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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Seconded, Bland Guardian must get an interview. This was pretty neat though, it's the first one I've actually read and I might honestly go back and take a look at what I've missed one day. I liked the Q and A stuff too. Oh and Ark's a swell dude.
  2. While the above link certainly works, the FE Heroes wiki has basically all of the information you might need in one place or another. In this case, they also have a 4* skills attainability table.
  3. Man I need both of those. One for Luna and the other for Hone Cavalry.
  4. As a frequent user of both Reinhardt and Cordelia I can confirm that Reinhardt is definitely the stronger of the two if that's what you're looking for. Dire Thunder is dope.
  5. Nope, once Cordelia dies I'm signing on with Minerva. They may kill my army, they may even kill me, but they'll never kill my conviction to not support Camilla.
  6. All green tomes are prefaced by the same Wind and Elwind though so it won't be a problem. That's F-Robin they're talking about.
  7. No she's more like Minerva. Minerva sets the standard as an excellent prepromoted midgame Wyvern Lord, Dean (Thracia 776) and Camilla both meet that standard, while Haar completely obliterates it. You know not what you speak by saying that Camilla is basically Haar.
  8. The one true king of all Wyvern Lords needs to appear and send Camilla scurrying back down into the hole that she crawled out of. She's starting to get delusions of grandeur, but she doesn't know anything about being a good midgame prepromote compared to this man. Based lord Haar, please, the world needs you.
  9. Well, Camilla seems to be trouncing the competition Lucina style so there's no real surprise there. I can confirm from the front lines of Cordelia vs Cherche that so far it's really low scoring. Cordelia's winning solidly but I get the feeling that both are simply holding onto their round one flags in the knowledge that whoever wins has to face Camilla next. I predict that round 2 will see Camilla needing to drop a lot of flags to proceed, while Minerva's army can just stroll through to the finals on easy mode. I still think Camilla's gonna take the whole thing easily but maybe the finals will be interesting.
  10. IMO you want to compare the best Kagero vs the best Gaius. Personally I think the best Kagero is Darting Blow ('cause if she drops her defences she's never taking a hit) while Gaius has the benefit of 42 HP so he can afford to use Life and Death instead. Even with Life and Death factored in you'd need 60 Atk on the physical side and 57 Atk on the magical side to kill Life and Death neutral Gaius in one hit. A feat that is completely impossible through Atk alone. To get to those kinds of levels you need an A skill, a special skill, some buffs, or a Brave weapon to be helping you out. Offensively Life and Death Gaius boasts 39 Atk and 41 Spd with a Poison Dagger+, while Darting Blow Kagero has 40 Atk and 38 Spd. I think you'd agree that 39 Atk would be sufficient to kill practically any infantry unit when doubling, so Gaius' slight Spd advantage when attacking, and large Spd advantage when defending give him the upper hand. Like I said, it requires very heavy investment to make Gaius worth it, you need to pass him Poison Dagger+ from a 5* Kagero, and Life and Death 3 from a 5* Hana/Jaffar, but he does have the base stat skeleton to be the best offensive dagger user.
  11. Yeah, Felicia destroys mages. On the topic of dagger users with hidden potential though we can't not talk about Gaius. Dude has speed on lock. If you can pass him Life and Death 3 his neutral Atk and Spd are 34 and 41 respectively. That's one less Atk than ordinary Kagero with more Spd than she can get with Darting Blow, now that's a good Poison Dagger user. He's common enough that you could fish for +Atk as well, and his naturally high HP means he probably takes any one hit on the physical or magical side. Gaius has some real potential as the top offensive dagger user, but you need to invest very heavily in him to get him to surpass Kagero.
  12. Taking damage from Hector, what is this scrubsville? You don't know what a true counter is. :]
  13. Good news for those of you that wanted Alm and Celica to have support conversations. They're adding in another part after the point at which Gaiden ended, which we're all assuming will feature a combined army on your side. Guess they knew the fan outcry if Alm and Celica couldn't support would be pretty massive. Good news for everyone really I guess. More content isn't a bad thing, unless it's done poorly.
  14. I think it'd just be an SP gain, though I don't know for certain. If she has any inherited skills though definitely don't merge until after the update that lets those be carried across. You could also promote the 4* Cordelia to 5* and then merge for a stat boost to go with it. Honestly if you weren't merging for the stat boost I'd probably hold onto them both. Use one for skill inheritance of a Brave Lance or Triangle Adept, or even Galeforce.
  15. Joke's on you wet moat. It's April 2nd.

    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Not yet for the American peeps though.

  16. While I agree entirely with what you're saying, when the choice is between this: and this: you pick this:
  17. @Hukuna the Undying Tellius is Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Ike's games, and the only member of them in Heroes at the moment is Sanaki, the Empress of Begnion. Hence the Empress joke.
  18. At least they're not Tellius characters. Even the main characters can't get in from there. Guess the boat fares are an Empress's sum.
  19. Aren't you free to pick a new side once your team loses? A large proportion of the losing army from Cordelia and Hinoka may well join the side of the victor, if there is any chance that they'll defeat Camilla anyway. I do agree that if Cordelia and Hinoka happens it'll likely be the closest matchup of the lot though, unless for some reason whoever faces Camilla in the finals brings it close. Hinoka and Cordelia may well be set to become the new Chrom and Ephraim.
  20. Personally I doubt you'll see Hinoka vs Camilla in the first round. They'll likely set it up to let Camilla, Hinoka, Minerva, and Cordelia progress to the semis, and have a final of (again likely) Camilla and Cordelia. Swap Hinoka and Subaki and I guess you get that while still keeping initial matchups within their games.
  21. Cordelia ranked 7th. I think she'll likely be Camilla's main competition, though I think Camilla will win unfortunately. Cordelia would probably put up a very good fight if everyone simply backed who they like more, but I think there will be a lot of people joining Camilla for the feathers because they assume she'll win. I'm definitely backing Cordelia though, gotta support the waifu. Yeah this is what I'll eventually be doing with Stahl. Brave Sword>anything from the A slot.
  22. I'm staying away from this banner hard. I don't like fanservice characters, nor do I like Chrom, Lucina, Xander, or Camilla and am perfectly happy to wait until they're gone to roll again.
  23. 1. Pull Lucius. 2. Complain some more about how he's a healer. 3. Probably roll some reds and greens for skills, definitely need Selena, Frederick, and Gunter as sacrificial lambs. 4. Hoard quartz for when the next dream team member comes along. Someone green please, like Lewyn, Charlotte, Titania, or Haar. Edit: Oh and somewhere in there promote Kagero to 5* and then promote Ursula to 5* so Olwen can have Death Blow 3. Alternatively roll a Klein. Edit 2: Quartz? This ain't F/GO. More like hoard orbs.
  24. I don't blame you, I like those two too. Absofreakin'lutely. For me Peg Knights go Cordelia>Fee>Elincia>Catria=Hinoka and anyone else is someone I don't care that much about. Just in terms of aesthetics alone though I can see where you're coming from with Palla. Believe me I can.
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