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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. You would have got Calm Mind when you beat Radomus, and therefore Trick Room in your file is supposed to be where Calm Mind would be in newer files. When I went through alpha testing the game I ended up picking up a second copy of Calm Mind instead, but hopefully they've fixed it since then. If they have, then you should find your Trick Room TM at the conclusion of the Mirage Tower puzzle sequence, in the same area that you would get a Honedge.
  2. Have you walked over any of the invisible bridges? You can see them from the top level, there are two visible in the picture you posted. So long as you explore each zone you should eventually find the orbs.
  3. Blizzard is another good strategy. The PULSE Swalot is a lot less threatening on the Icy field where it doesn't have access to healing. As for where is most appropriate to ask this sort of thing, it's probably more of a topic for the general Reborn City forum, but whatever.
  4. They're set up to expect you to use sun to cancel out the rain, and they have a team that performs pretty well under sun in the Rainbow field. I recommend using a Sand Stream or Snow Warning 'mon instead to negate the rain without sending them to the Rainbow Field. That way you can actually set the field on fire. An alternate strategy that I've also found to be highly effective is to continuously reset the field. A Poison type Z-move will instantly take the field back to stage one, regardless of where it's currently at, and you can spam moves like Cut and X-Scissor to keep it under control from there. If you're going to fight in their field you ideally never want to let the Venusaur or Lilligant get out while you're in stage 4 or more. That's when the Sleep Powder Chlorophyll suffering begins.
  5. I think the Pumpkaboo event might only be at night. Emphasis on the "I think".
  6. That's not a great deal of information to go on. If you're still stuck here post a screenshot so I might be able to help you out?
  7. Just checking to make sure you do know that the game is actually out right now. As in you can download and play it if you want to.
  8. No, it's still there. With the redesign of Malchous Forest I can understand why you're having trouble finding it though.
  9. Yeah that one got me for a long time too. By tracing through all possibilities you find that it's actually impossible. Instead, you need to hit the red crystal again to change the positioning of the rock climb segments.
  10. Some of them require you to clear the first three emotions before you get access to them. You have access to all of the letters you need for those three though.
  11. Considering the gyms that are coming up I feel like Steel types are a bit of a liability. You've got Dark, (which Dazzling Gleam Ribombee should be a huge asset for), Fighting, Fire, and then Ground (in which Steel loses it's offensive STAB thanks to the Glitch field getting rid of the Steel type). I reckon Crawdaunt goes into all of that better than Empoleon does, at the very least you've got a strong Aqua Jet. Be aware than neither will be particularly good for Terra though, as Empoleon is weak to Ground, and Crawdaunt becomes special (and also loses its Dark type STAB). As for the Grass types, Amoongus is probably better than Tangrowth, Spore is nice and a lot of the time Grass/Poison is a better defensive typing than pure Grass. You're right though, I wouldn't be bringing either to the fights you mentioned, I don't think this is the greatest time to be a Grass type if I'm honest. As for other general 'mons to include, I'm a huge believer in Archeops for this portion of a run, it does great things against Samson, Charlotte, and Ciel, and gets to keep its physical STAB for Terra. Fighting types are also really good for the next bit, but you have a Blaziken so you've got that covered. If you're struggling with the Swalot, I find bringing something with Blizzard makes the fight a lot more manageable, as it doesn't much enjoy fighting on the Icy field. Ice types generally do pretty well post Charlotte as well, as most of them match up well on the Glitch field, and they do well against Terra and Ciel.
  12. I think all of the top 5 (and most of the honourable mentions) are new to E19 so you won't find them on YouTube. Don't go looking them up in the pokegear unless you've beaten the game or don't mind getting spoiled on the music. 1. Atmosphere - Breath (The new hot springs cave theme) 2. Battle - Elite 3. FindmEEE 4. Atmosphere - Labyrinth 5. Battle - Inner Chaos Honourable mentions: Atmosphere - Beyond If That Is What You Wish Battle - Champion Reborn - Seventh
  13. That's the one on Route 4 right? Iirc your objective is to find all three doors on Route 4, and make your way through to a different orb from each of them. That gives you enough stepping stones in the centre top of the upper floor to get to the genies. Use the upper floor to look for hidden walkways on the lower floor, that's about all I can say off the top of my head.
  14. I'm pretty sure you can also buy them in the Obsidia Department Store as long as you can go high enough.
  15. Have you finished rescuing Agate City and all that? From my understanding the Glass Workstation is supposed to be empty of glass after that, sounds like a bug to me if you're post E18 content. I know when I came back in the postgame the whole place was cleared out. Might be worth confirming with one of the devs, or checking in the bug reporting section just in case.
  16. I've found them on the current patch in the Obsidia Park post restoration. They're pretty rare though, from memory I've seen them both during the morning, and at night.
  17. Shellos and Gastrodon are first obtainable on Azurine Island, and thus before Aya. Also it's possible to do the Plume/Cover Fossil event before battling Serra. I just did. I'm not quite sure what the trigger for it is, but it's the last thing I've done before challenging Serra. Therefore Archeops and Carracosta are both obtainable before Serra.
