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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. Ok, has anyone seen the (what looks to be) axew egg while passing through the cave on the way to calcenon/labradora? I KNOW that axew is gonna make an appearance there, and hopefully soon.

  2. uunnnnnggghhhh why the f*** is my schools air condition broken. its too cold for september.

    1. zimvader42


      At least you got cold weather. I now in college spend 6+hours a day with 64 people in a closed room with almost 32ºC and what do we have against heat? A fan.

  3. DANCE DANCE INFILTRATION! If anyone wants to discuss the newest rwby, just comment. I'm sure SOME of you have something to say after all this,

    1. TurboAura


      So we finally get a reason why Yang and Ruby have different last names, as well as seeing Ruby complain about dresses, Blake losing her stress levels, and some ships be 'smashed' and sailing.

    2. Kaito


      Team JNPR stole the fucking show.

    3. RasenShot


      I was about to rage at Jaune yet AGAIN, but he seemed to finally get his shit together. So glad that happened.

  4. seeing as what happened this chapter, i ain't gonna directly point it out, but can we PLEEEEAAAAAAASE PUT FERN UNDER TERRA'S HAMMER NOW? OH! HEY! kind of an important comment here. Not sure if this was intended or is a bug, but i got my 5th dpt store sticker, but when i beat episode 13, and went BACK to the dpt store, i could only go up to floor 3. anyone else having the same problem, or just me? Please try not to double post, friend. ~ B. Guardian
  6. QUESTION! not sure if anyone has asked this question yet (and honestly, i don't want to check 31 pages of replies XD) in regards to some details with zorua. Finding it: Zorua can be found AFTER that alleys pokemon has been dealt with (be it caught, killed, etc) It's basically a 2nd version of that pokemon, but better. Ex: for the alleyway in the obsidia ward, where you find zigzagoon, zorua (disguised as zigzagoon) will be ruffling in another bag over on the left. So once you capture all the pokemon in the alleyways, zorua will be discovered in that pokemon's place, and under the same conditions. Zorua CAN only be found at night, (Like the others? unsure if all other alleyway pokemon spawn at night.) So no use hunting during the day. The Event Pokemon that can be discovered in alleyways: Zigzagoon (Obsidia), Zangoose (Northern Peridot, but then moves to the other alleyway trashcans), Murkrow (Aqua Gang Alleyway). Note: Zorua disguised as murkrow will be in the magma alleyway. Engaging Zorua: This is the part I want help with. What the problem is that I am unsure what triggers the battle with zorua, finding it repeatedly across the alleyways of reborn OR rng. SO, i want to know if you simply have to chase it between alleyways X number of times, OR if you can find it once, and then save your game and just save and quit until it engages you. Anyone know the answer?
  7. unnnngggghhhh this friday has gone to hell. My advanced functions teacher practically ruins every class due to the way he teaches and i feel like i'm not learning anything at all, and i need like 90% or more. anyone have any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Don't listen to the talking fruit in this instance, because I can tell you from my own experiences, without a shadow of a doubt that choosing to "Tough it out" is a huge mistake in this situation. it only makes the problem worse. here's what I suggest: Ask your teacher for exrta help if you don't understand something, and if that doesn't help, find a tutor, preferebaly someone who will do it for free (Ex. say you know someone who tutors) or at a low price (Like 20...

    3. Sutoratosu
    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Or you could do that. Still, I'd rather tough it out.

  8. School starts up in 4 Days. Is anyone else sad/disappointed summer is over? I guess i tried to make the best of mine. Anyone got any cool stories about there's? :P

    1. Sutoratosu


      I spent my time making stories with friends. I can not complain.

      Twas a summer well spent this solar cycle

    2. HolyKnight


      my summer was a sad/fun one. The sad part is that i lost a friend. The fun one is that i beat the shit out of many people, her male friend. Had sex whit the elder daughter of the car salesman of Denver, also had it whit my psychology female teacher (that ruined my semester but was worth it)

  9. School starts up in 4 Days. Is anyone else sad/disappointed summer is over? I guess i tried to make the best of mine. Anyone got any cool stories about there's? :P

  10. I personally really prefer dragons. So much lore and power held in a single being, and so much potential for story. But personally, my favorite is Zekrom. A hand to hand fighter with incredible manoeuvrability and power, as well as being a deity of ideals. Few things are more fearsome than a lightning storm, and none more awe inspiring.
  11. A topic i'm sure more of us will want to see. Stickers. Currently, we can get to floor 5/obtain 4 stickerz. Will we get another one? Or maybe 2? (Highly doubtful of 2) Edit: Just remembered that, based on what Simon (the Ex team meteor guy) said, Terra's (his now dead partner) remains are at the bottom of the hidden cove. Based on the fact that we can obtain both surf and dive next chapter, i'm betting we could get Terra's dog tags (or something of the sort) and we will obtain some sort of reward from simon. hopefully a sticker
  12. So....wait. Episode 13 is out now? Or not until sometime next week? I've ben itching for a chance at a new episode, and I'm psyched to know that a new now is just around the corner!
  13. DUDE! Surf incoming! Can't wait. Ok, now who wants to make bets on what pseudo legendary we'll get? I'm betting we can find a baby larvitar in the mountains. Maybe, not to take a really sad turn, but one who's mother has just died, and we have to save it from the a**hole mamoswine (or other badass ice type) that killed it's mother? I think that would be an AWESOME way to get another one. Getting Beldum was just ridiculous. I'd rather have more sense to getting the next one, instead of riding a tauros up a f***ing ladder.

    1. derekwst3





  17. @Ame I can definitely confirm this. I just bought some. A side note tho, the full text can't fit into the bag, so it looks kinda funny. i just bought as much as I could, which was a full stack probably better used as a friendship enhancer than a health item.
  18. I've been gone from the front lines of reborn for some time now. Benn playing other games plus it was my (albeit, sickish) birthday, i think i'm ready to hop back into reborn, and learn it's secrets once more.

    1. Fezzdog


      happy belated birthday then!

  19. Hdouken

    1. Bluewolf


      ITS POWER IS OVER 0009!

    2. Maelstrom
  20. ShatteredSkys! Reveal to me your secrets! What is this hyper potion stash you claim to know of?....Please
  21. @Wander It's just that as this time, I have exams next week, so I don't have a ton of time, so i'm kind of getting impatient with grinding.
  22. @ Kaiser That is actually a really good idea. VINNY! Is there any way we can have some kind of list?
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