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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. I said before I'd probably be using Jangmo-o, mainly because I like dinosaurs, and now I'm like hell yeah gimme that Jangmo-o boys. That thing looks nice. Don't think it's the pseudo though, doesn't really look tough enough. It's a bit... kind of... weedy? If that makes sense.
  2. A long awaited moment finally arrives, lookin' good Shia!
  3. That would be my single favourite line of dialogue in the entire game thus far. Radomus has been one to make me chuckle since the first time I played the game, but that line takes the cake.
  4. Nah I'm not convinced that they're evil either. There hasn't been anywhere near enough info either way to make any sort of judgement really.
  5. Have an excellent example of my all time favourite GBA class: Nomad. Perhaps this time around you'll actually be able to use one because he won't come in as late as Rath does. Class: Nomad (M) Affinity: Fire Weapon Rank: D (Bows) Starting Equipment: Short Bow, Steel Bow. (If we can choose). Level: 1 HP: 16 (60%) Str: 6 (50%) Skl: 5 (60%) Spd: 7 (60%) Lck: 5 (30%) Def: 4 (10%) Res: 3 (30%) Con: 8
  6. Yeah Lilligant is pretty game breaking, no doubt about it. I successfully swept Shade, Kiki, Serra, Noel, Luna, Samson, Terra, and even Ciel with it, the thing is terrifying. Honestly Ciel stood less chance than most thanks to the big top arena breaking Lilligant even harder than it normally is. It completely trivializes any boss battle after Shelly that isn't either an overlevelled pokemon or a double battle. I guess the difference between Lilligant and Gyarados is that people used Gyarados while people don't use Lilligant, hence it remains in the early game. Well past bloomin' time if you ask me but you already know that. Still, it's good news. You talkin' about new items that you added a while ago in the E16 development period or new items that you added in previous episodes? Obviously I can't help you with the former, and I still can't help you with the latter because if you think I know anything about where stuff is in this game that I haven't played in who knows how long you're joking. Maybe Route 1? I spent a whole day there the first time I played through this game because I was recovering from surgery at the time so I couldn't really get out of bed and my first run of Reborn was engaging enough to keep me entertained. I remember the reason I was there for so long was I was looking for Heracross (and it turned out to be in the very last place I looked) but even just riding around on Tauros was something I thought was rad. So yeah, I've got fond memories of Route 1 and I'll probably go back to check out if it's changed.
  7. Mine was Serperior but my favourite gen 5 pokemon is Lilligant.
  8. This bloke is a bloke that I like. Renzo, happy (probably late) birthday man. You've got an amazing sense of humour and even though we don't talk much I always get a kick out of your posts. Don't stop being awesome.
  9. Smogon bans baton passing more than one stat anyway (the exception being ancient power boosts) so I don't think it can do anything like that outside of VGC. If it wants to sweep it's gonna have to do it itself.
  10. Dunno where you're getting that number from EXLink but let me just set it straight. 1487.
  11. Assuming you didn't pick an Empoleon, Swampert, or Torterra as your starter or get a Steel or Ground type out of the mystery egg then your options are pretty limited. Steel types available to you at the moment are Wormadam-T and Forretress, both of which aren't bad per say but they're not great either. They'd get the job done if you really need a Steel type. Ground types look a bit better with Wormadam-S, Donphan, Diggersby, and Camerupt all obtainable by this point. Locations for them should be in here. Edit: Got ninja'd pretty hard and I forgot you can go down that little staircase from Obsidia to grab a Klink. I still wouldn't use it over the other two Steel types though, Klink looks pretty mediocre.
  12. :] is reserved for when you troll people. : ) is what I use when I'm being legit nice but without the space because I'm a fool and can't figure out how to unemoticon it.
  13. Currently I'm looking at something like: Lycanroc (either form, I think they both look great but I have a slight bias towards the day form) Salandit Lurantis Jangmo-o In consideration: Rowlet Komala Pikipek Vikavolt Cutiefly Wimpod Wishiwashi Morelull Though I probably won't pick Rowlet or Morelull because I try to avoid doubling up on types and Lurantis is way too clean.
  14. It's been good having you around man, I always enjoy your company, even if I don't go looking for it all that often. Keep on going.
  15. http://imgur.com/a/af7tX Top 5 boys, the question is can I go higher?
  16. Am I the only one who thinks Shue spat the best? Way to freakin' debut. Though having watched it again I've come to appreciate Roger's verse.
  17. 1349 I just want to win so that dogs can win, if people have stopped voting for cats then that makes it even easier.
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