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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. POG bluetowel you're the best. my only constructive criticism is: is it at all possible to make the lighting in the Vanhanen "mirror world" easier to see? the shader on the map kinda makes it hard to make out details IMO. Hope everything with the meds n the recovery n whatnot is going well. <3
  2. Good Lord. You ever just look back at your profile after not checking it for 5+ years? Yea. Yeesh. 

  3. Hey Bluetowel (or anyone) can i get some help with the bad eevee event? The only part of the quest I have encountered is I only came across the Vanhanen puzzle because i was scrolling through the maps in the debug menu and found it and now I really want to try and solve it, but I have no idea how to continue or even start the quest. Also I don't need a full explanation if one already exists, if there is a guide or hints i could read, i would gladly do the research myself.
  4. Hey Bluetowel, what is the name of the variable i am changing to "fix" the Dreepy event, and what should I change it to? When i break the red crystal wall and the event starts, i get locked in and don't have any way to open the debug menu.
  5. Thanks for the relatively quick response bluetowel, Luckily I can just debug in a scorbunny and Dreepy for myself since the events are kinda broken, so it's not a massive issue. But I appreciate the thoughtfulness nonetheless. But I will still try debugging my way through the Dreepy event. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. I have the exact same problem. walk in, event starts, get stuck. If anyone knows a solution to this, i would be pleased to hear it.
  7. Hey Bluetowel I could go on and on about the praise for this game but i'll cut right to the chase. Scorbunny in the desert poke spot, doesn't run in a circuit, he just goes to the top of the map, and i can't see him unless I go to the out-of-bounds line and i can barely see his sprite but he's not moving at all. even if i go in the cave at the top and back out, he does the exact same thing, just runs from the top of the rock to outside the map bounds. I doubt this is intended. Any hints for a fix? TBH i just used debug mode to give myself one when I found the scorbunny since i spent like half an hour trying to chase this bugger out of the top cave to the top boundary of the map and said screw it.
  8. Guess who's baaaaaack 

  9. AHHHHH WAYNOLT tyvm you're awesome dude. Now if only there were a way to teach Kyurem Ice Punch or Icicle Crash
  10. Hey Waynolt, is there any way to add Ultra Necrozma to the mod pack? I think the code for ultra necrozma is in place, just we don't have access to the items. If you could somehow add the merging items and the z-stones for necrozma that would be amazing. But no pressure. I understand you updated this solely for a convenience standpoint and not from a dev standpoint, so your current contribution is already fantastic.
  11. Hey ausar, let me know if you need help with anything else. I run reborn inside of a wineskin, and before episode 18, i had 3 different mods running at once *relatively* smoothly. unfortunately those mods haven't been updated for episode 18 yet.
  12. The fucking bagon event literally had me rofling. 

  13. damn, i'm like never on here and i've gotten over 42 thousand profile visits. I hope nobodies been looking for me....

  14. Greetings Modders I doubt many of you know who i am, but i will preface my statement with this: i play reborn on a mac, and i have been running episode 17 with the followers mod, sandbox mod, AND modular mod pack together, in a wineskin, and it has been running smoothly (with the occasional crash, but i assume that simply to be a timeout, as it is never consistent.) my few questions are 1. Is there an episode 18 version of this being worked on? as it is the basis of how my mods are packed together. The follower mod is the main, and then i install the modular mod pack and the sandbox map files into the appropriate follower file locations. (If i come up with any more questions i will edit this post.)
  15. Greetings Modders (if this needs to be spoiler shielded or something please let me know, it's been a while since i've been on the forum.) I have 2 questions about this mod. But to preface this, in episode 17, i have gotten this sandbox mod, the follower pokemon mod, AND the modular mod pack to work together all on a single save file. and i am on a mac, so i packaged all of this into a wineskin and it still runs smoothly (with the occasional crash, but thats to be expected). 1. What is the main source of the mod file in this mod? is it an edited main data? iirc i thought it was just a few new map files that allowed for access to this new area? 2. When might the episode 18 version be coming out? b/c i have made significant progress on my "modded" file, so far that going back to my untouched "pure" file would be days of work undone, so i wish to start episode 18 with all my mods in place, as i don't think my triple modded file of reborn would run in just a vanilla game.
  16. Awesome, I'll get around to it once I have completely outfitted my team in the sandbox. thx m80
  17. So.....I understand all of this, but it doesn't really answer my question exactly. I am fine with switching back and forth between sandbox and follower/modular mods, but are the follower/modular mods combined/compatible? And if so where can I get them or how do I fuse them. But regardless thx for the info commando. I've done coding here and there so I definitely get how and why this works, and which is why I am asking for help rather than just attempting this on my own and butchering all of my own data.
  18. Greetings Moders First of all, I want to say thanks a bunch for creating these mods, 3 of these have specifically caught my eye. I love all of these, and I love using the sandbox (as it is the only one I have so far) BUT I don't know how or if they can be used together (like Skyrim and WoW), and I have only just started diving in to the mod market and heard of this thing called Fusion of Files where "cross contaminating" different mods and files can just blow the whole thing up, so I want to be safe. Can anyone (or I guess more specifically the creators of these mods) teach me or do it for me (preferably the former, I don't want to be a mooch) how to use all of these at the same time?
  19. Is rock climb even going to be like....a massive component of the game or will it just end up being like a QoL improvement to scale massive mountains for shortcuts. 

