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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. Can there be a mini game at the carnival where we battle Fern, and if he looses, we put him under Terra's hammer? Pleeeeeeaaaaase????
  2. Well then We will have to stick to our Beldums.
  3. @Tcaps, well Now i feel screwed because this game is so addicting, and my exams are next week DX
  4. I wonder if there IS any possibility that some pseudo-legendaries have been added, yet the available pokemon page has not been updated yet...
  5. There needs to be a place before facing Luna and Bennet for training your pokemon, because level 52 Cows and Bufalo's r just not doing it when i have to go up against level 60-65 poke's. Especially when main parts of the team are obtained at 7th street.
  6. @ mashonem 50 Shades of done? And oh my god, this looks so funny. Can't wait for episode 12 and all it bring. I want my shiny luxray sprite!
  7. KingRyan

    Joltik and beldum

    So as of 11 you can no longer get Beldum??
  8. KingRyan


    Any hints as to what's inside?
  9. KingRyan


    Hey, i have pokesnacks, and rats still won't come with me. Any ideas?
  10. KingRyan


    Quick Thought. Does candy help your pokemon grow friendly? I remember a quote from an npc that said something about candy and friendly (They were in the same sentence at least) Does this mean that if we feed our pokemon 20+ Common candies they will love us? Because I don't need a high level chimeco, i just need one to get my bulbasaur.
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