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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. (insert everything that's been said about the CW forum not being just about fanfics) i'll probably write a fanfic where a frickton of OCs in the RP subforum all meet each other and crazy shit happens. ... or a fanfic about fanfics. also known as a satire.
  2. i used to always get steel, for some reason. got flying afterwards. now, i've got water ._.
  3. oh, i've figured out why the trees don't grow here... this place is way too salty.
  4. ... i'm not taking part in this riffraff. wololo's far above such trivial disputes lol k bye
  5. tbh i'm just laughing at all this heresy and idolatry but seriously though ... are those manboobs on magnezone
  6. bluish font? check. a really neat avatar, complete with the night covering both sky and sea like a blanket? check. nice message in siggy? check. says y'all? check. you're neat. i like you [: welcome to reborn! wolololoooo ~ \o/ hang around for a long time, why don't you? 's not like you can ever leave anyway hue
  7. the welcome conversion party's back, baby! .. also, welcome and wololo to all the other new members and arrivals i wasn't able to greet properly on their respective threads o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess





    3. Ironbound


      Yet another thing to wrap my head around...

    4. dead account
  8. rip file :x anyway, wololowelcome to Reborn! we've got at least two more folks from India, too (hint: one of 'em posted in this here welcome thread) ~ also, neat! do you mean traditional painting on a canvas or like, digital art kind of painting?
  9. oh my god i loved those memes when they came out too. i remember making a presentation about greece back in high school and i incorporated the THIS IS SPARTA jokes in the graphics cause i seriously could not resist. welcome to reborn! in commemoration of your arrival, take this wololo conversion as well as this video:
  10. welcome to reborn \o/ i hear you like venomoth. i like the color blue! wololooooo~ lots of folk here play LoL; betcha you'll find new friends (or rivals!) around here~
  11. eeeee ducks are cute also they swim in water, which is associated with blue, which is super gr8 because wololo o/ welcome to reborn, by the way! we'll be very gentle! not really. tread carefully. jk welcome, bruv ~
  12. wololo to reborn \o/ you've got a pretty neat username! it just reminds me a little bit of...
  13. i'm fairly sure you were born a rebornian. i guess you could say that you were... ... reborn huehuehue.avi also, i've seen you around on the server. you seem pretty neat so far ~ here's a welcome to make it official. /ahem welcome to reborn! wololoooooo \o/
  14. welcome to reborn! i love your font color tbh it's kind of blue \o/ eevee is, indeed, very adorable <3 i like your writing style, or what you sound like through your post... yep, no sanity already, you'll fit right in. just lemme baptize you in wololo and you'll be all set o/ that, and your English is pretty good, so don't worry about it! your word usages are very, very accurate c: we're looking forward to becoming friends with you, too. ~
  15. wololowelcome to reborn, newfriend! ~ same tbh i like coffee c: and don't worry 'bout your English! just look out for Arkhi and Lost Lore or Shawjamon on the server
  16. welcome to reborn! o/ also, nidoking is super great; you know what'd make him cooler? wolol- oh, wait, we already have a nidoqueen, so there's no need to make nidoking blue... carry on, then.
  17. oh my wololo arkhi didn't post welcome music who are you and what have you done to arkhi /ahem that aside... welcome, Misty! have you seen the shinies in reborn? they've got quite the unique design and look, and pop up a bit more often than shinies do in the original pokemon games o/ i believe there's also been some threads in the Pokemon Fan Club about shinies, but we on the server'd also love to hear your stories! come join us on showdown any time. ~ also, do you like blue-colored shinies? cause wolololooooo \o/
  18. welcome to reborn ~ hope you've been enjoying your stay so far! cause nobody leaves. ever. i see your pink and i raise you wololo blueeee \o/
  19. 'm glad to see your answers have been questioned and that you've been welcomely warmed ~ lemme welcome you too, then, new friend! ~ also, i think your avy needs a little more blu-wololoooo okay, carry on~
  20. oh, a fish friend... jk we won't bite. just crunch, as tempest told me fish are friends, not food o/ welcome to reborn! i hope you like your sea blue because blue is a great colorololo \o/ also, bionicle!!! i vaguely remember having played a bionicle game that i'd gotten along with a box of cereal... kind of wish i still had the CD so i could play it.
  21. that's why i don't tell the complete truth about personal things like my real name :] don't worry, you don't have to answer 'em all, or at all; 's just a thread for sharing things about yourself that you want to share, so that the rest of us can get to know you better, find similar interests, etc. etc.
  22. Name: Zephyrrrrrrrr Age: 19 Birthday: 04.30.97 Location: in front of this laptop, inside a bedroom within a house Height: 5'3 i think Hair Color: still brown Eye Color: also still brown Live With: family Pets?: still a beagle, and that cute little monster under my bed Relationships?: <3 Crushes lately?: on the guy i'm in a relationship with. michael fassbender is p handsome too though Dream Job: doing anything i'd enjoy really and getting paid for it Currently Playing: Borderlands 2 and a bunch of Pokemon nuzlockes, particularly LeafGreen Favourite Food: still breakfast food Favourite Drink: anything that isn't alcoholic, isn't completely bitter, and isn't a weird "health drink" like wheatgrass or something Favourite Color: bluish purple Favourite kind of Music: still not sticking to a particular kind. my preference changes like a fashionista changes clothes within a day Favourite Band: Breaking Benjamin Favourite Album: out of theirs, Dear Agony, just cause it has the most number of songs of theirs that i like Favourite Game: Pokemon and Borderlands 2, i guess .-. i've taken a liking to Borderlands 2 cause zer0 is cool af. also, headshots are fun things Favourite Genre of Game: Role-Playing, both the video game kind, and the kind that you can observe here in our Role-Playing thread <3 Favourite Hobbies: playing video games, wasting time on the internet, exercising Favourite Movies: X-Men Apocalypse, How to Train Your Dragon Favourite Shows: The Walking Dead
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