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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. She sat and stared at the suits of armor warily. True, they posed no threat to her; somehow, she was assured of that; that didn't mean she could simply just let her guard down completely. Even then, at some point, just watching the stationary knights bored her. This "clash of fates" made little sense to her as she hadn't even bothered asking the Lord of Sorrow (definitely not an alias of the Heartless One, at least in her memory anyway) what it was, and therefore disturbed her little. Now that she remembered why she was caught in between being alive and dead in the first place, however, her grievance was with the Lord Draven. Just what had she done to deserve such a petty manner of death? Had somebody observed her, they would have seen how she paced the room, not only walking on the floor but climbing up and down and sometimes even knocking down whatever furniture held place in the room. Sometimes she snarled much like a leopard would, her countenance uncannily resembling that of the wild feline's. ... In fact, when the messenger arrived, it took much restraint to not knock over and wrestle with the seemingly-sentient armor. It wouldn't do to be without peace of mind; Ayla closed her eyes, held a hand to the bridge of her nose, and let loose a long sigh. To release her fury- literally- would give her the benefit of being able to think clearly, but she knew it would act on its own accord and most likely interfere and attack the messenger. Instead she read the parchment. It was fair, at the very least. Is this your will for me, o god Draven? Truth be told, she didn't expect an answer. Since her death, she received no sign or message from the deity of strife, and perhaps she would continue not to. Perhaps if she signed it, she would find out. And sign she did.
  2. ... don't touch my Dark types and we can co-exist in harmony wololo to reborn, in any case \o/
  3. Ah, another Mareep lover, I assume? You'll like Chippy/hanabluebird's artwork of Mareep then. that and welcome to Reborn \o/ wololo
  4. "a day of reckoning" (Alternative title: "a note to myself", "jaded philosophical bullshit", "I really need to stop talking to myself") try not to think too hard about these things: who are you and are you certain that you are? why? just, why? are you happy with you? the people around you; who are real and who's just a figment of your imagination a part of your make-believe tales? do you truly know whom they are? why twos? just cause no man's an island? even then, where's the other you? where's the other you to know whom you are to answer all the questions you wonder? does that you even exist? why are you asking these questions? don't you have something better to do? why aren't - can you just stop please?
  5. poet/writer's feel: when you really want to write something inspirational and have the idea for it but you just feel so jaded and tired and just can't.

    1. Maelstrom


      sleep on it. sleep is the great emotional reset button.

    2. TsundereQueenZephi


      My solution for such an issue is a cup of tea, some toast,and music. A rythym typically helps mental processes and makes your more likely acquire inspiration

  6. "stop motion" click watch your years suddenly fly by now say goodbye to innocence and blissful ignorance as they give way to new burdens you don't understand, won't ever ask for. click watch your responsibilities fly by now look wry and laugh a dry laugh cause it's daft how fast life suddenly is and you just miss not being the you today you just want to stay still and stop motion cause life's just a big ugly commotion destruction explosion implosion click
  7. your name is evil and I don't like you. ;_; JK welcome to Reborn \o/ you've made me seriously hungry though... XD
  8. "do you know the feeling when" pt.1 (Alternate titles: "lazy river", "mfw obligations", "oh look belletristic things") it's kind of like drifting down a river on a nice, well-made boat life's placid and peaceful till the rapids hit kinda like when fans start to get hit by shit the younger you knew for sure somehow that she'd've had the grit and the spirit to bounce back, learn, keep going on but now you kinda just want to keep drifting on and to yawn and then it all starts to fall a p a r t you know if you don't get up you'll drown. you know if you don't get up you'll be crushed. you know if you don't get up nobody can save you. but even with the waterfall approaching roaring rushing more verbs with waterfall noises you just kinda want to stay down anyway stop caring keep drifting and yawning pretending you're still in a well-made boat sailing down a peaceful river that doesn't end in a painful deluge cause hey who likes big sudden changes, anyway?
  9. lol, TvTropes was also where I first heard about Reborn that and, welcome to Reborn \o/ wololo
  10. congrats you're pretty much seven-tenths natural Rebornian (though only less than half of the populace are born with the Grammar Nazi instinct) you know what you need to be a full Rebornian? wololo \o/ there; welcome to the table of the cool blue kids welcome to Reborn, too XD
  11. fregfgdrefegadf you good sir win the internet imo
  12. Well then. Gunther stared, her brown eyes intensely focused on the girl... who wasn't just any girl, she realized. Powerful; a powerful rival. A true idol. Even she was impressed... this was some serious competition.
  13. To all the Ib and Vocaloid fans:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hiss13


      Yep. Still wishing Mary could have gotten at least one happy ending...

  14. Ah, you'll like conversations with Arkhidon and Rosesong, then. Those two love love love music down to the point that others can barely speak or follow when they start talking about things like Aeolian and Phrygian scales and stuff. The Roleplaying and Creative Writing threads would be glad to have you too, if you're interested in hanging out there. anyhow. Welcome to Reborn \o/ I see you've already got your blue on. Keep it up, pal.
  15. A gijinka works t-- WAIT. WAIT. giratina gijinka pls pls pls pls pls eeeee
  16. friend trust me you ain't leavin' ever why be an open book when you can be a blue AND open one? WOLOLOOOO \o/ ps welcome to Reborn
  17. I'm sure you'll find new friends here. Very good ones. Very good blue ones. wololo welcome to Reborn \o/
  18. The Demon King in the game is female? ..I like this character already
  19. Nooo, Lia... ;-; she was the best daughter sniper ever hey. I know the struggles of college life and having to juggle being online with being active in real life though usually Reborn comes first or second to the things I do... so I'd like to wish you the best of luck at school. Get out there and be great, make connections, remember that all is well I'm sorry I couldn't resist sneaking that movie ref in, try not to actually lose your sanity whatever's left of it anyway, and so on and so forth. Oh yeah; stay blue!
  20. Whoa, this looks awesome... though I'll pass for now cause I kinda like my current avy XD but if you can find something like it, I might reconsider
  21. Swablu. ... or Tropius cause tropical bird Pokemon thing \o/
  22. spoiler'd cause holy shit I can feel how emotionally stupid I am from the previous pages that and so it's out of the way and out of sight
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