Name: Zephyrrrrrrrr
Age: 19
Birthday: 04.30.97
Location: in front of this laptop, inside a bedroom within a house
Height: 5'3 i think
Hair Color: still brown
Eye Color: also still brown
Live With: family
Pets?: still a beagle, and that cute little monster under my bed
Relationships?: <3
Crushes lately?: on the guy i'm in a relationship with. michael fassbender is p handsome too though
Dream Job: doing anything i'd enjoy really and getting paid for it
Currently Playing: Borderlands 2 and a bunch of Pokemon nuzlockes, particularly LeafGreen
Favourite Food: still breakfast food
Favourite Drink: anything that isn't alcoholic, isn't completely bitter, and isn't a weird "health drink" like wheatgrass or something
Favourite Color: bluish purple
Favourite kind of Music: still not sticking to a particular kind. my preference changes like a fashionista changes clothes within a day
Favourite Band: Breaking Benjamin
Favourite Album: out of theirs, Dear Agony, just cause it has the most number of songs of theirs that i like
Favourite Game: Pokemon and Borderlands 2, i guess .-. i've taken a liking to Borderlands 2 cause zer0 is cool af. also, headshots are fun things
Favourite Genre of Game: Role-Playing, both the video game kind, and the kind that you can observe here in our Role-Playing thread <3
Favourite Hobbies: playing video games, wasting time on the internet, exercising
Favourite Movies: X-Men Apocalypse, How to Train Your Dragon
Favourite Shows: The Walking Dead