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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Everything posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. D'aaaw. Thanks. Just takes a lot of practice is all. when I was a preschooler, I drew the sun in a pizza box for my characters cause I thought that the sun was a pizza lul. I draw on sketchpad, mostly, though I have a tablet. Guess I prefer the traditional method of drawing on paper, running it through a scanner... Learning how to color on Adobe programs just recently too. Also if you (carefully) smudge the shades when you do shading, it should sort of make the shading work "blend in" more nicely. Just determine how the object/character you're drawing is facing the light(away from the light, or maybe the light comes in from the right, etc.). I hear that it helps to use a lamp and a doll to illustrate where the shadows would be too, though.
  2. I'm not too sure why being RickRoll'd is so bad, it's a funky song lol. Made me laugh though. I'll take this as a birthday cheer in advance. Nicely done, good madam. *claps*
  3. At some point, Zephyr grew even more restless while waiting for an hour to pass. She reached out her hand-- a signal which her Pokemon understood as an invitation come closer to her. Umbreon leapt up her arm with ease and draped itself on her shoulders lazily, and Houndoom flanked her, resting its head on her lap. "All right. So, for some reason, all the freely available clean water doesn't exist anywhere near this area," she said out loud. Mostly for her sanity's sake, since her Pokemon knew that fact very well. "So far none of the groups we've looted have a Water Pokemon at the very least, or a steady source of clean water. I don't see why the head honcho never assigned expeditions out of this region." Two pairs of eyes, one pair a profoundly golden amber, and the other pair either a deep dark crimson or brown, looked up at her in anticipation. "You two up for another walk?" And so they did, leaving the flames to burn indefinitely.
  4. I'm a lazy cat so I normally hate drawing backgrounds and my coloring skills aren't really the best.Those, and the fact that I don't have ready access to a scanner(hopefully, yet.). Also friends tell me that I could become a manga artist, but I'm a frequent victim of creativity block... And it tends to remain with me for even an entire month. I'd lost readers right away lol. At the moment, I'm starting to feel like she might come off as an Anti-Hero type cause well... She kills people(well, only if she has to), but let's see how it all turns out. Anti-Heroes, as I've read, sound like lots of fun. Maybe. :DD
  5. Meh. Shiny Sandshrew. I was looking for a Skarmory, so I hit run right away. (courtesy of Tvtropes.org or whoever the heck made this picture)
  6. Glaceon. :3 to be honest, I really haven't a frickin' idea why.
  7. *joyfully celebrates because I love positive feedback when it comes to my talents and I don't really get that often lol* *humbly bows in gratitude* Happy to know that my drawings don't... Throw you off or strike you as boring and plain XD And yeah, no worries, good sir, I see your point. I've actually seen people on the net who like to utilize their character's "flaws" abusively in order to get what they want, or, well, just pretty much screw up everything cause they're being pricks or they just don't know how to control themselves. And damn, those Mary Sues. Chose to roleplay only with my friend as a result, but you folks seem to know what you're doing too.
  8. Somewhere on a rocky, dried field situated at the foot of a few hills was perhaps a massive Viking funeral. A dark-haired girl sat on the crumbly, dead soil with an Umbreon and a Houndoom, and looked up from writing on what appeared to be the back of a receipt to watch the tower of flames rise and fall, like a crazed gypsy dancing while reaching and leaping for the darkening sky. "The end of the world had come. The end had come, and it has passed," mumbled Zephyr, reading, with uncertainty, the first line of the free-verse poem she had just attempted to write. Pensively, she stared into the burning inferno that she had her Houndoom create-- it was a habit and a precautionary step of hers to set fire to everything and everyone whom she killed. Nothing new, really. She'd been doing this for roughly half a year by now, for almost every night. Kill or BE killed. Every bit of it had become boring and grey to her. Nothing about dodging blows and weapons, almost getting shot in the vitals, and in the end, subduing and destroying the rival groups was thrilling anymore. Even both her Pokemon seemed to have become accustomed to it all. So, tonight, while awaiting her pick up and easy way back to the Base, she decided to attempt to emulate and understand what a certain madman in history felt whilst watching his city burn to the ground. After a few more minutes of thought, she gave up entirely, crumpled up the receipt, and chucked it into the air. Her Umbreon had anticipated this, and, bored as well, leapt up and hit the ball of paper with its tail, propelling it towards the fire, where it crackled and popped. Then it rested on a nearby rock and continued to appear nonchalant. The hellhound merely watched lazily from its spot and yawned. Zephyr gazed restlessly up into the slowly sprawling blanket of dusk. "One hour, my foot. It took less than thirty minutes to infiltrate the building, sneak around for important stuff, be noticed, begin shooting to kill, proceed to loot, and set the entire complex on fire." She watched a bowl of flowers materialize a good ten feet above the ground and smash into pieces a few seconds later. Funny things like that happened everyday and she wasn't too bothered by it. Space and time weren't necessarily chaotic anymore, but that didn't mean it was entirely stable either. On the other hand, she'd be separated from her Pokemon for several hours upon arriving at Base... And she didn't like leaving her only family in the hands of manic bastards for even a second. Thus she became content with waiting for an hour, rather than having Umbreon fire a Signal Beam into the sky to signal that she ended early.
