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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. Dude! I knew you could pick up chicks in a tank.

    1. Pixl


      Looks like I'm getting a tank then.

    2. Shamitako


      Do you ever wonder why we're here?

    3. KingRyan


      I mean why are we standing up here in the sun, when we could be standing down there in the shade...

  2. disappointment and envy are like the best of friends. they work together to make my life miserable.


  4. GUYS!! GLITCH X CITY RECENTLY RELEASED A DISTORTION WORLD REMIX!! It is remixed in with Scarlet Dawn by Varien. oh my god it is total eargasm. Give it a listen here:

    1. Azeria


      about a day late but it's awesome so fuck it!

  5. hey guys, i have a question. What happens when a KO move (I.E. Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine, etc) meets endure or that sash that prevents a one hit ko? I know how sturdy works, but i never got to simulate this back when i was a kid and pokemon was all i played.

    1. zimvader42


      I have no idea, but I assume endure and focus sash both leave the user at 1 HP.

      That is, again, just an assumption.

  6. I'm not sure if this is intentional, or if it's some sort of unfixable bug, but IMO all the sixth gen mon growls and cries are all like...quiter, and more muffled than the others. I can here my chandelure and blaziken plain as day, but my chesnaught and malamar and greninja are just kinda silent...., like i said, muffled. Can anyone else confirm this?
  7. hey guys, now that i've done pretty much everything there is to do currently, other than catch every pokemon in the game, is it wrong to stare and admire my perfectly created team in all it's glory and awesomeness?

    1. Dark Desire
    2. Hypa


      wait till the next episode destroys that perfectly created team making you use other pokes lol

    3. KingRyan


      mind you this team consists of more than like....20 pokes right?

  8. man, this environment class really makes me want to accomplish my goal more. To any who have read my about me page, my first goal in nanotechnology would be to make an extremely efficient way to draw H2O particles from corrupted water. Water is become such a scarce and important resource, it should never be a commodity. In a perfect scenario, i would purify ocean water, but on a large scale that may even disrupt the natural water cycle. Man, if only i had more time

    1. KingRyan


      Also, it is clear i can't english XD even tho it's my first language.

  9. GUY i escaped the english examination relatively unscathed, but now i have a problem. I need a good point to prove on my topic of Dystopian society and government control in regards to the characters and the public, My books are fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World

    1. AuthorReborn


      Okay, so I've read F451 so here's something. Prove that through the government attempting to simplify and reduce lives to something which can be easily controlled or manipulated. Good luck and i hope I understood what you were asking.

  10. just took my electrostatics physics test. about to be evaluated for my english ISU progress. If i can survive today I'll be amazed

    1. AuthorReborn


      Good luck to you and godspeed.

    2. Etesian


      Ah, lucky you, I've still got exams ahead of my and I just can't wait to get it over with. Well, here's hoping you get good results!


  12. hey guys, i have a question for all you creative minds out there. I am either looking for an answer, or a witty response for laughs. Ok: If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That is because words are part of a larger action. And siad chain of action does indeed put into motion things that mere weapons cannot. The written wod and words in general are the catalyst for everything else, from them comes more actions. And it infinitely cascades. The Pen starts everything, the sword ends it.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Though in all honesty, I don't think the proverb is meant to be taken so literally. Chances are what it's actually meant to convey is the concept that careful planning and plotting is often far more potent and deadly in the end than a quick bout of mindless, brute force.

      And for some reason, Game of Thrones comes to my mind as I type this...

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean... Game Thrones is good and not a good example lol. Because there is a lot of both in that series etc... some of the characters are purely driven by emotion etc... and they are doing just fine... well for the most part XD.

  13. The wise man knows his fate. The fool merely finds it. -The fate of all fools.

  14. when the voice of alien Jesus speaks to you, you do not respond with WHAT'S UP!!!

    1. Jelly


      is this one of those middle aged mom minion memes ive been hearing about

    2. Jelly


      mmmm for short i guess

    3. Jelly
  15. I love both cain and charlotte, but with Cain making only gay male innuendos (or at least as far as i can remember) it is a little hard for me to see these 2 shipped, but hey, i am up for anything. Also, i agree, this picture does definitely clash with her in game attitude, badass and all. this picture if possibly even too....waifu......
  16. hey guys, i'm not sure how many of you know about this song, but imo tfw you here that eargasm tho its like, give it a listen, if this is your sort of thing. Imo it should be everybodies sort of thing, but her, no judgement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAlfj2onGXQ

    1. KingRyan
    2. KingRyan


      quick update tho: if basketball got upgraded to somehow include trampolines, i feel this would be that sports theme song

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Basketball with trampolines actually exists. And if you roam around YT, you'll find Space Jam mixed into preyy much EVERYTHING, including stuff like the credits music of a Kirby game, the Ghostbusters iconic theme, and many many more...

  17. you guys know glitchxcity? 2 question. 1) does anyone else download and listen to her awesome music or is that just me? 2) does she have any other relations to the sight? like a profile or anything? I think it'd be awesome if she was more part of the community, she's done so much :D otherwise our (and by our i mean ame and companies) awesome game would be like...boring.

    1. Simon


      Everyone here pretty much listens to her, especially for the fact part of her music is in the game itself.

  18. english isu due May 6th...weeeeee

  19. so the sword really is a key. Full Circle hype.

  20. hey guys, i have a question. is goodra good at all? Does it's abilities and skills warrant it's pseudo legendary status? Lord goony is another thing entirely, but Goodra seems....lack lister imo

    1. KingRyan


      Goomy* even, autocorrect

    2. AuthorReborn


      Goodra has its own little niche in UU. Latias outclasses it quite easily, but Goodra does have its own place. It can pair well with M-Pert through Sap Sipper. It's not the easiest to use, but it is still OK in battles.

    3. Shamitako


      I believe the psuedo-legend in Kalos is indeed Goodra. It has the BST of 600

  21. tfw you are afraid of your own emotions.....just me? ok.....

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      As I mentioned in an earlier status of yours, I have been there before, so I can relate to your problems :)

    2. Shamitako


      Emotions are scary things. Why else would I use them as my primary weapon?

  22. can girls still be true bros?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity
    3. RubyHeart


      As long as you stay over 9000KM away from us

    4. Felicity


      So, internet Brhoes?

  23. my 3 biggest emotional issues right now: Lust, Envy, and Disappointment. does anyone have any tips for the latter 2?

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      So you like a chick, you envy the one who get to be with her, and you are disappointed because she doesn't seem to get your feelings at all? Because I have been there, if this is your situation I think I can give you a tip or two.

  24. that moment when you stay up waaaaaay too late (after a disappointing raid night, mind you) to win a relatively cheap pair of boots of the bmah. to any who know what i am talking about, kudos

  25. do any of u remember my hnnggg brainstorm like...a day or 2 ago? well, it has come to fruition. I have spent the majority of last night and this morning ramping up a ton of...what i would assume to be spectacular mon, as i have JUST come to the realization that having only 1 team of 6 mons is kinda foolish. My arsenal is assembled and ready. Come at me world

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