cause I'm not allowed in the actual club. (Secret forum for ace members.) Uh, enjoy your stay.
  18. You know I think that's entirely plausible given her reaction to the mere mention of budew.
  19. Don't worry Vinny... you're not alone. I missed out on heracross. Blissey.
  20. Right. I just thought it was a part of his character that Ame didn't want to change. That suggests it may be something bigger, and that would be awesome.
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