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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Everything posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. Close tie between Greninja and Charizard here, but maybe Charizard cause dragon lol.
  2. No problem at all(I actually was inviting you into the castle earlier XD), come in, I'll have the drawbridge lowered.
  3. Wait.. Where exactly is this area?
  4. Character Name: Helzebeth Dragoth Race: Half-Elf(Grey) Class: Ranger Appearance and Age: A 20 year old lass with a pale complexion, short and messy raven black hair and stormy grey eyes. She dons a grey-greenish robe that helps her to blend in with her surroundings as she lives on the rugged mountains and forests of the Shattered Hills. Said robe has a long hood that she uses to cover her face cause she's an assassin and a descendant of Altair himself as she hides her elven heritage and the fact that she's a girl. Y'know. Just to minimize the amount of crap she gets since she's half-Elf and I dunno if it exists in this kind of setting, but perhaps gender discrimination?. Drawings ahoy. Personality Overview: Acts haughty and often more than not, refuses to seek aid from others. Actually would appreciate company, but would rather not ask for it either, and will tend to shun it as she doesn't warm up easily to people or come to trust others. Or at least, trust humanoid forms. Also she will choose to interact with others if and only if she feels that she has business with them. Backstory: There was once a beautiful elven maiden of grey that took a fancy to a rugged human male. Of course, being of a Grey Elf noble household, she was forbidden to mingle with beings that were not, at the very least, elves. Employing her wit and skill in the art of casting illusory magic, she ran away and boarded the trading ship bound for the Shattered Hills, which was, she had learned, the home and destination of the man. Under guise of a normal human woman, she sought out the man named Dragoth amongst merchants, fishermen, and sailors. Eventually they did meet, and as many stories go, they fell in love with each other and upon reaching the land of Tectanitus, were wed. But all this took place while she lived under the name and face of a normal human woman. About a year after their marriage, the elf, unable to adapt to the harsh environment, finally fell ill and weak. This effectively destroyed the illusion she put up, much to the shock of her husband. Word spread quickly in the little fishing village, which resulted in much contempt towards the couple, as the local folk didn't take very kindly to elves after all. Other folk envied the Dragoth for his beautiful wife, and not too long afterward, the man took her and their newborn daughter into the safety of the forests. Here, after getting over his surprise, he continued to care for and love his wife and daughter. Of course, the maiden passed away after another year, the hardy and much more difficult terrain finally tearing away at the fragile elf's body. The grieving husband grew distant towards all other people and raised his daughter in the wilderness, becoming protective of her. The mother's books and belongings, which she had smuggled along onto the ship, still lay about in the home, and the curious daughter often went through them, picking up only a little bit on Elvish culture as she had never learned Elvish extensively. Growing up with her father, she learned the art of working in tandem with nature, and to be wary and cautious of people. Dragoth himself had an animal companion in the form of a wolf whom he had brought home one day, having found it severely wounded. He'd taken this opportunity to show his daughter the importance of animals as well as plants in the wilderness and how to properly treat a wounded animal. Soon his daughter started bringing home wounded animals to treat, but would often set them free, not finding any that seemed to bond with her properly. On her fifteenth birthday while she was asleep, her father crept away to fetch his gift to her, which he had had purchased in secret. He left for a nearby village, meaning to return even before his beloved daughter awoke. He never returned. Young Helzebeth, at first, was bewildered and in tears about her father's disappearance-- but, being the child of her strong, hardy father and her brave, intelligent mother, learned to live on her own, with Dragoth's wolf at her side. Today she only visits the villages under guise of a normal human man who never speaks to a soul unless deemed necessary, and never consents to drink or eat with others. Not sure if Sue-ish again lul.
