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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. nightfall and heroic strike done, today and yesterdays bounties finished. daily event and daily mission taken care of. mount runs and garrison tending complete. no homework in sight. 2 more days of relaxation on the way. pinch me now, i must be dreaming.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      2 MONTHS like that will begin for me on tuesday, but I need to pass a crucial exam at university first...

  2. hey guys, i just had this tough. You know for kiki's disease thingy, there is no cure? what about that cure-all medicine thing made from a chansy's egg that we give to anna? cure-all my ass.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Damiano


      Don't worry, I'm in the process of trading my soul to Giratina for hers. Who knew a pokemon without hands could have so much paperwork.

    3. KingRyan
    4. TurboAura


      @Damiano: The paperwork is to keep Arceus from stepping in.

      And yeah, how far DO diseases work in the pokemon world? Hmm...

  3. hey guys, is the internet ending or something? i just saw an add that was like...cast your vote, save net neutrality.

  4. my teachers phone got a text in the middle of a practice lockdown. XD ironically enough, the text was from the teacher of my next class XD

  5. waiting for the chatot to let me out of the cage.....tick tock tick tock.

    1. Damiano


      Cuz fuck Fern!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Another Felix
    3. Damiano


      ^One of these things is not like the other~

    4. laggless01


      Someone has been rapping too hot...

  7. by dual i mean dual spec. a term more or less used in wow and things where classes have more than 2 specs. I am trying to level up and max out both specs b/c void walker and sun singer r very different play styles so to speak.
  8. ahhhhhhhh these hands! i rowed for an hour yesterday. burned 500 calories, and rowed 10,000 meters, and gave myself 2 giant blisters on my hands, and it's in the place where bandages are useless. any ideas for a fix?

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Can't tell you about your current situation. But in the future, get workout gloves.


    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Episode 14.5. Was an error I made when changing the movesets to ORAS for episode 14. PM me your save file and I'll give it double kick for you.

    2. KingRyan


      well then. i'm actually fine, i have a handful of heart scales so i'll be ok. just got past the tan growth for the first time so i'll just make it go relearn, thx for the offer tho :)

  10. hey guys, it's KingRyan here, searching for a clan or something of some sort for destiny. I play on xbox one, but i am non-console biased. I love the game, and i play a dual-lock, lvl 31, working on my void walker spec atm. Hope i ca find some friends to talk about the game with here I have: Max Icebreaker, plan c, invective, super good advice, no land beyond, thorn bounty, bad juju bounty, dire skull of ahmkara, and helm of saint 14. My brother plays a dual-titan, he's maxed striker, and working on defender, and he has the saint 14, and no land beyond, but we share everything. I love debating, theorizing, and chatting, and fanboy-ing, and i love pve. i don't mind pvp, but it's not my favourite. one of my favourite theories is that: we found the traveler on mars b/c it was trapping the heart of darkness there. that is why the forces of darkness came hunting us down, b/c we trapped their god.
  11. hey guys, i just had a thought. is there a forum thread anywhere that contains the whole, current reborn story? like, a story of what happens, with the protagonist being the main character, and like, all the ongoings? total spoilers, but does it exists? i would want it so that i could go and reminisce in the reborn glory w/o having to play the game, or if i couldn't play the game

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CURIE


      You know, I've seen requests for something like this ever since Shofu's playthrough of the game came back. Maybe I should look into giving it a try or something...

    3. KingRyan


      Like, it would be a locked forum, only the assigned moderator could post, and post several times, one for each new chapter. And like, we could have a main story section, and a side quest story section where i.e. we save the mudkip and find beldum. people who would be looking for this would clearly be looking for spoilers

    4. Commander


      I probably could do one or the other in the creative writing section.

  12. Question. Should we bas our lives around efficiency? Why or why not?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      Fuck no. It would have been more efficient to just type no, I just like swearing and axaggerating

    3. RubyHeart


      Certain aspects, yes. All of it, no.

    4. KingRyan


      I suppose you all are right. every matter, regardless of how you approach it, should be observed first, and then react appropriately. Efficiency should be put in place in certain scenarios, as should subtlety, and class, an etc.

  13. Tm09

    1. BreezyPonie
    2. Shamitako


      Do I need to get the Search Bar thread? owo

    3. RubyHeart


      rip search bar

  14. hey reborn, i have been gone for quite a while, focusing on school, and destiny, and wow, and i guess i just lost interest for awhile, but herring some glitchxcity music reminded me just how much fun this game is. I'll be back very soon....as soon as i'm done my physics homework XD

    1. Maelstrom


      Destiny? Which console?

    2. KingRyan


      xbone. now b4 anyone starts criticizing, i would have possibly gotten a ps4, IF my brother wasn't such a hater of the play station for no reason.

  15. omg you would not believe how nerd rage-ey people get about destiny. it's hilarious

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      So no... I can hella believe it.

    3. Simon


      ^ This so much.

    4. Cepheus


      I know those kind of people... because I am one of them (well not about Destiny because I don't play it^^)

  16. took my chem exam...my grade 12 chem exam.....the haze has lifted from my eyes...this nightmare.....is finally over.

  17. killed by the chemistry. if you don't see me past tomorrow, may i r.i.p. in pepperonis.

    1. krim


      I know the feeling. Im in my second year of chem and its pretty much the class I hate most.

  18. QUESTION! If someone wins the goomy/dratini, are they allowed to gift it to someone else as a gift? or like......trade it to someone for reborn rupees?
  19. i am SO glad i can read leetspeak, cuz the stuffs in the materrix is funny as hell

  20. HEY can someone help me? I'm a bit confused as to what i'm supposed to do after i met Nunya B. Snes, and then shelly said she was gonna go do something, so my first thought was to go challenge terra. Is this right, and if not, can anyone point me in the right direction? i don't want flat our answer, go here, do this, etc. I just want a little hint so it will still be fun

    1. KingRyan


      gotcha. thx m8

    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      This was at that one house with the PULSE, right? In this case, you should go outside and look around in this little town a bit. Talk to someone, maybe you´ll find someone or hear something ^^

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Whoops. Sry, thought my hint was giving away too much, so I wrote it a bit different ;3

  21. i has a question. when we get access to legendaries, will we immediately have a way to mega evolve them/ primal revert them? like, when i catch groudon, can i immediately go on the quest to go get the red orb? or teach rayquaza dragon ascent when we catch him?
  22. we actually did it. whoa......can we all get.....like, victory titles or something?? like, first annual winners of pza or something?
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