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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. I doubt it personally. The only old Fire Emblem characters that can realistically stand up to Lucina, Camilla, and Tharja are Ike and Lyn. The next most popular units according to the choose your legends poll are Roy and Hector, but I have a feeling they'd both get smashed by any of the big three. With Lyn's lackluster Atk stat in Heroes her popularity has probably dipped a bit since prepolling too, so I'd say the only realistic hope probably stands with Ike.
  2. Somehow? She was expected to win from before the start, and is probably the most popular Awakening character not called Lucina.
  3. It's true that I hadn't considered voting gauntlets in the frame of tools for producing banners with units that people are likely to pay money for on them. You make a fair point.
  4. Because while I might want them to win, if they don't attract popular support they shouldn't be winning a popularity contest. A system by which a less popular character can overcome a more popular character in a popularity contest is no longer a popularity contest. If someone is more popular, they deserve to win regardless of what I think of them. The solution isn't to try and skew the matchup in favor of the underdog, it's to create gauntlets that don't have a clear winner from the start.
  5. If the winners got orbs that just makes the situation even worse. Literally everyone would jump on the winning horse from round one because orbs are much more valuable than feathers. For the promise of orbs I'd almost support Camilla over Cordelia. I wouldn't, but I'd be tempted.
  6. I'd say there's incentive enough to support your favourite character without a payoff of any kind. Rather than linking feathers to army victories, or rank in army, I'd have a single feather allocation linked to overall rank, with the payouts from it being significantly increased. The upside of this is there isn't any incentive to jump on the winning horse for free army win feathers, nor is there incentive to support underdogs with the aim of getting a high rank in the army without spending many flags. Which army you join then makes no difference whatsoever on your payout, only how hard you fight for them, and the only logical choice for each individual player is to support their favourite, whoever that may be. I'd also ditch the 3x multiplier system because that's dumb.
  7. I disagree. I realise it's not the thread's purpose to go into depth discussing which units are the strongest characters in the series, but as far as the most broken playable unit goes, it is almost unanimously considered to be Sigurd. He starts the game prepromoted in a game where this is a very good thing, is available in the prologue, gets given a repairable Silver Sword in the prologue, is mounted, gets a signature weapon which is 30 might and gives him +10 Skl, +10 Spd, +20 Res, and the Miracle skill, and has the bases and growths to solo his entire part of Genealogy from start to finish. The difference between Sigurd and Ryoma is that Ryoma is irredeemably broken for part of his game, while Sigurd is irredeemably broken for ALL of his game. Even if you want to just base power on endgame viability that's still not Ryoma. It's Julia, once again from Genealogy of the Holy War. Her personal weapon is 30 might, gives her +20 Skl, +20 Spd, +20 Def, and +20 Res, while also giving her, and only her, the ability to deal significant damage to the final boss. Ryoma and Ike are certainly very strong, but they are in no way, shape, or form the strongest two units in the franchise.
  8. The problem isn't 3*s in my opinion, it's 4*s. Specifically the problem is that no new heroes end up in the 3* pool. With the number of characters Fire Emblem has it's going to become VERY difficult to get a specific character outside of a focus before the game is done. Games like Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, which didn't have any characters in the game at release, won't have a single 3* representative. They don't need to take some of the 3*s out, they need to be adding more 3*s in. And once the pool reaches a certain size of total characters, split it into two pools running separate banners to again avoid the end result where you have a 30-odd% chance of getting one of 300 different 4* units.
  9. She's freakin' fantastic on a cavalry team, take it from me. I got a weird one though, but once you get past the fact that it's not your typical Titania you learn to love it. +Def -Res, which along with HP +3 and Fury 3 gives her a stat line of 40 HP, 43 Atk, 37 Spd, 32 Def, and 29 Res, so no real weaknesses to speak of. With an Emerald Axe she tanks both lances and blue magic at the same time. What do you mean for some reason? They don't give Distant Counter to weapons that don't deserve it, you do know Ragnell is 1-2 range right? Raijinto and Siegfried are also 1-2 range and surprise surprise they both give Distant Counter too. The odd one out isn't Ragnell, it's Roy's Sword of Seals, which is 1-2 range but doesn't give Distant Counter. Poor Roy. I'd probably also disagree with your statement that Ryoma is better than Ike, up until the point at which you have Ryoma skill inherit Heavy Blade. But that would involve sacrificing an Ike, which not many people would be willing to do. I think any difference in their stats is more than made up for by Ike's Heavy Blade.
  10. Yeah I'm not sure why they stopped them getting Blows, Fury, or Life and Death. Life and Death is particularly confusing seeing as they are allowed Fortress Def. Well, I put in a last ditch 19 orb effort at Ike and got spooked by a couple of 4* Firs along with a 3* Hana and a 3* something else. I'm not too disappointed because I did manage to get Titania. I'm not sure whether I like Ike or Titania more honestly, they were the first two units I ever used in a Fire Emblem game, though for a number of reasons Titania was the priority pull. She's less likely than Ike to appear on a rate up banner in the future, more likely than Soren or Mist to be 5* exclusive (in my opinion), and very necessary for my team balance because before summoning her I didn't have a good green unit, while Stahl still keeps it real on the red front. So in the end I'm very content with picking up the better half of my goals for this banner. Ike's just a work in progress.
