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9 Fledgling

About KingRyan

  • Birthday 07/29/1997

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    Paragon of Honor
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  • Location
    In the Desert on a Horse with no name
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    Paragon Of Honor#4353

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  1. QUESTION. How do mons like Celebii, Victini, and Jirachi stack up against their same type counterparts? like Victini vs Delphox? or Celebii vs Exeggutor? Or Jirachi vs Metagross vs Solgaleo? i could keep going. 

    1. Lucky98


      Well, I'd say Victini > Delphox because of a better movepool and bst. Delphox may have slightly higher Sp. Attack and Speed, but Victini has base 100 across every stat. Victini can also be a little less predictable (you can run it special, physical, mixed, defensive, etc.). It also gets V-Create.

      The same sort of logic applies to Celebi and Exeggutor

      As for the last three. I'd say Solgaleo is better than Regular Metagross but I'm not sure if it would be better than Mega Metagross. They have fairly similar movesets in terms of type coverage (with Solgaleo actually getting Flare Blitz for fire coverage and access to recovery via Morning Sun). Mega Metagross is actually better in every stat except HP and Special Attack (which really doesn't matter). Either way, they're both probably better than Jirachi. At least in my opinion

    2. Animefan666


      But, V-Create is exclusive to the event Victini. It doesn't learn it on level up.

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