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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Zephyrus the Priestess last won the day on July 13 2017

Zephyrus the Priestess had the most liked content!


16 Fledgling


About Zephyrus the Priestess

  • Birthday 04/30/1997

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    in stopped motion
  • Interests
    ಠ_ಠ your conversion

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    wololo #1059 (or was that 1054 i forgot)

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  1. scrEAMS IT'S A HUKUNA RP a question, though: do you... uhm. need any prior experience with or knowledge of the Castlevania games to take part? cause i'd love to take part, but i have no clue about the game, its mechanics, characters, etc., lol.
  2. nope somEMESTAR once told me i told me my spelling's pretty off
  3. Thanks for the suggestions so far, folks! If you'd like to suggest some more, it'd be neat if they could be food-related next ~
  4. mudkip is so mainstream though ok since i'm impatient af mudkip it is :U weather update: my boy band pokemon team consists thus far of a mudkip named Skipper, a poochyena named Argentum, and a wurmple named Kaiser they're all slow and have very weak attack for some hecking reason. we're doomed ladies and gents and other
  5. Any Rebornian folks from fair Portugal, or who've been there? I am too lazy to Google things was wondering what kind of places to visit or places to eat y'all would recommend. In particular, we'd be in Lisbon and Fatima, though visiting nearby cities is a possibility. i'm posting this at 2:50 in the morning so i'm sorry if it looks like i'm half-assing my posts but yeah portugal \o/
  6. i can now confirm, after seven weeks in Spain, that westerners smell

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Commander


      For some odd reason, something really smells about this.


      Also hi.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      zeph how could u

  7. O SHIT IT'S MAH BOI V I N N Y wololohi to you too good brother of the faith :'D bill wurtz is now our official hymn composer
  8. yooo. thanks! HOIII KAMUSTA BES <33 i missed you too aaaaa i hope you've been good and our local bullshit hasn't gotten u down aaaaa hello friendoooo! prepare ur cheetos if the song of harambe beeth not among the tunes thou playest, thou hast already lost mine favor jk keep it dankin up with the spiciest of memes, my good man hello yes, you're a familiar face! i believe i may've seen you around even before i left? (idk i might be wrong :') ) and thanks, it's good to be back \o/
  9. hello hello thank u \o/ thank o/ //sneeze on the contrary, Ama is a name i know! yes, indeed, i've even welcomed you back when you were a fresh convert to Reborn. xD i still remember the Espeon avi, at least. nice to see you still around and taking charge as a Meteor Admin :))) don't listen to them they're just a bunch of sentimental nerds ayyy hello there \o/ likewise, potential friend! nice Oreon avi btw ~ thanks! looking forward to seeing you around as well. also welcome! there is no escape from this hell BROTHER MOST BLUE OH MY GOD HELLO WHAT A WOLOLOBULOUS DAY IT IS THE MOST GLORIOUS OF ITS KIND HELLO oh my goodness how i missed this so, even though you've regularly kept me sane with your musical gifts over Facebook c: thanks for the lovely welcome as always, Ark!
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