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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. so. The swap breed method definitely works. Honedge down, 2 to go. Litwik and Wimpod to go

    1. Xemnas007


      Kindly enlighten me with what and how did it work on getting Honedge!?

  2. SO within a few hours i have found a shiny vulpix and a shiny mareanie :D now i have bread my foresight sneasel and it's time to hunter for Gastly

  3. i wonder if Burnie's kids call Ashley mom or ashley. 

  4. unnggghhh the rwby fan base breaks my heart (and not in sad way)

  5. now that my legendary warlock deck is complete (featuring illidan, Malchezar, Mal'Ganis and Jaraxxus) i find it to be really fun again. :D

    1. MrLGFD


      It does sound like a fun deck!


  6. I feel like a RWBY rpg would do better than a beat em up game, no? 

    1. Fabled Asian

      Fabled Asian

      I personally enjoyed the hack and slash, but it really could've been more fleshed out rather than go to this spot to kill a mob.

  7. Question, does anyone think Qrow is really going to die? going back and watching the older episodes, i realize just how much i love his character. He is almost like a cheekier Shadow the Hedgehog (whom i also adore). With the amount of love everyone gives him, i don't think Miles can kill him off. Hopefully he will just be put out of commission for a little while. 

    1. Enkhidu


      I think is too soon, I mean we nearly know nothing of team STRQ... And I feel that Qrow still has a lot of things to do/say, but anything can happen to be honest.

  8. Inb4 infinite Deez Nutz Zenyatta memes

  9. SO! I blitzed back up to the top and Can confirm, regardless of who you choose to fight once you first get to the battle tree, You will face Red once you reach the 20th battle of the regular single battle tree run, and you will face Blue once you reach the 20th battle of the regular double run. After i beat red, he appeared right outside the Battle Tree (Literally couldn't miss him unless you were blind) and when you talk to him, the gives you the 4 Kanto Starter Mega Stones. Now to somehow acquire a Charizard....
  10. Yea, i fought Red at the base of the tree at first. Time to blitz back to the top.
  11. So Sejiren, When i stormed through the Normal Doubles with my Buzzwole, Garchomp, Nihilego and Kartana, i found Blue at the end and stomped his ass. According to you, Red could also appear in his stead? What about anyone else? B/c frankly i want myself a Charizard.
  12. Hey Guys In my attempts to maximize my story team, i have come across in serebii's data page, that it is possible to obtain The Venesuarite, Both Charizardite X and Y, and Blastoiseite from Red within the battle tree. But why, if we cannot yet obtain Any of the Kanto starters? Which leads me to my 2 questions. 1) Has anyone found any way, other than through generating one in game, to obtain any of the Kanto Starters? 2) Has anyone actually faced and defeated Red in the Battle tree, and gotten one of these stones? If so, how far did you have to go, what was your team comp, and what stone did you get?
  13. Mechanical Engineering Final in a half an hour! Send me your POOOWWUUUUURRRRRR! ha! I'm a poet and i didn't even know it. 

  14. KingRyan

    Axew egg

    IIRC (and this is a big if) you can get an axew egg as one of 18 random eggs from a police officer for a growlithe. But the one seen on route 3 is currently inaccessible within current game parameters. But there are....other ways.
  15. I feel like Lin is sort of like Wrathion almost. They don't really differentiate between strength and power. Lin's pokemon have a lot of power (presumably, we haven't actually faced her) but i feel like she is weak. She broke, and tried to become strong again. "Strength and Power are as different as sun and moon." - Xuen, the white tiger. 

  16. Tonight is my last night before i enter a 2 week study frenzy in preparations for my exams.

  17. Pokemon Adventure team: Aegislash: the Knight, Blaziken: The Fighter, Decidueye: The Archer, Greninja: The Thief/Assassin, Delphox: The Sorceress, Audino: The Cleric

  18. Lunge, or Leech Life for Buzzwole?

    1. Bearadactyl


      Leech Life for sure.

    2. Sonikku



  19. Any tips on the battle tree? I need some Garchomp-ite

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      You'll want at least one of them, because you WILL run in to legendary Pokémon while running through the tree.

      I have a preference for Nihilego, myself.

    3. KingRyan


      Oh shit, we can use ultra beasts??!!!

    4. Bearadactyl


      Hell yeah, dude.

  20. Is it possible to find "Unobtainable Pokemon" using the poke pelage? Also! Is there any way someone could potentially get me a Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken w/ speed boost and Blazikenite in sun and moon? This is why i ask about the poke-pelago.

  21. Is it possible to find "Unobtainable Pokemon" using the poke pelago

  22. 2 THINGS: A) SOMEONE STOLE MY FUCKIN BIKE TIRE! NOT EVEN MY WHOLE BIKE! JUST THE FRONT TIRE!! 2) I think Ditto should only appear as a pokemon you have already registered in your dex. I can only imagine potentially being picked by ditto like "Holy fuck a Dragonite! AH #$&^()@$ it's just a ditto." Either that, or only have ditto disguise itself as "trash mons" Like Pidgey, Rattatata, Spearow, Zubat, etc.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      if I recall correctly, ditto does only appear as rattata, pidgey, zubat and magikarp. I at least havent found any yet that werent disguised as rattata, pidgey or magikarp.

    2. laggless01


      Commonplace in student cities, people steal what's loose enough to take away. Saddles for example get stolen too sometimes.

    3. Alistair


      Front tires and saddles are literally the easiest things to steal on a bike. Sorry mate

  23. GUYS, I JUST FOUND A SHINY BONSLY! didn't even mean to! was just S.O.S. chaining to try and find a Soodowoodo

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