  18. Specially offensive Water/Bug with Water Bubble and Thunderbolt please.
  19. Heal Ho-Oh, hurt Zygarde. Mewtwo: 21 Lugia: 24 Ho-Oh: 13 Kyogre: 15 Groudon: 20 Rayquaza: 15 Palkia: 12 Dialga: 23 Giratina: 27 Reshiram: 21 Zekrom: 24 Kyurem: 23 Xerneas: 3 Yveltal: 23 Zygarde: 17 Solgaleo: 17 Lunala: 10 Necrozma: 15
  20. Time to return the favor. As I understand it by now the clock must have ticked over and Alexis is having a birthday. She's been around for as long (longer?) than I have so drop her a line to let her know you wish her well, those of you that haven't already anyway. Happy Birthday Lexi.
  21. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone, even though I'm not around much anymore I appreciate the thought. And... is that Vegemite? Thanks but no thanks, can't stand the stuff. Oh and Alexis? You were dead on time, 12:00 AM I reckon, maybe 1 AM. No cheating here though.
  22. Want your favourite unit to be playable in Fire Emblem Heroes? Sick of waiting for IS to come back to Jugdral? Or Magvel? Or Tellius? Say no more, for do I have a treat for you! If you act now you can get exclusive access to... okay that's enough of that. Dunno how much longer I could have kept it up for anyway. But the title isn't clickbait, I can teach you how to make your own FE:H units thanks to this page right here: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Stat_Growth Now that the gurus on the wiki have figured out the nuts and bolts of how FE:H characters are made it's actually really simple to create new characters based on their actual growth rates and base stats in their source games. Essentially you only need to generate two things, the character's base stats as a 1* hero, and their growth points. I'll go into more detail about each below: 1* Base Stats: As the name suggests these are the base stats of the hero as a 1* unit. By observing the free units it's become apparent that each base stat as a 1* is exactly 2 points lower than the base stat of that same hero as a 5*. It's important that we work with 1* bases and then scale upwards rather than the other way around though, because otherwise it's possible to get into negative base stats. A base stat of 0 as a 1* results in a base stat of 2 as a 5*, so if you tried to create the 5* bases first and gave a 1 or a 0 it kind of falls apart. The total number of 1* base stats a hero is allowed depends on their unit type. It starts at 37 and is affected by a number of different additive modifiers as displayed below: Dancer/Singer/Trainee/Young Dragon: -8 (Current Young Dragons are Nowi, Fae, and Tiki-Y. This modifier does not apply to Tiki-A, or Corrin. Ninian is also in but she's a Dancer). Ranged unit: -3 (E.g. Archers, Dagger users, Mages, and Healers). Cavalry unit: -1 Armored unit: +7 Veteran unit: +8 (E.g. Jagen or Gunter. This does not apply to Oifeys such as Frederick or Titania). As I said before, the modifiers are additive. As an example Gunter has a 1* base stat total of 44 (37 minus 1 for being cavalry and then plus 8 for being veteran). When designing your own units I strongly recommend looking to their base stats in their original games as inspiration for their 1* base stats here. Following this the only thing that needs to be done to scale the 1* bases into 5* bases is add 2 to every stat. Additionally a boon results in an increase of 1 for the 5* base stat, while a bane results in a comparable decrease of 1. Growth Values: These are a bit more interesting than the base stats. They are hidden values that each character has for each of their stats, and they govern how quickly each stat will grow as the unit moves from level 1 to level 40. The maximum growth value that can be given to a stat is 10 while the minimum is 1. Having a boon in a stat raises its growth points by 1 (to a maximum of 11) and a bane causes a decrease of 1 (to a minimum of 0). The total number of growth points a unit has is also determined by their unit type. It starts at 31 and has a set of modifiers, similar to the base stat modifiers, associated with it as follows: Dancer/Singer: No change. Trainee/Young Dragon: +6 Ranged unit: -3 Cavalry unit: -1 Armored unit: +2 Veteran unit: -6. An interesting consequence of this is that veterans such as Jagen will actually start stronger than other units, but grow slower, while trainees like Donnel or Grey start off weak but grow like weeds. It also accounts for the lower final stats observed amongst cavalry and ranged units. As with base stats I highly recommend looking to the actual growth rates of the character you're making when looking for inspiration as to how to distribute their growth points. As for calculating how many stat points come from a particular growth point value, there's a table with all of that information in the link at the top of the page. And that's it. To serve as an example I'll put the process I went through to make Rath (FE7) in a spoiler (just to save room) below, but you should have all the tools you need to make a stat line for your favourite Fire Emblem characters. And hey, if they're released later you can compare them with the one you made to see how close you got. Rath: If you have any questions about the process feel free to ask, otherwise knock yourself out. Of course you can always use this system to create your own original characters as well, sky's the limit.
  23. They needed to break it down and explain it a little bit more in my opinion. In searching for an answer online all I found was a lot of confused people, so a lack of understanding about what happened seems to be a pretty common response. Needed just a little bit more time devoted to it. As for your point, didn't they say in episode 4 that the student council would absolve the winner's debt?
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