    1. Dreamy


      I think there's like 1 progression gate, a couple shortcuts and a handful of nice goodies gated behind it in existing areas

  20. WTF is this blue moon lemonade bs that costs more than all of the money I have farmed/haxed. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chickens


      He means the lemonade sold in the desert for  1Million (i think?)

    3. seki108


      .........first I've heard of that, though I didn't do that whole 'finding water' sidequest  or really too much desert eploring in general.  oops.

    4. Marcello
  21. Is there any chance someone could help me or point me in the right direction to set up reborn on my Mac? or update to episode 17?

    1. seki108


      The best I can do is point out a MAC user who got Reborn working (with some problems still).  There are occasional threads about it, since most seem to emulate it through Wine.  @Candy, any advice?

    2. Candy


      Well, I did what was written on the guide below. Basically you need Wine, which then allows you to click on the Game.exe and run it as you would in a Windows OS.

      Warning is that you will def experience some lag, which can be annoying in the beginning when you're not used to it. However, keeping your savefile small (by for example, not having a shitton of pokemon in your boxes) can help minimize this effect or at least that's what I've felt.

  22. Question, is there a discord for reborn? I don't have enough time to just lurk around the forums. 

  23. i.....honestly don't remember if I battled him or not. it's been such a long time. but I think I will wait until I can get my computer. assuming Ame doesn't pump out episode 18 in like.....5 months.
  24. Hey guys, long time no speak. KingRyan back from the dead, I need some hardware/software advice about this game. I loved pokemon reborn when I first found it like 4-5 years ago, back when it was still episode....12/13? and have played the heck out of it back then when I still could. But for about the past 1-2 years sadly my pc has gone to Sh*te and I have resorted to using my MacBook for everything, including video games. And now I love this game, even on the massive development down times, I would play and try to discover every spare secret thrown in the game, just b/c I loved the immersion. I even did some morally questionable things to deeper explore the Easter eggs. (More about that in my profile, if you're interested.) But now my problem is this: I have the wine simulator, and can play pokemon reborn on my Mac, and I still have episode 16 as my latest. But now I see that episode 17 is out, but whenever I try to play pokemon reborn on my Mac it's always super laggy and crashes a lot, and I don't think I have found all of the secret/interesting things yet in episode 16, so I am hesitant to upgrade to the new episode, but I do want to see what new story Ame has thrown in here, but I wanna be able to enjoy it, instead of walk 5 feet, and then my game crashes. So down to the point, I guess my questions are: - Why is the game for episode 16 so laggy? is it b/c I am on a Mac or does this happen for everyone regardless? If Yes - Is there anything I can do as a Mac user to help my game runner smoother? If No. - Would waiting till I get my gaming PC be worth it to finish exploring episode 16? or help the game run smoother in general? - Without spoiling the story, how GOOD is episode 17's story telling and content? Is it worth it to move on? does anything really cool or important get left behind from episode 16? Thx, Hugs King Ryan
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