  5. *sighs* I suppose that I should get involved in one way or another. I feel that something isn't quite right with the one who called me his "wind sister". ... I'll get involved after this plate of cookies. *noms*
  6. *watches as "Rose" destroys the hurricane* ... That can't be her. It's not the right color of hair. The winds tell me that it doesn't feel humanoid either. *shrugs, while eating cookies and drinking milk* Ah whatever, the army of darkness as disappeared somehow, and the Galactic Forces still rest in my sphere of influence. *watches the entire skirmish from up on the mountain* *shakes head in pity and amusement* Tsk, tsk, tsk.
  7. Trainer's Name(s): Zephyr. Can't remember the rest; been playing since Gameboy Color days Ever "caught 'em all": Almost in Platinum Games Played: Gold and Silver, FireRed and LeafGreen, RSE, Platinum, and watched my youngest aunt play B/W and B/W 2 a bit, SoulSilver Spin-off games played: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon(Red until Explorers of Sky), Pokemon Pinball, Pokemon Rangers(the older ones and Shadows of Almia, never finished em though), Pokemon Puzzle(?) Any TCG decks: Nada, cause my mum didn't really like seeing me invest in toys and the like. Only borrowed my aunt's GBC and was given a GBA as a birthday present. Favorite Generation for Pokémon: Probably 2nd or 4th Favorite Generation for Games: Same as the above Favorite Game: Pokemon SoulSilver or Platinum Favorite Spin-off game: PMD Explorers of Sky, though I've finished it way too many times already Pokémon that needs to exist:  Potatomon There's already way too freakin' many and they're looking weirder and weirder in my opinion... Pokémon that needs to not exist: Nein Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): Trainer/Champion sounds like a hell lotta fun Currently Playing: Pokemon Reborn Favourite Pokémon: Glaceon, for some weird reason. Developed an addiction to the cute thing two years ago and it remains my favorite Eeveelution, along with Umbreon. Probably hasn't changed cause I've never really given this question much thought lul. Favourite Starter: Charmander, though I took a liking to Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil back then If you could have anything for a starter: Eevee, evidently Favourite Pokémon Song: Lavender Town Theme maybe. I'm more of a BGM kinda person. Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Sabrina Favourite Johto Leader/E4: I can't quite decide between Falkner and Karen, here Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: Either Winona or Juan or Wallace Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Roark or Volkner  Favourite Leader/E4 overall: None really come to mind actually. Even amongst my favorites, I like them all equally ._. Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon:  I so love it when I crush my competitors in RSE contests. Platinum's contests need to be more competitive like in RSE, but that's just me, maybe Favourite Pokémon Movie: Giratina's movie cause I love Giratina most out of all the legendaries C: Favourite Animé Episode: Never really watched the anime, so I can't remember the episodes either Favourite Type: Ice, Dragon, Fire, Psychic, Dark Favourite Strategies: Equipping Pokemon with moves that cover their weaknesses. I also like sweepers. Favourite Characters: Red(Pokemon Origin), probably
  8. Mr. Mime can be adorable but disturbing as hell because of the fanbase at times, yeah *ba dum tss*
  9. Dang, this is pretty interesting. Could I have maybe a pet falcon or bird thingy for my character? She'll/he'll probably be either a human ranger or a half-elf or some sort or a thief, maybe. Like, a troublemaker in the kingdom if not a wanderer...
  10. Banned because it's not April Fools Day anymore
  11. (ninja'd? uh.. if that's a bad thing, sorry 'bout that *scratches head sheepishly*) *sips from my glass of iced tea as the Star Wars theme plays as my fleet intercepts the incoming airborne invasion, and mentally tears down any unit that gets past the galactic airforce through the hurricane* *down below, Cthulhu, along with masses of the dead, pulverize any incoming hordes of footsoldiers and ships even* ... Hm, something isn't right. Perhaps I ought to-- *picks up the scent of freshly homemade chocolate chip cookies in the air* Ooh.~ *goes off to grab some from the kitchen*
  12. I was going to place an explosion instead but I was worried somebody would post ahead of me again and I'd accidentally have more retarded posts than needed. Seadra, ladies and gentlemen
  13. You're good to go. Problem is that there's a colony ants in every one of them(you mean the fruit, right?) I wish for world domination.
