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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. Poll/Question: Out of the three fire-fighting type starters nintendo has thrown at us, which one is your favourite? Personally, I like Blaziken, with Infernape coming close second. I don't really like emboar all that much. He doesn't fit my fighting style...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Not to mention the HO ROcker sets and stuff fro Infernape. Infernape jsut has lot of sets it can run so it is unpredictable to a degree. It is mad fragile but it can overcome that to a degree.

    3. zimvader42


      While I don't like Infernape's design over Blaziken's, I see where people comes from when it comes to movepools and other stuff.

      I think I'd say blaziken, but just because I like its design more. Not too much of a fan of fire/fighting starters.

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Blaziken. Might've been Emboar if it was as cute as Tepig.

  2. Hey guys, do you remember the magikarp salesman thing that got turned into a wild goose chase? I got distracted after i beat them at the top of the lower peridot ward, near the door to the tourmaline desert. Can anyone give me a hint as to where to go next? i know that once i find the next hint, the hints keep chaining, i just need to get back on track.

    1. Commander


      I think you talk to the Magma Grunt next. I honestly can't remember anything before that. (It's either that or the place close to where the Scrafty fight was).

    2. Pixl


      The next one is some kid in the slums, who after you battle him tells you to go to the gangs in Lapis

  3. So, today has been a rather somber school day. Yesterday, one of the students at my school got into a catastrophic skiing accident, which, in the end, took her life. Throughout today, there has been tears shed, and prayers abound. We have had 2 assemblies, one in the morning detailing that she had become injured, and one recently revealing that she had passed away. I put a profound statement about death on our schools forum page, hoping to help console hearts....meanwhile i have been walking...

    1. KingRyan


      (Cont'd) around being 'sombrely respectful' all the while with my shorts lacking a button.

    2. AuthorReborn


      oh golly. I'll keep her in heart, mind, and prayers.

  4. so....the button on my shorts came off...in the middle of a school day......they r still comfy and easy 2 wear tho.......i think i should use a caribeener (mt) to hold it together.

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      why are you wearing shorts with buttons? thats the opposite of comfy and easy to wear.

    2. KingRyan


      Private school dress code XD. the caribeener didn't work tho. any idea's?

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Uh... you don;t have a belt? That is... surprising to be lacking from a private school dress code lol.

  5. What is this "Mega Rayquaza" i keep hearing everyone murmur about? i assume it would be a mini boss of a side quest?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Uh, don't worry about it. It was something that was accidentally left in the game. It was never supposed to be XD.

    2. Shamitako


      Never heard of a Mega Rayquaza. Mega RayCrayCray tho...

    3. zimvader42


      SOMEbody left a mega rayquaza to the hands of a random NPC for you to battle with confidence and then suddenly get all your hopes and dreams destroyed.

      Not that I have anything to complain tho, I haven't downloaded 14.5 yet, and Ray quay quay isn't there anymore so...

  6. Does anyone think That Spyro will ever return as a game featuring himself in 3rd person rig adventure game? I fear spyro has been doomed to a collect-em-all beat em up game now named skylanders....

  7. Hey guys, i just had a thought, and then a question. I am aware that Amaria is..lesbian? (i do believe that is the proper term for it) and she loves Titania. This makes me wonder 2 things. Is Titania lesbian as well, but just not in love with Amaria? Also, ik Terra always made 'shots' and jokes at Ciel, how she is the Ciel tamer, etc. Do you think Terra and Ciel had a lesbian relationship as well? or just crazy?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azeria


      ...Huh...you learn something new everyday :P

    3. HakuTaku


      Terra is Bi since she was in a relationship with both those circuse gym leaders. A mutual fwb triangle from what i remember.

    4. diana


      She was never with Samson, or at least it was never actually said- she only talked about Ciel when it was around.

  8. Hey guys, do you remember back in the onyx arcade how the multiplayer server were down? Do you think it was b/c of the 'virus' thing up in ametrine? Ik that when you go back to talk to the nerds they claim it's still offline, but i would assume that is b/c ame wouldn't edit anything before Agate circus, until we could actually get back to reborn city properly?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I actually talked to them recently and they say it's back online.

