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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. Magikarp used Splash ... Squirtle used Water Gun :DD
  2. ... Oh my goddess. It's a replica of Sauron's Eye. I am a fangirl right now. Welp, might as well send that which cannot be harmed easily to scout ahead for us. *traces the air, moving arm in the direction of a shooting star. A cloud overhead splits open and a powerful gust of wind picks up, as if slicing the cloud released a sort of powerful force* Go, and be my eyes. *the invisible force of wind rushes past us all, and into the ominous castle of ominous ominousness, to penetrate and reveal its secrets* ... And, while they're scouting, you folks want to sit down inside for a while? *gestures towards a castle made of Minecraftian blocks of obsidian, dark spruce wood, and glistening quartz* I'll have 'em lower the bridge if you guys want to come inside, cause... Y'know... Waters of the River Styx down in there. *points at a murky, smoky moat which is 30 feet in diameter encircling the peak of the mountain, upon, for further information, where my castle sits* I uh... Kinda built it a few seconds ago while all this was happening. Y'know. For the lulz. And a queen deserves a regal home.
  3. That Grimer has derp written all over it. I like it. Muk
  4. But... But living forever is boring. We do the same things over and over again. *insert depressing song here* Our loved ones will crumble into dust before our eyes one day as we, immortal deities, continue to exist...
  5. *wants a Glaceon, but apparently it's the only Eeveelution not available >:'C*
  6. Cause it sucks. :DD Also I'm a... sort of neutral force. I have a mountain to rule from and though I see not the reason why you all want the hill so much, this war amuses me in a way.
  7. Meh I'm the honcho of the mountain lol. Nice to meet you. *raises a cup of tea like a lady* Also I guess this means I'm on your side now cause you utilized my help... okai then lel
  8. .. I dunno how to delete my retarded posts. ._.
  9. ... But this is a mountain, and thus higher than a hill... And what, is there like... a pile of treasure buried in the hill or somethin'? For now, I'll be a neutral force having tea on this mountain... But since you asked nicely, I suppose I'll consider your offer. It's not safe to go alone take this lol. *gives you a huge vacuum cleaner*
  10. I learned a new trick today. *jumps up in joy* Thank you, Vinny. :DD
  11. Toxeon lol Lapras is gonna Hydro Pump yo mommaswine Mamoswine's arse frecken' desu desu
  12. Omanyte pls Leafeon used Leaf Blade! It's super effective!
  13. ... I dunno how to embed lol. Varien and Razihel- "Toothless Hawkins and His Robot Jazz Band" ... and a bunch of other electronic music
  14. *takes the frying pan angrily and makes breakfast with it, eats it(along with the frying pan), and flies off to sit on top of a mountain* Fine, keep your puny hill! I have a MOUNTAIN, PEASANTS!
  15. Gandalf Voldemort Avada Kedavra Alakazam ._.
  16. *watches in amusement as you all scrabble over what's left of the hill from where I'm sitting, which is another hilltop not too far away* That's the wrong hill, thus I'm King/Queen of the hill smileyface. I have no idea what's going on lol
  17. dat ass Final Fantasy is pretty cool, and I'd have to say that I like FF8 best simply cause it's the one I'm most familiar with. Cloud is a little too mainstream for my tastes; everyone I know from school has this weird fascination with FF7 for some damn reason, and while the movie was okay I don't really get why. Snorlax or Aggron, and why?
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