  14. A yawning stretch of nothing but rocks, uneven ground, sudden cliffs, hills, broken mountains and strange formations was what Zephyr thought of as she and her companions trudged onward. That was understandable; those were all that the surrounding landscape had to offer. The Boss was fond of telling stories. Zephyr recalled once that he'd claimed that this area used to be a mountainous region, complete with some small villages here and there. There used to be a great river that gave life to the valleys, the waters coming from deep within the mountains' enormous cave systems. Today, there were squads sent down into the remains of those now underground systems in order to install pumps to provide the Base with water-- provided that no radiation or whatever had leaked into the waters. So far, so good. Nobody had mutated into a freak of nature. Yet, perhaps. At some point, Houndoom charged ahead, stopping in front of them, baring its fangs viciously and snarling. "What, is something there, bud?" Zephyr inquired of the Houndoom, her hands reaching for the pistols strapped to her thighs. Houndoom was essentially her sentry, given that it had the most keen physical senses among the three. "Let's just carry on and proceed with caution," she said. And so they did, climbing what seemed to be uphill onto higher grounds.
  15. Magikarp used Splash Garchomp used Earthquake
  16. (oh goodie, strawberry's delicious, heartsign lol) *watches as Tamer's army attacks a castle on the coveted hill* Oh dear, those poor fellows. Glad I picked this mountain instead, but I might as well put up sentries and guards here. *a powerful tailwind blows from behind my castle, all of the mountain's breeze working to deflect any possible airborne invaders* Release the Almghty Cthulhu. *gates in the moat are lowered down, causing the infinite river's waters to flood the foot of the mountain. The great Cthulhu rises from the dead sea, roaring in fury and flapping its great bat-like wings. A random cult visits the new shores in boats to worship Cthulhu, but that's irrelevant(unless they act as footsoldiers lul.).* *I lazily raise my hand, swirling the air above my head, summoning a massive, stationary super typhoon/hurricane to revolve around the entire mountain, but enclosing the castle grounds and Cthulhu in the eye where we won't get screwed up* Also, to guard the entrance of the eye... *presses a button. A fleet of myriad steampunk airships hover over the eye, soon accompanied by the Millenium Falcon and a bunch of other TIE-fighter jets and such* One wrong move, and they'll be blasted to bits. *puts hands together, looking pleased* All righty then. C'mon in shortly, all right, Rose? They'll lower the drawbridge for you-- I've got to have it shut for now just in case. Have 'em shut it once you've come inside too, please. *follows Notus inside. The drawbridge goes up once more, with what appear to be souls clinging in vain onto the underside of the great bridge, only to fall back into the cursed waters once more* *inside the castle, which looks like a modern take on royal homes in contrast to the medieval exterior. I take my place on the big rocking chair, which faces the comfy couch or wherever Notus opted to sit down on. Inside the castle, a gentle breeze seems to flow indefinitely, making the interior emanate a comfortable and relaxing feel* If you'd like something to drink, just let me know. Also, it seems that our buddy here's set up a heck load of hexes and traps. He himself is not in the castle, however, but is attacking a castle on the hill as we(or I) speak.
  17. I can't quite decide between a wolf, a cat, or a raven, really. Wolf cause wolves are cool, cat because personality-wise it'd be a life I could be comfortable with, raven for flight and that intellect said to be superior to that of other birds. What ability(like, super power) would you like to possess, good sir/lady/both/other?
  18. Hm.. Nah, I'm good with being mediocre or second best, and I'd like to keep whatever I'm already good at. You can be with the person you want whenever you want, but you will always be awkward and unsure of how to act with them, landing you nowhere. Maybe.
  19. Ladies and gentlemen, the Executor. ... I mean Exeggutor.
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