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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. My toes are cold and i have to study mechanics on thx giving D: It's a shame my parents are so overbearing about our (me and my brothers) grades and that my father is so high and mighty.

  2. Do you think it could be at all possible to see a mobile pulse system? almost like a suit of armor? iirc, all the pulse systems we have seen so far have been sort of stable defensive wall-esque pokemon that wouldn't move. Not wall as in like a blissey, but literal walls. Tangrowth? Wall of vines and plants. Avalugg? Wall of ice/Glacier. Swalott? Poison sponge wall. They've all been stationary. But what if pulse armor became a thing? Turning a pokemon into a physical weapon. On the thought of shadow pokemon, they had their hearts "closed" essentially turning off their morality and turning them into machines. It is fairly clear in reborn that the bad guys (apologies for my lack of formal nouns, haven't played the story in a few months) pokemon, like Sirius' garchomp will openly attack people, as well as others. So what if a mobile pulse armor was created to even further enhance a pokemon's destructive capabilities? Like Sirius' garchomp on a free-roaming pulse machine literally tearing down Reborn city again? It would be an interesting development, as we have slowly been tearing down team meteor and re-uniting our forces (Gym leaders and other potent figures) so what power plays would meteor have to stop us? Lin can't possibly beat every single power player we have (speaking in terms of Us vs Team meteor) Also, i still don't know who the voice was when we left the Arc de Astray (apologies for the misspell, and apologies if i just necro'd a potential conversation from earlier in the thread).
  3. I want to say i am thankful for all of the people and Ame most of all for working SO hard on episode 16, and i cant wait for it to be finally finished :D

  4. YO FAM! i got a free smite Ymir code for the first person to claim it! APBUAC687BD7FF0F4

  5. Got my mom a bouquet of flowers, easily worth 50-60 dollars, for 30. :D happy thanksgiving! i would be no where without my mom.....oh wait, right, happy CANADIAN thanks giving.

  6. The Almighty loaf makes me laugh so much i spasm. It's awesome.

    1. Combat


      Even now, the evil seed of what you've done, germinates within you.


  8. Is it possible to GTS with yourself in Uranium if you have 2 separate accounts?

    1. Hect


      Theoretically. But that would mean that you would need two seperate save files. Sounds like a pain in the ass.

  9. So, my first chem midterm (1st of 3, worth 10%) is tomorrow and i was studying (more tutoring at the time) with this one girl from my class, and she wasn't exactly super keen on the subject and as i was "lecturing" and brining her up on the notes and concepts, it all kind of clicked together and i was like..."yea...Yea! this is right, and this is this and Gibbs Free energy is related to enthalpy and entropy and temperature in kelvin and i DO know this!" i feel like...

    1. KingRyan


      I have regained my sense of confidence in my own knowledge and more importantly i feel like i have found the best way to cement knowledge in my head and essentially learned how to learn again :D /cheer

  10. Shiny Jerbolta for an Actan? Anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      tbh I lot of people ended up just wonder trading it without realizing how useful it is. I know because I now have several.

    3. laggless01


      Eh, got a pretty good Volchick. Maybe I should try to spam all my bred Jolly Minicorns in Wonder Trade...

    4. Hect


      I think the best thing to trade would probably be Nuclear Actan.

  11. Dear god what in the fuck have i missed.

    1. YinYang9705


      you missed Dorcus

  12. Question, (and i am really not trying to be any kind of ist here I'm just curious) do gender fluid people use either public restroom? Or is there like a defining 50/50 line between male and female restrooms?....inb4 gender fluid public washrooms.

    1. IntSys


      I've seen gender-neutral public restrooms before (as in, both sex uses the same restroom), but it's quite rare over here.

  13. INB4 episode 16

  14. MOGAR IS READY!!!!

  15. YO someone just traded me a garlikid!!! inb4 i get an actan or a lanthan XD

  16. Yo fam, sorry for begging for a tyrande code like a noob earlier. found out that as a student I can get 6 months of amazon prime for FREE! and with that i was able to link my twitch account to it. I just need to set my subscription to not recur once the 6 month period is up. any tips on how to do that?

  17. Yo, has anyone heard the news about the new priest hero for hearthstone? complicated biz to get it from amazon prime, but i would be willing to pay someone rupees for a code.

  18. I swear Ice Cream Sand Witch had a part in the new RWBY chibi episode.

    1. Amanojaku


      How many puns were spoken per second in that episode?

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      there was a whole skit dedicated to puns around someones last name

  19. I just realized Baaschaf is dabbing

    1. Sutoratosu



      well. Indeed he is..oh the memes...

    2. BIGJRA


      It had that sprite since before, leading to only one conclusion... JV and Twitch dropped the game from the awe they felt after predicting a cultural phenomena.

  20. Er ma gerd it's a terlard

  21. i find it to be a miracle that i was walking to class today while eating KFC and i DIDNT get hiccups.

  22. Just a thought, but do you think there is ANY possibility, that team RWBY will end up being the 4 maidens?

  23. Nothing like mom's homemade white taco chilli to heal the heart and body

  24. Hey guys, my friends boyfriend just broke up with her. i need advice to cheer her up. she is a nerd like me so think of appropriate fields of advice

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