  9. Yep. Umbreon and Houndoom. Oh. All right fella. If Nova won't push on with capturing you(as I infer from what you said), then I'll see if I can find a way to meet you in the RP XD Also uh... If you become my pal, you'd end up what's essentially a big Pokemon-proof cage of sorts while we're not on missions(on the other hand it can take an entire day to run one, and I assume that we'd be out on missions almost everyday lul.), and though you could hang out with my Umbreon and Houndoom, I can't really guarantee the sanity/lack thereof of the other Pokemon imprisoned there. Would you be okay with that? :U
  10. Oh so... She can be a bit insane(I guess I should've been more specific about her mental disorder... She CAN control herself, it's just that if you leave her alone for too long, she begins to hallucinate and talk to herself. She's not really too unstable like she'd blow up or something once you say something to her)and keep just two NPC Pokemon? D'you mean me, good sir? :0
  11. Hm. Point proven and taken. I'll make her stable in that case. She just has the two, but if deemed necessary then I'll wipe them out of the backstory altogether. (I've actually been RPing for a while and I still do with one of my friends, but I've gotten really lazy lately)
  12. Here's hoping that Zephyr ain't really too Sue-y. Name: Zephyr Age: 17 Appearance: Here's the one with color(below) Personality overview: Sarcastic, snarky, with a tendency to be cynical and nihilistic. Perhaps except towards her Pokemon, who remain with her after the apocalypse. Oh, and she can lapse into total mental and/or emotional instability at times. Backstory: The day that Arceus gave up on the world and all that existed on it was also a day when Zephyr, trying to not deal with her personal problems, consented to going out with a group she'd called "her big brother, handful of good friends, and the rest are morons who I don't really give a damn about". The group outing took place at an amusement park/mall which sat on a beach area by the Johto seas. It all went well until somebody threw a surprise confession for the girl of his affections why presenting to her a ridiculously gigantic Teddiursa doll on the boardwalk, causing Zephyr to turn away and stalk off, as she'd hated romance and romantic gestures done in public due to an experience of her own. As with all great post-apocalyptic journeys, hers began when she entered a maintenance room that linked a ride to a mall and refused to open the door to her big brother, who'd come to check on his little sister and to make sure that she didn't sic her Houndoom and Umbreon on whatever she felt like destroying. He knocked and inquired once, and only once. This puzzled her, because he was usually more persistent than that. She opened the door to find that the world had all but gone to hell. Something had caused the greater part of the boardwalk, which sat perched on a cliff by the lower beach area, to collapse and give way. People and Pokemon alike scrambled in terror, trying to get away from the snapping, breaking wooden floorboards, only to be squashed by falling structures and debris, or to fall into fissures wrought by a sudden earthquake.Stalls and other bigger objects disappeared-- some reappeared to fall into the now turbulent sea; others disappeared for good. After a few seconds of shock, and after seeing the huge Teddiursa doll spontaneously go up in flames, Zephyr realized two things. Her brother was missing. The maintenance room was falling apart as well-- literally. Unwillingly, yet frantically, she dashed past rows of machinery that suddenly burst into flames and/or exploded towards the door at the other end of the room, which seemed to stretch away from her into a long, narrowing hallway. After running for what felt like an hour, she burst through the door, just as the maintenance room fell into the sea. Then, through the door, she sat frozen to the spot as a huge black hole opened up in the sea-- rather, what she could see of the ocean had become a massive whirlpool below her. What she stared at now was its center. A bottomless pit that swallowed everything like a drain, roaring yet yawning beneath her, almost mockingly as she backed up slowly from the door. When she'd gone far enough, the door swung shut by itself, and she was enveloped in near darkness. The emergency floodlights illuminated what looked like appliance, electronics, hardware, and specialty stores. Zephyr was inside the mall, which appeared to be untouched by the carnage outside and void of other people or Pokemon. None of what had just happened had processed through her mind yet. At the moment, she couldn't think at all-- she acted only on impulse, and what her subconscious deemed right. She sent out her Umbreon, which radiated a soft blue pulsating glow in the darkness, and her Houndoom, which immediately took to sniffing the air and growling. She went into a gun store and purchased two M1911 pistols along with extra ammunition, and two holsters for her thighs. Not bothering to leave any money, she continued on into the nearest hardware store, still dazed, as if she were unaware or unable to control her own actions, and walked out with a chainsaw slung on her body with a strap. It was only after raiding the supermarket and then exiting the mall did everything begin to crash down on her brain. Upon stepping out of the glass doors, she and her Pokemon were treated to a most shocking sight-- they were atop a hill, watching the amusement park and the mall that they had just exited sink into the gigantic vortex of water, which appeared to have tripled in size, swallowing the entire establishment without any problem. Zephyr dropped