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9 Fledgling

About KingRyan

  • Birthday 07/29/1997

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  • Alias
    Paragon of Honor
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  • Location
    In the Desert on a Horse with no name
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    You ;)

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    Paragon Of Honor#4353

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  1. Is there any chance someone could help me or point me in the right direction to set up reborn on my Mac? or update to episode 17?

    1. seki108


      The best I can do is point out a MAC user who got Reborn working (with some problems still).  There are occasional threads about it, since most seem to emulate it through Wine.  @Candy, any advice?

    2. Candy


      Well, I did what was written on the guide below. Basically you need Wine, which then allows you to click on the Game.exe and run it as you would in a Windows OS.

      Warning is that you will def experience some lag, which can be annoying in the beginning when you're not used to it. However, keeping your savefile small (by for example, not having a shitton of pokemon in your boxes) can help minimize this effect or at least that's what I've felt.

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