    2. CURIE


      ^What he said. I was hoping that we'd actually get to play it, though...

  9. man, i keep forgetting how much i F***in love this game. every time i come back i learn to love it even more. I. WANT. MOOOOOORE. however, i have learned to be patient.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maelstrom


      *ryan gets touched by a bee and drops all his rings*

    3. Noivy
    4. Shing


      Next time don't try to steal their honey Ryan.

  11. Hey guys, remember how i told you that my brother was having an issue with his idiotic friend impersonating him on an instagram account? turns out i can request a deactivation for impersonation accounts :D

    1. AuthorReborn


      Aw nice! I'm glad you could resolve the issue passivly.

  12. #excited for tmw. I have bets that xur will have either suros or thunder lord based on predictions and 'packet sniffing' by megamanexe4. I can only hope for suros....or maybe even gjallarhorn...speaking of which, apparently it was removed from xur's loot table. oh noes.

    1. Jelly
    2. Maelstrom


      But how else will I ever get a gally?

  13. Hey guys, i have a predicament, and i need mature minds advice on it. One of my brothers idiotic friends created a fake instagram account for my brother. My younger brother for starters is against any social media, and this idiotic friend (benjamin) is being extremely insensitive to my brother, and disrespectful of what my brother wants. I have been asked by my brother to 'handle this'. I have 3 options. Go directly on the offensive, and go to the principal, give Benjamin a chance to...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KingRyan


      me and my brother do have different ideals, notions, etc, and we but heads a lot. But A) Ben disrespected our entire immediate family by posting that our dog recently died, and that we would be getting a new one soon, (with stupid photos to go with those posts.) funny thing tho, my dog died nearly 5 years ago. We had to put her down b/c she was in too poor of a condition b4 we moved.

    3. KingRyan


      and B) I am the only one allowed to 'bully' my brother.

    4. AuthorReborn


      Hmm. Well if Ben is as... shall we say, "thick headed" as you let on, the only way to actually get through to him would be to confront him about the subject directly. Nonviolently would be the obvious preference, but in my experience, most boys/young men tend to be quite pugnacious so steel yourself to be prepared for the physical whiplash which may occur. Godspeed to you and good luck.

  14. Toanyone that plays destiny, apparently Suros regime is coming this weekend...ALSO hard light and thunder lord confirmed to be coming soon.

  15. why is there suddenly nothing to DO with my spare time at school. i have access to the internet, yet i am 'bored' out of my mind.

  16. oh GOD the eyegasm. that art is really really good....can we see one of terra? or better yet, fern under terra's hammer?
  17. you ever get that feeling...deep in your heart, the one that drives you insane because you need to have it in your life? i...i think it's called...love. That one desirable irresistible thing about someone that you just....need to have in your life? it hit my like a truck about 3 hours ago, and now i can barely grasp it at all...funny huh?

  18. Whelp. Now i have an hour to burn b4 my dad gets here to pick me up for dinner. (Here, as in, my school) and then i have learning dialogues at like...6:30. oi.....might as well get some homework done now.

  19. Is anyone excited for the release of Lazer Team?

  20. "In the vault of glass, time frays, and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle." Who said this. Bonus points for technicality.

    1. Chevaleresse


      Pahanin quoting Kabr's last words.

  21. They rest quiet on fields afar...for this is no ending, but the eye.

    1. Chevaleresse


      Just dropped a Thunderlord?

    2. KingRyan
  22. hey gamers, i need to ask a serious question. has anyone here actually bought, used, and succeeded using the 6 pack shortcuts thing? it seems somewhat tempting, but i don't want to spend 100 dollars if i can get just as good a workout on my rowing machine

    1. Nova


      Most programs that offer things like that are scams. I wouldn't buy it. especially if you already have a rowing machine. Using the rowing machine and doing jogs is way better to get you fit.

  23. GAAAAAAAAHHHH MY HAND! i got another blister. however, it's in the one sport that needed to be callused up b4 i could row without any major difficulties. i eagerly await it healing. honestly, it doesn't seem as bad as my previous 3

  24. how come there is never a place where we can buy great balls?

    1. BreezyPonie


      Pokeballs are better anyway.

    2. Shamitako
  25. so beldum, we meet again!

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