  11. Overall I think it's good that Wrathful Staff is a B skill, because it removes the option of running both Wrathful Staff and Wings of Mercy/Renewal. This way you can't have a single healer that does everything you want a healer to do, and instead it encourages training multiple healers, each with a different specialty.
  12. Genny should have a very high Atk stat yes. Ever since Gaiden she's been the more offensive of the two healers in Valentia, with Silque being a more traditional support oriented entry. Looking at growths from the original material she shouldn't go higher than Elise/Lucius, but that doesn't mean she won't.
  13. Priscilla, while not as good as Elise, definitely still has offensive stats good enough to abuse cavalry buffs. Also I'd probably be running Speed +3 rather than Attack +3 on an Elise, to let her reach 48 Atk and 41 Spd with a Hone Cavalry buff, rather than 51 Atk and 38 Spd. Elise and Priscilla are definitely the main beneficiaries of this skill though, through the power of Hone Cavalry. Comparatively +Spd Lucius with Speed +3 still only reaches 42 Atk and 36 Spd, while Serra makes it to 40 Atk and 37 Spd.
  14. Mmm I'm more excited because Lucius will finally be viable. Honestly this is the skill he should have come with, seeing as he starts off life in FE7 as a glass cannon offensive mage, and only becomes a fantastic healer on top of that after promotion. Even then he's primarily an offensive unit. I understand why they did what they did, the first reason being his promoted attack animations using a staff to attack: And the second reason being they want to preserve light magic for the use of special snowflakes only. That is Linde, Deirdre, Julia, and Micaiah. So I at least anticipate Artur being put into Heroes as a healer as well. Still, even despite all of this, the least they could have done is acknowledge the fact that he is an offensive unit first, and a healer second, by giving him the ability to deal regular damage without requiring skill inheritance. Super mini rant over.
  15. Personally the way I see healers is they either have offensive stats, in which case they're going to want Wrathful Staff, they have defensive stats, in which case they're going to want Renewal (which is better than Live to Serve on account of the only healers that really want self healing being the bulky ones like Azama or Lissa, which means that Renewal provides enough healing, and it isn't conditional on other units being wounded as well), or they're either and they want Wings of Mercy. Wrathful Staff is unlikely to be competing with a healing skill because those that can use one effectively can't really use the other as effectively.
  16. Not sure where Pocky and Hunter are at, but there are a fair few of us on team Julia. I was torn between Julia and Sanaki because Jugdral and Tellius are my favourite parts of Fire Emblem, but overall Julia's useful in Genealogy, while Sanaki is dead weight in Radiant Dawn.
  17. Is your Nowi the freakin' insane Bonfire Triangle Adept Swordbreaker one? If so then yes I've been using it and Ikaru's Eirika interchangeably and it has been cleaning house. I think the only reason this is close (much like the Julia/Sanaki one and the Robin/Merric one is because of the nonsensical new 3x score for losing mechanic. Otherwise Leo would be wiping the floor with Henry, Robin would be wiping the floor with Merric, and Julia would be winning solidly against Sanaki.
  18. Please Mael your Kagero's just trying to be as good as mine by stealing my build. Not that I mind, I'm happy if other people think my builds are good.
  19. Double post because the new banner's got a trailer now. The characters are Celica, Boey, Mae, and Genny unsurprisingly. By far the most important thing for me is Genny's new B skill, which lets healers deal regular damage. I'd much prefer it was an A skill but I'll take what I can get I guess.
  20. Camus I'd imagine, though there has been talk of Lloyd.
  21. 1. I don't have Roy/Selena 2. I like Stahl. 3. I don't like Xander.
  22. That's basically what I do too. With a cavalry team of Olwen, Stahl, and Titania Stahl guards Olwen from greens, Titania guards Stahl from blues, and Olwen completely annihilates anything that's not a super high Res green. Nothing like Dire Thunder and two different gem weapons along with Hone Cavalry support to completely screw over every aspect of the weapon triangle.
  23. The fact that my favourite Jagen and my favourite Oifey are both the only female entries to their respective archetypes is pure coincidence I swear.
  24. Go to the "The Blue Crow" mission with Anna on Normal. You can do the same thing on Lunatic with Ursula to face off against an Ursula who has around 20 less HP. That way you only have to clear the missions with Anna/Ursula, so you can just sit them in the back and let your others take care of it. Thanks, and yeah, Misty Lee's great. She does a fantastic job as Titania, exactly how I imagined her.
  25. I wish she'd do this for me. I'd happily run a level 40+3 or 4 Cordelia. Also why give Hector Quick Riposte when he has Armads? In other news:
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