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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Sheep

    Hello everyon

    Welcome to reborn!
  2. Sunflora. That one pokemon I always wished I had but could never figure out how to get (that and heracross, and tyranitar) from my childhood days of playing G/S. Then I learned about base stats... Still... #Trickroompotential.
  3. I don't know if there's a limit on how many eviolites you can have on one team. (Having never played LC myself) However if there isn't I'd switch the assault vest on your helioptile for an eviolite. It's just plain better. Other than that I can't really comment on your team not knowing the ins and outs of competitive LC.
  4. Creative intro. Well at least I thought so. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  5. Would be nice if this report learned to write itself. Preferably in such a fashion as to net me a HD.

  6. No as far as I'm aware it isn't. Pretty sure it got removed.
  7. Welcome Mafia, I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'll let Vinny or Tempest do the honours with regards to most of the standard info and sanity jokes as I don't think I'm quite qualified yet. It's cool that you like chess 'cause chess is awesome and it's always nice to see another R/B/Y veteran of the game. See you round.
  8. Of lollies in general? Probably toffee. Where would you like to go for a holiday?
  9. Yeah, I tried it tonight on a study break and it can be found on the wall in clear or sunny weather. Wind, rain, or thunderstorm and it isn't there. You'll also need the rose incense which can be obtained pretty easily by talking to the trainer standing in the grassy area above the peridot pokecenter after beating her. Not sure if it can still be found in the peridot grass in the morning but Notus' EV training guide doesn't indicate that it can and as I understand it that's using data from the game files.
  10. Whoever changed my title to Bug Catcher is officially a legend in my books.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Pretty sure that has to do with your post count, just so you know lol.

    2. Aqua Severwill

      Aqua Severwill

      If you want it to stay as bug catcher then you better stay under 50 posts xD

      Or you can change it to a custom one in the reborn shop

    3. Sheep


      Oh right. Well I guess Ame is the legend then.

  11. My favourite surprisingly enough (apparently) is Barry. I enjoyed his fast paced vibe and all of the times he'd run out of a door straight into someone. Least favourite is Hugh, but only just over Tierno and Trevor. Those two are just forgettable but Hugh I found irritating and annoyingly weak with his (3 pokemon?) team.
  12. Hey Sky, do you still need a definitive answer as to how to get budew in ep 11? If so I can have a go at figuring it out. It'll probably take me a few days though. I've kind of banned myself from the game until I get a major report written.
  13. Thanks, and happy birthday!
  14. In game it's generally electric types for some reason. Competitive it's not so much a type. Just mega venusaur. I've never got an answer for that abomination and it just sits there slowly killing my team.
  15. Welcome back. I've got a few comments/suggestions. To start with you don't have any hazards but having not played the league myself I'm not sure how important they are. You say that most of the fights are double/triple battles? If so I'd probably go with drain punch for scrafty as most teams in doubles run pokemon with protect. Also I'd recommend running grass knot on smash as without venusaur the rest of your team doesn't do so well against water and a bulky water will be hard to break without it. It's your team but that's my two cents.
  16. Utas mate, and cheers for the welcome.
  17. Thanks. Welcome to you then and yeah, sounds nice.
  18. Sheep


    Talk to the woman standing in the park area just behind the peridot pokecenter. She's the trainer with the budew. If you talk to her after beating her she'll give you a rose incense.
  19. Sheep


    I'm pretty sure I found it in ep 10.5 before going to the first gym (dunno if it's changed since then) so you shouldn't need to go to the lapis ward. I think you need the rose incense and a certain weather type or time of day. 90% sure it's night time. Just in case you don't know it's up by the desert entry on the wall between upper peridot and lapis.
  20. Welcome Ciara, I hope you enjoy your time here.
  21. Cheers guys! (And girls) The volume of positive responses has really made my day. Hah! Kiwis and sheep huh? Don't need three guesses to know where you're from. Also could someone try to explain to me how to multiquote? There was a whole bunch of people I wanted to respond to but I couldn't figure it out. Could just be my computer I guess, it'll only let me quote at all if I open it in a new tab... Ah well I suppose I'll just do it this way for now: @Bohemian - Thanks man! @Vinny - Haha, not really, Luna's kinda weird with all that darkness stuff and Bennet's kinda stalkerish isn't he? I'll see what I can do about getting on the server, it sounds fun but I'm bogged down with uni reports and the like at the moment so I likely won't make it for a while. P.S. Person3 is fine by me. @Arkhidon - Thanks for the music! I really enjoyed it. @Ruby - Should probably keep the fire away from my bugs. But as long as you like volcarona as much as I do I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Seriously though... keep the fire away from my bugs. @Sky - Thanks Good luck on that mono bug run. I can imagine that Shelly's dwebble, and her scyther, plus that yanmega would all be causing you headaches. But seriously thanks for the warm welcome! I hope I can be as awesome a part of reborn as all of you are someday. When I have holidays maybe.
  22. Hey mates, As you can probably tell from the title I'm a new member of the reborn community. I've been putting this off for a couple of days but I've finally gotten round to writing an intro. Hmm... What to say about me... I generally answer to Sheep, Thomas or Tom. Sheep's probably easiest though 'cause my username. I'm Australian, I'm in my 3rd year of uni doing a bachelor of science and I've got a keen interest in becoming a palaeontologist. Uh, I'm pretty smart, calm, I don't even have a sense of urgency, I'm more likely to be honest than modest though the two aren't mutually exclusive and I make new friends pretty easily. As far as interests go I like video games. My favourites would have to be the Mass Effect trilogy, though I like The Elder Scrolls and Fire Emblem too. I love to read fiction novels be they sci-fi or fantasy and my favourite books would be the Song of Ice and Fire books (Game of Thrones). I watch anime (though not as much as I used to) and I probably enjoyed Fate/Zero, Baccano, Clannad and Code Geass the most out of anything I've seen thus far. In terms of Pokémon bug is my favourite type (uncommon I know) and my favourite Pokémon is heracross. The first games I played were red and blue a long way back and these days I've got a 3DS with X. I'm fairly good at the more competitive side of things if the couple of months I've been doing it are any indication but I don't think I'll be sweeping the league without a bit more (or a lot more) practice. So yeah, I think that'll just about do it. Edit: Whoops, forgot to mention I started playing reborn a few months ago in my summer break and loved it. Was glued to the screen for about a week, while I played it practically non stop. So basically I'm pretty excited to see what else the community has to offer.
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