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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. I wish I had a bro-friend as bro-ey as prince Sidon

  2. How am i supposed to play pokemon reborn with all this lag and script hanging? and without my drink? 

  3. I love this game, but my poopy laptop can't handle it and the script constantly hangs....

  4. Slowpoke Tail, y u so expensive?! Help plz? 

    1. HongaarseBeer


      I suppose you're referring to the Spyce sidequest. You don't actually buy it, just keep talking to that salesman

  5. Thats a lot of fuckin Kecleon....

    1. Shadowsusanoo


      Yah, They keep on coming as if THEIR "Lord Arcues" is coming to give them a 


  6. Why can Weavile no learn ice punch? 

    1. Wolfox


      cuz eggmove

    2. Alistair


      Cuz it went into armless Wooper's gen6 movepool

    3. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Because Gamefreak doesn't want us to have nice things.

  7. I found the classified information. Where is Looker? i just got back into the game...

    1. seki108


      In Reborn?  Check the Peridot ward, near the alley

    2. KingRyan
  8. Hey Guys, Guess who's back? 


    Quick Question, has the game been updated at all since the release back in december? bug fixes or the like? 

  9. I want there to be some sort of story somewhere out there where one of the main points of conflict is called the Weaboo Wars, the struggle for the Waifus

  10. Question/Quick Quiz. In General for both PvE and PvP, what is better: Latios/Latias with Soul Dew, or Mega Stone? I personally would go w/ should dew b/c i hate how they look when mega evolved, and there are so many other more useful mega evolutions. 

    1. IntSys


      Mega Stone. Soul Dew only makes the duo hit slightly harder, which is not worth it imo.

  11. Strongest Bug/Poison type, and why. GO. 

    1. Sheep


      Scolipede. Speed Boost, Swords Dance, good attack stat, solid coverage. The thing's a monster.

    2. YinYang9705


      Mega Beedrill, high attack&speed+ adaptability= powerhouse

    3. IntSys


      Venomoth. Quiver Dance + Tinted Lens + Sleep Powder. You can't wall this thing without a Blissey or a Chansey.

  12. QUESTION. How do mons like Celebii, Victini, and Jirachi stack up against their same type counterparts? like Victini vs Delphox? or Celebii vs Exeggutor? Or Jirachi vs Metagross vs Solgaleo? i could keep going. 

    1. Lucky98


      Well, I'd say Victini > Delphox because of a better movepool and bst. Delphox may have slightly higher Sp. Attack and Speed, but Victini has base 100 across every stat. Victini can also be a little less predictable (you can run it special, physical, mixed, defensive, etc.). It also gets V-Create.

      The same sort of logic applies to Celebi and Exeggutor

      As for the last three. I'd say Solgaleo is better than Regular Metagross but I'm not sure if it would be better than Mega Metagross. They have fairly similar movesets in terms of type coverage (with Solgaleo actually getting Flare Blitz for fire coverage and access to recovery via Morning Sun). Mega Metagross is actually better in every stat except HP and Special Attack (which really doesn't matter). Either way, they're both probably better than Jirachi. At least in my opinion

    2. Animefan666


      But, V-Create is exclusive to the event Victini. It doesn't learn it on level up.

  13. Hey guys, is there any sort of following for Dark Souls 3 on here? I want help building a New Character for a run, and i have some ideas, but i want to know how effective they'll be. I've run through once before with a Str/Dex Archer Build, it was fun, but not nearly as effective as i would like. Any place where i can post a new thread for advice? More than 1 opinion would be appreciated. 

  14. aaaaaand i'm fairly certain i bombed my midterm. Godamnit, my morning was the worst. 

  15. <shudder of Disgust> dear god, in an attempt to get some form of nutrition in me, i had to borrow my friends Nut-Based Milk, and i added my own Vanilla Instant breakfast mix to it, and drinking it literally was like swamp water. Murky and gross and now i feel like i wanna Chunder. Not to mention that i had missed my special disability session to write my midterm in a single room by myself with time and a half, now i have to write in a massive lecture hall with only like an hour. Great....at least it's better than nothing. 

  16. fuck everyone and everything. i have a midterm tmw at 9am, (or is it 9:30?) and some drunk jackass just pulled the fire alarm. not like smoke alarm from out kitchen, but actual fire alarm that calls the fire dpt n shit. And i'm just sitting here like fuck everyone in this building. Godamnit. 

    1. seki108


      It's not much consolation, but good luck and godspeed.

  17. I know it may be sort of counter intuitive to most ways the class is built, but with Ungoro Crater releasing "some time mid april" i am making a fuckin hunter deck with King Krush, Ghaz'rilla, the new Swamp King Dread, and hopefully a few other Menacing Titans of the Beast world. Rawr bitchez, here i come. 

    1. Dreamy


      Please let control hunter finally be a thing.

  18. yeeessssss i just won my first Legitimate Black Market Auction in WoW for the Vitreous Stone Drake, for 73K. So Hype. 

    1. AuthorReborn


      That is mostly technobabble to me since I never played WoW, but congrats! It is clearly something you happy with, so more power to you. 

  19. Oh god my legs. I walked over 20km today playing pokemon go. Caught an 82% Granbull and an 86% Noctowl and evolved some Rhyhorns. DO IT AGAIN TMW.

  20. It looks like the new Y TV commercial stole Siva....

  21. Hey Guys, question. Does anyone know if overwatch skins are linked to the xbox live account or the battle.net account specifically for that console? Me and my brother are gonna have to debate ownership of our xbox live account and i need to know if i link my battle.net account to a different xbox live account, will i still keep my skins? 

  22. I just ran full tilt sprint from one end of my campus to the other to catch a Larvitar in Go. #Werf #Dying 

  23. this is one of my new favourite things

  24. New Meta Buster Team: Reinhardt, Orisa, Ana, Dad 76 (With very active use of his biotic field to help his fwiednds), Junkrat, and a GOOD Genji. Not some Naruto Weab who sucks. 


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