... Oh my goddess.
It's a replica of Sauron's Eye. I am a fangirl right now.
Welp, might as well send that which cannot be harmed easily to scout ahead for us. *traces the air, moving arm in the direction of a shooting star. A cloud overhead splits open and a powerful gust of wind picks up, as if slicing the cloud released a sort of powerful force*
Go, and be my eyes.
*the invisible force of wind rushes past us all, and into the ominous castle of ominous ominousness, to penetrate and reveal its secrets*
... And, while they're scouting, you folks want to sit down inside for a while?
*gestures towards a castle made of Minecraftian blocks of obsidian, dark spruce wood, and glistening quartz* I'll have 'em lower the bridge if you guys want to come inside, cause... Y'know... Waters of the River Styx down in there. *points at a murky, smoky moat which is 30 feet in diameter encircling the peak of the mountain, upon, for further information, where my castle sits*
I uh... Kinda built it a few seconds ago while all this was happening. Y'know. For the lulz. And a queen deserves a regal home.