everything- including herself- and began screaming. Both Umbreon and Houndoom were left to process exactly what the kcuf they had just witnessed. A week of utter chaos and insanity later, Zephyr stumbled upon what appeared to be an abandoned facility buried in stone- remnants of mountains, possibly- amidst a jagged wasteland of fissures, cracks, spiky protrusions jutting out of the dry earth, what looked like to be a cleanly sliced half of a building, some cars that appear to have been warped by heat, and other strange pieces of junk. Somehow, she managed to reach the structure without getting herself killed and found that the facility wasn't exactly abandoned. She was greeted by a masked man who simply introduced himself as "the Boss". Impressed by the fact that she had survived the harsh landscape, he welcomed her, bidding her stay at the "Base", that is, the facility, for as long as she needed to-- so long as she turned her Pokemon in for containment, along with the others. There was a rule that no human or Pokemon could come into contact with each other in the Base, unless deemed required in what the Boss called missions. Any group of offenders would be severely punished-- the Pokemon converted into dinner, and the human, forced to partake in an extremely life-threatening mission. The other survivors, Zephyr had found on her first day at the Base, had little to no qualms about killing each other to get their way. Sanity and trust were more or less out of the question; never before had she been more thankful for ammunition. It was an uncertain game of kill or be killed: killed by the other survivors, killed by hostile Pokemon, or even by the Boss himself. Frankly, even Zephyr never could figure out why she still feebly clung onto such a terrible life, after seeing many people she knew die. Perhaps it was because of the possibly foolish hope that somewhere, somehow, as improbable as the events that had taken place... Her big brother and her friends existed and continued to survive.
  13. It didn't save any of the backstory for some reason. Probably TL;DR. orz
  14. ... I typed in a rather lengthy backstory for Zephyr and accidentally made the browser go a page back. well kcuf it, if it's okay with you folks, I'd like to join, but I'll write down everything after banging my head on a wall in a bout of forced tranquil fury
  15. Such welcome. Much warm. So feels. Very wow. I've just had a bunch of sweets and now I feel high. Uh. Hi everyone. More smileyfaces.
  16. Nah, Velma ain't Asian. I think. also I'm not really that smart And well technically I can still see without my glasses... Just not in HD.
  17. No hugs then. Noted. :C It's okay, Ruby, I'm used to getting burnt. Big brother always burns me with flaming arrows, and I have to be nice so as to not burn him back. With words, that is.
  18. I'm not really sure if you guys do Post-Apocalyptic RPs or anything, but... Name: Zephyr(I never really gave her a last name or anything to go after her first name) Birthday: Remember, remember, the 5th of November... '97. Appearance: (lol, disregard all the Pokemon in drawing. I drew that for an Alternate Universe where Zephyr is a Pokemon Trainer. Also, this is probably the best colored drawing of Zephyr that I have on hand- I don't really have immediate access to a scanner, so I don't got much material on hand) Things to Know: Has been part of a group of survivors for a year since what could be called the "end of the world". In spite of this, she firmly disagrees with the saying "safety in numbers", what with fellow survivors mad with the desire to survive, mad from the events that took place during the apocalypse, mad with bloodlust, or just plain insane. Works to keep her spot by carrying out the orders of the group's head known only as the Boss- orders that tend to involve wiping out and raiding other groups of survivors. Keeps a facade composed of a nihilistic outlook, witty snark, and nonchalance in order to mask her own broken state of mind. If left idle and alone for too long, she will hallucinate, and begin talking to people that no longer(?) exist(typically, people with sentimental bonds to her). Roleplay Universe: Post-apocalyptic, but if she can't really fit into any RPs, then I'll go with 'nother character. I kinda just wanted to show-and-tell 'bout my main OC lol I dunno.
  19. ... That picture is the most beautiful piece of Renaissance that I have ever seen. And regretfully I entered this community without a shred of sanity in my soul. I'm used to it, it happens all the time in other games lol c'mere and gimme a hug too soon?
  20. Please don't. :C My big brother won't have anybody to beat the crapola granola out of in Minecraft anymore D: .. On second though, do kill me. I always get my posterior handed to me in our "friendly sibling wrestling matches that involves shooting each other with flaming arrows". ._.
  21. Yeah sorry 'bout that, I'm kinda shy when it comes to showing my face off like the gorgeous bespectacled hunk of derp it is, specially on the net. As a writer and an artist, I make lots of Original Characters, Alter Egos, Split Personalities, whatever you'd call it, and I tend to masquerade as my main OC. *cue people asking me why, in the name of Arceus, I decided to join this topic in the first place* lol I dunno it just seemed like a lotta fun : D But I could describe my facial features, if that'd suffice *apologetic bow*
  22. Uh. I wear eyeglasses and I have short dark brown hair. :DD
  23. Lol. Looks like my name's been taken ._. Also, thanks for the compliments, I kinda forgot to be polite please don't kill me desu. And I'll settle for person Zephyr XD
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